Street oven with your own hands: Features of different types and construction tips


Street oven is a useful "application" to the country area. It is practical, multifunctional and durable: will serve not one generation of the family. We tell what nuances need to be taken into account to build such a furnace on their own.

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What is a street oven?



Street oven is designed to prepare the first and second dishes, barbecues and kebabs, smoked, home billets for the winter, drying fruits, mushrooms, vegetables.

Construction does not require large investments. But first to be dealt with the design of garden furnaces and their varieties.

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What is a street oven:

  • One or two focus,
  • Outdoor cooking surface
  • Inner coil chamber for wood or coal,
  • Additionally, the woodlover and the place for the lattice, combined with the inner heat chamber, can be provided.

If you upgrade the chimney and install rod from metal in it, in some furnaces (for example, in Russian, barbecue, mangale), you can equip the smokehouse.

  • We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps

Types of street furnaces

1. Russian oven.

The most popular and budget option. It will suit any solid fuel. Build a refractory brick oven by simple masonry. On average, it takes from 200 to 250 whole bricks, but you can use broken.

According to the design, the Russian oven is simple and compact: up to 2 m in height, chimney is also small - for good thrust 40 cm. If you insulate the side walls to reduce heat losses, the oven can be used in the cold time. Additionally, it can be equipped with a metal plate for cooking, a brass chamber and a worktop. But the oven with the oven itself is difficult, so it is better to charge this business to specialists.


Photo: Instagram pechka.rf

2. oven with a hob

Also budget and unpretentious "model". At the heart of the design - the oven is angry (it received such a name from a simple, coarse masonry), which combines heating and cooking functions. The metal plate is installed on top - solid or with burner holes. The latter is more convenient, as it allows you to prepare on a strong open fire or stew (tomorrow) dishes on slow closed.


Photo: Instagram

3. Mangal

Most often it is a multifunctional device. Additionally, it can be equipped with a hob, brazovaya and smoking chambers. Important moment: the overall weight of the design is large enough, and a massive foundation is required for it.


Photo: Instagram Cckomplekt

4. Barbecue

The barbecue stoves can have two jobs - a brazier and a cooking plate (or cauldron and grill) that can be used simultaneously. Over the stove, where food is preparing, be sure to do a metal arch or other overlap to protect products and fire from adverse weather conditions.


Photo: Instagram Barbeque_pechi_Tomsk

5. Tandar

Compact, complex furnace, which is becoming increasingly popular. For heating, there is enough knitting twigs, which gives a short-term and strong heat. Thanks to its design, the tandyard retains heat for a long time, which makes it a very economical device. You can bake pellets, cook meat, fish and kebabs.

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Photo: Instagram Levkinsa

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Photo: Instagram Lukyanov_leo

6. Fireplace

One of the advantages of the street fire is its compactness (such a design can be built in a small area) and functionality. In fact, it is a symbiosis of grill and a barbecue with a wider than other furnaces, a firebox equipped with a spit and grid.

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Street oven with your own hands: Features of different types and construction tips 10664_19

Photo: Instagram

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Photo: Instagram

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Photo: Instagram

  • Garden oven: installation rules, operating and care tips

Materials for the construction of street furnaces

Clay refractory brick

The most optimal building material for garden furnaces. Withstands heat to 1600 degrees, has a high heat capacity and durability, it easily transfers temperature fluctuations and any loads resistant to aggressive substances. The disadvantage is very difficult to cut it.


Cheaper bricks and several times easier for him. Environmentally friendly, well conducts heat, resistant to temperature jumps. However, it is fragile, and when freezing, it begins to crumble, so the furnace will have to be faced and build a canopy over it.



What else will need to work:

  • facade brick to faith the oven,
  • clay (make a solution from it)
  • Armature for the foundation and smokehouse,
  • cast iron grille (grate),
  • Fire doors and pissed,
  • Additional cameras (optional),
  • Metal stove for cooking,
  • Tools and consumables: buckets, shovel, hammer, drill and different drills, including metal and stone.

Visual example of building a garden furnace, see the video instructions.

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