6 errors during cleaning that make all


Do you want home to be perfectly clean? Then do not allow these errors!

6 errors during cleaning that make all 10575_1

1 Clear without a system

During cleaning, you are torn out of the corner in the corner and grab about different things? Most likely, your cleaning is either stretched for several days, or its result remains far from ideal.


Photo: Unsplash.

Before proceeding with cleaning, check out the action plan: from which room will begin where to move on, as you will be cleared in the room - you can, for example, start and move down or remove the room clockwise. With the system cleaning will be faster and easier.

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2 postpone cleaning for one day


Photo: Pixabay.

Because of this, the house turns into Augean stables that need long and hard to obey. It is much easier to pay cleaning for 20 minutes every day.

Effectively also make a rule 2 two minutes: any cleaning task that can be done during this time do immediately.

Here you will see, the volume of work on cleaning will be minimal.

  • Cleaning the living room in 20 minutes: checklist from 7 cases that will help refresh the room

3 Clear superficial

The meaning of cleaning is not only that the house looks clean, but also it is clean. Otherwise, dust and dirt that are digging in the rooms will harm your health.


Photo: Unsplash.

Get out carefully, do not ignore the hard-to-reach surfaces: the floor under the sofa, the surface of the cabinets.

Here are some things about which often forget during cleaning:

  • Bin. It needs to be washed at least once a week.
  • Soft toys and sofa pillows. They need to be periodically vacuuming.
  • Blinds, books, leaf of houseplants. They need to fit dust.
  • Boxes. Inside them, dust accumulates not very quickly, but over time she still appears. And it needs to be removed.

By the way, for many sophisticated surfaces have already invented special devices. For example, there is a special brush for blinds.

Brush for shutters

Brush for blinds. Photo: Aliexpress

4 Do not clean the vacuum cleaner

The apparatus with a scored dust collector almost does not draw dust.

a vacuum cleaner

Photo: Unsplash.

Do not forget to spend cleaning from time to time - otherwise you will do the work.

5 Use one rag for all rooms

In this way, you can transfer microbes from one room to another (for example, from the bathroom to the kitchen). It is better to start rags and sponges for each room and for different surfaces.

Ragged from microfiber

Ragged from microfiber. Photo: Aliexpress

6 Wash windows on a sunny day

Do you think, in a calf day, it's time to wash the windows? And here is not - because of the sun on the glass there may be divorces.


Photo: Instagram Comodekz

So it is better to wash the windows in cloudy weather.

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