Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials


Paint and tile in the bathroom are ideal partners. Due to this combination, the design is obtained not only stylish, but also budget. We are talking about the intricacies of work with these materials.

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_1

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials

The combination of tiles and paints in the bathroom is a solution that has time to become a classic. Both coatings are not afraid of moisture, steam and are known for their wear resistance. We tell how to stylish the design of the bathroom with the help of these materials.

All about the trim of the bathroom Tile and paint

Choosing materials

- Paint

- Tile

- than supplement

Methods combinations

- in the same zone

- Horizontal laying

- figured

How to combine colors

Choosing materials

Designers today are rarely limited to the trim of the bathroom with one material. Several coatings create a dynamics and give design: you can select certain zones and adjust the proportions of the room.


Find the right paint is easy. Water-emulsion, latex, acrylic and silicone compositions are suitable. Often, to facilitate the choice, manufacturers indicate the purpose of this or that product - they write on the packaging "for the bathroom". The compound compositions are not afraid of temperature drops and steam, water (and mold), and also differ in wear resistance, because the bathroom is a liner room.

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_3
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_4
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_5
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_6
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_7
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_8
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_9
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_10

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_11

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_12

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_13

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_14

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_15

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_16

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_17

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_18

The budget is not always determining the moment in choosing a paintwork. If you plan to paint a small surface, choose the compositions of more expensive. For large areas, the compositions of the middle category will be suitable. We do not recommend save: often a cheap material is not too good hiding, it means that for painting you will need a few cans more. Therefore, the savings does not always exit economical.


This choice is a bit more complicated, but also wider. Usually, several species are combined in the design, at least two. The design option with three is already more complicated, but also possible.

The first solution is the types of coating. For decoration of the walls, the plates of porcelain stoneware are fit, and classical ceramics. But the floors are better to separate the penny, it is stronger and last longer. In some projects you can see the ceiling trim with porcelain stoves. Such a reception designers are used to create a specific geometry. For example, when they want to visually stretch the shower of a building type - it turns out very effectively. For the ceiling, only a very thin porcelain stoneware with a thickness of about 3 mm is suitable.

The second point is worth considering - size. If the room is small, it is better to take the middlework. They visually adjust the parameters of the room, while too large or small, on the contrary, the disadvantages will emphasize.

For accents, the rules are not such strict. Here you can use even a small mosaic, especially if you do not plan to highlight a whole wall.

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_19
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_20
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_21
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_22
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_23
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_24
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_25

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_26

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_27

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_28

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_29

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_30

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_31

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_32

  • How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design


Designers use not only ceramics and paint. They are introduced into the interior additional textures. The following materials are greatly combined with tiles and paint in the bathroom.

  • Stone slabs. They can be combined with porcelain stoneware, but on different surfaces (for example, the latter is put on the floor). Then there will be no problems with different material thickness. At the same time, it is worth choosing a porcelain stoneware, because it is almost impossible to get into the color and texture.
  • Wood. Another actual material that will give the design heat, softness and comfort. As a finish, the moisture-resistant MDF panels are used. But they are found further from wet areas. They are suitable only in the bathrooms of the middle and large square, in small better limit to wooden furniture. It turns out the same effect.

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_34
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_35
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_36
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_37
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_38
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_39

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_40

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_41

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_42

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_43

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_44

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_45

Methods of combination of tiles and paints in the bathroom

There are three basic options for combining coatings. Consider each more.

Tile in the wet zone

This technique is most often used in small rooms, where it makes no sense to completely cover the walls with ceramics. Designers use it only in certain places. This is usually a bath screen, a wall behind the bowl, a zone near the toilet bowl and sink. In a large bathroom, where there is an open-type shower, its space can also stand out.

If you analyze projects, you can notice certain rules for the combination.

  • Most often, the bath screen is drawn up as a rear wall or as a floor.
  • There are also separate decorations of the screen, but it is not necessary to repeat such a reception.
  • Walls behind the toilet and sink can be performed in a single style. They can supplement the shelves and niches from gypsum cabarton decorated with ceramics.

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_46
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_47
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_48
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_49
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_50
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_51
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_52
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_53
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_54

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_55

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_56

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_57

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_58

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_59

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_60

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_61

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_62

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_63

Combination on Polastna

Such a combination involves the separation of the wall into two sections. The bottom is drawn up tiles, the top is painted. Some of this reception resembles the Soviet interior. But it does not lose relevance from this, it is a classic. The only question is what proportions you will use. Western designers use a 1: 2 ratio, where the third takes the lower part, and the rest is painted wall. Maybe the opposite.

The most obvious form of facing for this solution is a brick. It can be laid both horizontally and vertically. If you want to add even more speakers, the laying can be rotated or displaced. Interesting move: a combination of several shades of one type of ceramics. Cool look 2-3 colors. Try to make them different widths, this option will be more interesting.

When using neutral brick on the wall, you can experiment with the floor finish. For example, the attached tile.

The joint can be left untreated, with even laying it looks neatly. In neoclassical decorations, it is often decorated with a ceramic curly side or metal molding.

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_64
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_65
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_66
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_67
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_68
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_69
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_70
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_71

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_72

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_73

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_74

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_75

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_76

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_77

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_78

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_79

  • How to decorate the bathroom if you do not know where to start: 6 accent ideas

Figured combination

The most uncomfortable and creative combination of tiles and paints in the bathroom is figure. It is similar to the selection of the wet zone, however there is more space for fantasy both with the selection of figures and the place. This method is used in kitche-style stylistics, eclectics and in modern interiors.

Ceramics of any form are suitable for coating: from bricks to hexagons. Moreover, hexagon or scales will look even more extravagant. You can experiment and with color. But keep in mind that a bright spot on a neutral background will be knocked out. It is desirable to maintain a similar finish on another area or accessories.

What zones are suitable for allocation? The harmonious such decor will look in the zone of the shell or bowls. Please note: the one, and the other must stand separately, without niches and Tumb. Otherwise, this plot may look overloaded.

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_81
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_82
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_83
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_84
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_85
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_86

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_87

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_88

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_89

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_90

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_91

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_92

How to combine colors

The main interior rule: the base color should occupy about 60% of the design, additional - 30% and accent - 10%. This principle is to be guided in the selection of color proportions.

Often paint becomes a basic coating. It will determine the main gamut. If you do not want to risk, we advise you to select softer, neutral tones: This is a classic beige palette, gray, dairy tone. Alternatively, gray-blue and greenish shades can be viewed. Ceramics in this case becomes a supplement. And here you already use brighter solutions that will approach texture and color.

You can try and vice versa: as the main tone to use a bright gamut. Very spectacular in the photo looks deep saturated tones of the type of berry purple, blue navi and emerald. And to balance the colorful database can be neutral gray, white or black tile.

Outdoor tiles, if you use a fitted wall, can supplement the main gamut, dilute its texture.

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_93
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_94
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_95
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_96
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_97
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_98
Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_99

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_100

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_101

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_102

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_103

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_104

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_105

Tile and Paints in the bathroom: All you need to know about the combination of the most popular materials 1063_106

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