Masonry of brick partitions: do everything right


The brick remains one of the favorites to build partitions inside the house, but it is not easy to work with it. We tell about the advantages and minuses of the material, as well as about the features of its laying.

Masonry of brick partitions: do everything right 10695_1


Photo: Instagram Kirpichvl

Pros and cons of bricks for internal works

There are several varieties of bricks, but for the inner walls, as a rule, an ordinary construction complete brick is used, since it has good sound insulation. If we put the partition into the Polkirpich and plastering it, you can be sure that such a wall "will absorb" the average volume of the TV and the conversations of households.

The hollow brick is not used also because it can collapse if you start drilling holes for communications in the finished wall. It is also not advisable to apply in rooms with high humidity (kitchens, bathrooms). Nevertheless, the walls are sometimes put on the walls.

Pluses of brick:

  1. Resistance to moisture: Suitable for any premises,
  2. Strength and durability of the whole design,
  3. beautiful view.

The last property of designers, and after them, the tenants of apartments and houses were rated recently. Brick walls have become a highlight of the interiors, especially performed in the Scandinavian style and in the style of Loft.


Photo: Instagram neglinka_loft

The lack of brick is its high weight, which gives load on overlappings and bearing walls in an apartment building. Brick can be put, only if the overlap is concrete or stone, and then it is not worth building the walls with a length of 5 m.

Another rigid condition - the brick partition can not be done by the first floor: any coating collapses, and the wall will see.


Photo: Instagram Kirpichvl 3

Preparing for the construction of a brick wall

Strengthening design

It should be understood in advance that the process will take more than one day. The solution needs time to gain strength, and the "raw" partitions are unstable, especially if the brick is laid on the edge. Therefore, one day can be output about 1 m in height.

Configuration options

If the house is still built, and you have already designed in a particular place of common, for it, from the next wall, it is necessary to release the reinforcement tapes and halves of ordinary brick from the neighboring wall. The gap between them is small - somewhere in one brick.

If the septum decided to build after the construction of the house, "tied" the new wall to the carrier can be different. For example, use a perforated metal strip. In shape, this is the corner, one side of which is fixed with dowels to the bearing wall, and the second is driven between the rows of new masonry.

The latter, by the way, every five or six rows need to be reinforced - lay a horizontal metal grid with a thickness of about 4 mm or long metal rods with a diameter of 6-8 mm.


Photo: Instagram komposit_group

You can add a partition stability if such strengthening elements are also vertically so that they intersect with a horizontally laid mesh or rods. The approximate size of the "cells" - 50 cm.


Photo: Instagram Ramilzinnatulli

  • All about brickwork: types, schemes and technique

Floor preparation

Here you will need a mini-foundation so that the overlap is not cracked. Ideally build a house and the base for the inner walls you need at the same time. But, if the decision on redevelopment came after the construction of the building box, pour the foundation under the future wall can also be at this stage.


Photo: Instagram Goyradesign

The floor should be at least a minimum of sand and rammed.

In detail, the process of creating a ribbon foundation see video instructions.

Laying brick wall

In a place where the foundation lies, it is produced after drying the screed, pre-denoting the boundaries of partitions on the floor and walls.

First make the so-called "zero level" - on the floor poured a layer of solution to eliminate possible irregularities. The solution can be prepared with your own hands: from cement and sand, cement and lime, cement and clay. And you can buy a ready-made mixture that you only need to breed with water.

Bricks are put, carefully checking their location using the level, rules and suspension. If the partition passes through the entire room, the first brick is located at an angle of 90 ° C to one wall, and the second is the same - to the opposite. On the stretched cord, they track how smooth line turns out.


Photo: Instagram

Each next row is stacked so that the middle of the top brick lay on the vertical seam of the lower. Align the masonry, focusing on the same cord.


Photo: Instagram Proekt05

If a new row led a bit, it can be corrected until the masonry "grabbed": it is enough to catch a cache or a hammer on it, to fit the bricks to each other.

Under the ceiling, there is usually a gap of several centimeters. It is filled with pieces of bricks, mixed with a solution, or pacles moistened in plaster.

You can cover the finished wall, slip out, go to wallpaper or paint.


Photo: Instagram Komfort_Tut 4

And you can leave it almost in the original form: to cover with paint or varnish without preliminary trim. But the final decor needs to be thought out in advance - and if it is decided to close the brick, the masonry must be neat.


Photo: Instagram Loft_wood_Life

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