Termoderevo for a country house: the benefits of the material


After heat treatment, wood becomes more resistant to external influences and serves longer. These qualities are especially valuable when using the material outside the house.

Termoderevo for a country house: the benefits of the material 10540_1

Termoderevo for Street

Photo: Lunawood.

Termoderevo for Street

Photo: Lunawood

Practical advantages

If you compare the usual and heat-treated wood, then the latter absorbs less moisture. Therefore, products made from such material are less deformed. Due to the reduction in the amount of moisture in them to 4-6%, they increase the stability of geometric sizes in them. The walls of the walls, floor boards, doors and windows, other products practically do not respond to fluctuations in humidity and temperature so significantly as objects and finishing materials from ordinary wood. Door boxes exactly match the door canvases, and windows without much effort open throughout the year.

Termoderevo for Street

Photo: Thermory.

Termoderevo for Street

Photo: Lunawood

In addition, high temperatures make wood more hard. However, at the same time, it slightly loses the strength to bending and elasticity. Various microorganisms (fungi, mold) do not find a sufficient volume of nutrients needed for livelihoods, which, however, is very detrimental to the tree. Therefore, the biological durability of thermoderev is ten times higher than usual. Products from "hardened" material will serve longer even without the traditional use of protective compositions. Judge for yourself, at the flooring for the terraces, which are subject to strong wear of the surface and must withstand heavy loads, the service life reaches two tens of years!

Termoderevo for Street

Photo: "Narcarket Trade"

Termoderevo for Street

Photo: Lunawood

Wooden facades of country houses and economic structures are subject to aggressive climatic exposure. Because of this, the external sheaving plank is often changing the size, they begin to piss, it is breached, and as a result, you need a bulkhead. Heatroced boards are beneficially distinguished by constant geometry, and the finish of the facade, decorated with this very practical material, will be more stable.

Termoderevo for Street

Photo: Thermory.

Relief or smooth heat-treated boards constitute a worthy competition with polymeric and composite planks. They are used in balconies, street terraces, for the arrangement of garden tracks, the construction of bridges in close proximity to water. For this take rather massive boards with a thickness of 22 to 38 mm. In addition, a garden modular parquet is made of thermoderev. These are prefabricated elements from wooden tables, fixed on a plastic basis. It is gratifying that for mounting the elements of the outer sheat, the coatings on the terraces and the garden does not need special knowledge and skills. To do this, there are enough tools used to work with finishing from ordinary tree.

Decorative properties

Termoderevo for Street

Photo: Lunawood.

Increased temperature changes not only consumer quality wood. Its natural color turns into a more saturated and dark. Thermoclane, thermonic, thermobuch acquire beautiful brown, dark red shades. The attractiveness and even the nobility of the usual breed becomes comparable to the overseas exotic. Modern technologies allow you to get even the desired colors and shades. For which special processing modes are needed.

Termoderevo for Street

Photo: Thermory.

Despite the improved properties of the thermal extension, manufacturers advise to process it with wax, butter, apply lacquer or paint, which includes protection against ultraviolet radiation. Although it is permissible to use and unprocessed thermal extension. But be prepared for the fact that in this case its chocolate brown shade will gradually change to gray, with the immutability of useful properties. It is possible to restore the original color by grinding the surface and processing with special solutions, and only the protective composition will help to save it.

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