How to insulate the walls of the house: Choosing Materials and Installation Technology


Make the thermal insulation by the very power of the novice master. But, if you miss important nuances, the building will quickly cool, the mold will appear inside, and the outer decoration can fly after a couple of years. We tell how to do everything right.

How to insulate the walls of the house: Choosing Materials and Installation Technology 10603_1

Wall insulation: basic information

First, consider what today the market is rich in materials suitable for thermal insulation:

  • Extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS, known under the commercial name of Penopelex),
  • Styrofoam,
  • mineral wool,
  • Polyurethan (PPU),
  • cellulose.

How to insulate the walls of the house: Choosing Materials and Installation Technology 10603_2
How to insulate the walls of the house: Choosing Materials and Installation Technology 10603_3

How to insulate the walls of the house: Choosing Materials and Installation Technology 10603_4


How to insulate the walls of the house: Choosing Materials and Installation Technology 10603_5


You can warm the walls both from the inside and outside.


Photo: Instagram Fasadof____

Pluses of external insulation:

  1. Protection of walls from adverse weather conditions
  2. all moisture remains outside and does not penetrate inside
  3. It does not eat the useful area in the house,
  4. Good sound insulation from street noise.

Minus - the dependence of the workflow from the weather.


Photo: Instagram EdverCompany

Pros of internal heat insulation:

  1. allows you to save the outdoor decor of the house if the owners do not want or do not have the ability to dismantle it,
  2. You can warm the living rooms if there is no access to the outer walls (the tightening rains or the apartment is in the high-rise building).

There are at least three minutes of this option: the useful area of ​​the premises is reduced, fungus and mold may appear, "naked" walls from the side of the street are affected.


Photo: Instagram Izzystroy

So, facade insulation is preferable. It better protects the house from temperature jumps, prevents the effects of moisture, frost and sun on the building, supports optimal humidity inside. Mounting materials inside and outside are not different.


Photo: Instagram Tihonov.Vitalick

Heat Review


As for his masters, opposite opinions. Someone considers this type of thermal insulation most effective of existing ones. Someone, on the contrary, is confident that there is no place on the facades of polystyrene foam.


Photo: Instagram Nadegniy

One of the arguments in favor of this - on the surface of Plenoplax there is a paraffin-polymer film that prevents good adhesion with finishing materials. Therefore, the decorative finish can quickly "fly", especially if before plastering does not close the surface of Penoplas. They put him in guilt and moisture resistance and greenhouse effect in the house. This is really a minus, which should smooth out a well-thought-out ventilation system.



Pleisters Penoplax claims that there are special plaster mixes that have a substance that is well penetrated into the structure of the material.

Among its positive properties, there is a low thermal conductivity, human health safety, strength (Polyeplex may drive and not leave visible damage), resistance to microorganisms, long service life and all the same 100% moisture resistance: EPPS fully blocks the flow of dampness from outside .


Photo: Instagram


Close brother of Penoplas, they are produced from the same raw materials, but in different technologies. The foam is very fragile, absolutely not "breathing", it is capable of absorbing a lot of moisture and quickly destroys the sun if it is not covered with nothing. However, it is good in its own way: cheap, easy, absorbs noise, protects against cold and easy to install.


Photo: Instagram vankevich_siarhei

But for wooden houses it is categorically not suitable: they can start rot. And if you live near the fields, where many rodents live, it is better to consider other insulation: they love to live mice in the foam.

For facades you need to use the material on which the "speaking" marking with the letter "F".

Mineral wool

It happens stone (made from granite, basalt, porphyritis), slag (metallurgy waste) and glass (glass production residues, plus soda, limestone, dolomite and bora).

Stone is a favorite, since it gives a qualitative and durable result, it is considered the most environmentally friendly of all, although it has phenolic binders in its composition.


Photo: Instagram Fasady_Belarusus

The slag is often used to insulate the sheds and garages than houses, since its service life is not very large.



Glasswater is resistant to ignition, so it is optimal to put in wooden buildings.



Minvata protects well from damp if it is properly picking up: it should be a dense wall material for external work, with moisture-proof impregnation. If these conditions are observed, it does not interfere with normal air circulation and steam, with moisture inside it does not accumulate, the material does not repense, and the condensate in the premises almost does not occur.


Photo: Instagram Fasade_Maykop

Also a wool is resistant to ignition, and when heated does not highlight toxins. There are acoustic species that are well exposed a sound barrier.

She has a minus, perhaps, one: there are questions to the environmental friendliness of the material. He albeit in small quantities, but phenol formaldehyde resins is distinguished. Rospotrebnadzor argues that in the minimum dose they are harmless, but some people still prefer other insulation.


Photo: Instagram Fasade_Maykop

Polyurene Foolder

By chemical composition, it is similar to the foam rubber, but produce it in liquid form. In the decoration it began to apply recently. It has all the above-mentioned properties of other thermal insulation materials. In addition, rodents and insects do not perceive it. And due to the lack of joints, protective properties at height. Also, the PU is attributed to excellent grip with almost any surfaces.

But that the characteristics of the material do not deteriorate, it is necessary to clearly comply with the technology of application, and this is not always simple.


Photo: Instagram Uteplenie_PPU_KRASNODAR


It is called eco-eyed, because it consists of 80% of the processed waste paper, impregnated with an antiseptic - boric acid. There is still an antipyrene - to reduce the level of flammability. By thermal conductivity is identical to other types of WAT.



However, cellulose absorbs water, and if you break the technology of installation, its properties will deteriorate. In addition, it is very bulky and uncomfortable in work. For durability, like any natural material, can give up "synthetics".


Photo: Instagram Ekovatatomsk

Wall insulation methods

Experts allocate three main options for insulation of walls outside.

The first is called the "wet facade." The insulation is attached to the outer wall, then shuffled.


Photo: Instagram

The second is the construction of walls consisting of three non-ventilated layers. On the first of them, the insulation is fixed, then leaving a small airbag and build another wall thick in the brick.


Photo: Instagram ENCON.CO.UK

Third - ventilated facades. The insulation is attached to windproof, and from above - siding or other decorative material.


Photo: Instagram ZiasFacadesystem

Preparation of walls to insulation

If the house is not new, you need to remove the entire finish, including plaster. Then the walls are aligned: the depressions are sealed with a solution, the bulges are shone.

After cleansing the wall from the small garbage on it pass in the primer of deep penetration.

Next, you need to attach the plumbers at the top - for them later you will be checked how far the insulation is to lay out.


Photo: Instagram Fasade_Maykop 3

Insulation Polyeplex and foam

Usually they are used for brick, block and concrete walls. The surface should be dry, especially in the case of foam.

Sheets stick, well climbing to the wall. It is desirable not to be limited to the plumbing and progress, attaching the horizontal bar below. According to it, the first row will be easier. For reliability, you can double the insulation with dowels - "fungi" in the center and in the corners.


Photo: Instagram Stepmaster_omsk

The second and subsequent rows can be glued as the first layer is set with the displacement of the joint (like brickwork). The seams cover the reinforcing ribbon, and the finished wall is a plaster grid. Penoplex can be "sanding" needle roller to improve the grip of the finishing materials with it.


Photo: instagram

Then the wall is so ground, plaster and give the facade a decorative look.

Mineral wool insulation

There is no way to do without a wooden or metal crate, as it is in the frame cells that the Minvata is stacked. Moreover, the distance between the rails should be slightly less than the width of the plates.



Reiki go vertically and horizontally to wool not savage. It can also be mounted with dowels - "fungi" as a foam. From above, stels a vapor barrier membrane, be sure to flax at 10 cm on the joints. Fix it with a stapler or bilateral scotch.


Photo: Instagram Timatalo

The second layer of the crate over vaporizolation will create an air gap between the insulation and the finish (and then the ventilated facade will be obtained) for reliable moisture removal.

Insulation polyurethane foam

Under it is also needed a doom, however, enough vertical racks. The material is produced in liquid form in the cylinders, from which it is then sprayed onto the walls under pressure. Very soon, in about half an hour, the foam increases in size and harden. Surplus need to cut.

How to insulate the walls of the house: Choosing Materials and Installation Technology 10603_30
How to insulate the walls of the house: Choosing Materials and Installation Technology 10603_31

How to insulate the walls of the house: Choosing Materials and Installation Technology 10603_32

Photo: Instagram Uteplenie_PPU_KRASNODAR

How to insulate the walls of the house: Choosing Materials and Installation Technology 10603_33

Photo: Instagram Uteplenie_PPU_KRASNODAR

In addition, PPUs are used when the owners decide to additionally insulate the house without removing the finish. Polyurethane foam is poured between the outer wall and the trim.


Photo: Instagram

Cellulose insulation

Equodatu is manually putting hard, especially on vertical surfaces: it is too bulk. Previously, the material is shifted into a large container, it is pulled using a mixer or perforator and the hands are placed in the frame cell.



Construction firms use compressors that make EcoWhat. They have and installations that wet the material with water and allow you to spray it on the wall. It is much faster than putting himself, but high qualifications are required for uniform application from the masters.


Photo: Instagram Fiberwood

Finishing walls inside

Any insulation from above must be covered with a reinforcing grid. And further - to go through it with a special solution intended for a particular type of insulation. After drying - no earlier than a day - the surface can be swallowed and projected. And only after that proceed to the decorative design of the walls.


Photo: Instagram Vitaliytsilo

About the main mistakes that builders are allowed when insulating at home, look in the video.

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