10 tips for those who make up the interior in colonial style


European practicality and ethnic identity is a combination for many years inspiring designers and decorators of the whole world. If you also like the situation, reflecting the best features of the colonial period of the colonial period, our advice will probably use you.

10 tips for those who make up the interior in colonial style 10592_1

1 Create a warm neutral background

The interior in the colonial style is usually saturated with a variety of decorative parts, textured materials and motley fabrics. Of course, the manifold is simply vital to the neutral background. As a rule, it is made in warm beige, brown, pastel colors, but options in white color and close shades are possible.

Colonial style interior: photo

Photo: Instagram Jilfond3000909

2 Use natural materials

The colonial style interior involves the use of a variety of variety of natural materials in the design: it can be a tree, stone, clay, copper, wool, silk, leather, flax and many others. Thanks to this manifold, a unique feeling of comfort is created, the situation looks like a textured, volumetric and very status.

Colonial style interior: photo

Photo: Instagram GIVIEVECHY

Not to mention the fact that natural materials never come out of fashion and create a favorable microclimate indoors.

3 Choose motley fabrics

Motley textiles with ethnic motifs is what is needed for the colonial interior.

Colonial style interior: photo

Photo: Instagram Bearhuggies62

4 Do not skimp on textiles

Textiles in the colonial interior should be quite a lot: carpets and paths, sofa pillows, tablecloths, curtains, blankets ... Do not save on this moment: Textiles creates comfort and supports the desired atmosphere, and inexpensive low-quality fabrics immediately rush and spoil the total Picture (remember: colonial style - not cheap).

Colonial style interior: photo

Photo: Instagram Saltandpeppermag

5 Let the light into the house

Colonial style exists not only in interior design, but also in architecture. And assumes the presence of large windows, let's have a lot of sunlight. In a typical apartment, get such windows is unlikely to come out, but you can try to increase natural lighting: mirrors, light walls, and metal, glossy and glass surfaces will help this. Well, of course, you should not climb the windows with several rows of tight curtains, hire a minimum of drapery and prefer to the porters that have a sufficient amount of light into the room.

Colonial style interior: photo

Photo: Instagram Baharev.ru

6 Add more plants

The ideal alignment corresponding to the colonial style and the most harmoniously complementing it, the magnificent vegetation outside the windows, pleasing the gaze all year round. If your band has only to dream about such a lane, add more room plants to the interior. The tropical options will be perfectly fit - a variety of palm trees and ferns, a fashionable monster will have to "go to the yard".

Colonial style interior: photo

Photo: Instagram Villastinteriors

7 Boil without explicit signs of time

A trendy refrigerator or a huge TV screen in the whole wall, alas, it is unlikely to harmoniously fit into the bowl in the colonial style. Try to carefully hide the signs of our high-tech era in the interior. Built-in household appliances and accessories helping to hide the wires. And also advice on how to hide the television in the interior.

Colonial style interior: photo

Photo: Instagram Vostokart

8 Refer to an unexpected decor

At one time, the colonial houses were filled with a wide variety of decor: it could be exotic weapons, masks, hats, ethnic carpets and weaving, dishes, figurines and objects of a cult.

Colonial style interior: photo

Photo: Instagram Bearhuggies62

Take note, all these items will definitely add charm to your colonial style interior; By the way, you can also acquire a good tradition to bring unusual decorative accessories from foreign trips.

Colonial style interior: photo

Photo: Instagram LisicHestwo

9 Make a luxury element

Another sign of the interior in the colonial style is a very opaque hint of wealth and luxury. Gorgeous chandelier in the center of the ceiling? Excellent! Brass or gold-plated furniture fittings? Wonderful! Furniture from valuable wood wood? What you need!

Colonial style interior: photo

Photo: Instagram The.Real.mag.giesheph.erd

10 Add tropical and animal motifs

At the same time, explicit signs of luxury in the colonial interior are perfectly getting along with tropical motifs and animal prints (of course, in dosage quantities, you should not cut down all the floors of the skins).

Colonial style interior: photo

Photo: Instagram ML_DOORS

Eclectically, attractively and stylish - perhaps it is these qualities that help the colonial style to stay in the trend and in our time ...

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