That the Russians want to build or landscaping at the dacha: 7 major issues


How to make a summer shower, lay out garden tracks or break beautiful flower beds. together with Yandex collected the most popular demands of Russians about the country's landscaping and prompts the answers to them.

That the Russians want to build or landscaping at the dacha: 7 major issues 10696_1

How to make beds in the country

The trend on the environmental friendliness (and life, and the design of the medium) turned the garden into a full part of the country's landscape. So it is necessary to approach its arrangement from the point of view of aesthetics.

There are a few simple ways to make beds beautiful. You can organize the so-called French garden - smash the beds not parallel to each other, and in the form of the sun; Move landings to high drawers (such can be bought in the garden hypermarket) or use interestingly designed supports for curly plants.

How to make beds in the country

Photo: Instagram Elizaveta.mikhalkova

When creating a garden, it is very important to think about their location - it is best to place them so that they create a labyrinth or a strict geometric shape.

How to make a beautiful flowerbed in the country

how to make a beautiful flowerbed in the country

Photo: Instagram Moi_Dom_Mechtyy

Here you can use maximum creativity: there are both standard techniques, such as garden figures and lamps, and more original ideas. What about breaking the flower bed in the hood of an old car or drawers of the Soviet chest? Examples of such landscape masterpieces are looking for in our selection of ideas for the design of the flower.

How to make a shower in the country

how to make a shower in the country

Photo: Instagram Otoplenie_SPB

Summer shower consists of four basic elements:

  1. Plum systems. It can lead to a drain pit or a summer septic tank.
  2. Frame. For metallic, the base of concrete is required, the wooden can be put on the boards. The soul from the brick frame is not needed.
  3. Frame covering. Among the popular options are wood, polycarbonate and profiled sheet.
  4. Capacity for water. It is better to use the metallic, the volume is no more than 200 liters so that the water is faster than heated.

The process of the construction of a summer soul, we have already described in detail.

How to make an alpine slide in the country

how to make an alpine slide in the country

Photo: Instagram Greenmolot

Alpinarium imitates a slight elevation with stones and alpine plants. To organize it, you need:

  • Drop pitched up to 1 m depth,
  • fall asleep drainage material
  • lay stones, and between them the ground (first laid large stones, then small),
  • Sprinkle plants.

How to lay pavement tiles in the country

how to lay pavement tiles in the country

Photo: White Hills

Laying tiles are produced in 6 steps:

  1. Follow the site and lay out the trench for the sidewalk.
  2. Remove the fertile soil layer and confuse the base.
  3. Ship the bottom geotextile - it will not allow the plants between the tiles.
  4. Install the formwork and pour the concrete layer with a thickness of 10-15 cm. The base can be supplemented with a layer of rubble, to which concrete is poured.
  5. When the base is grabbing (it can go to three days), proceed to laying tiles on glue.
  6. After 2-3 days, you can proceed to the grout. Before this tile is better not to give extra load.

How to make tracks in the country

how to make tracks in the country

Photo: Instagram

Most often, the garden tracks are placed by the same tile - the installation process is described above. Although you can choose more original materials: wooden boards and sleeves, pebbles and gravel, concrete and clay forms. We told about creating such unusual tracks in a separate material.

How to make a pond in the country

how to make a pond in the country

Photo: Instagram Landscape_Rublev

There are 4 options to make a pond in the country:

  1. Pit with concrete base. It requires mandatory waterproofing, for example, using a film. Only after that the layer of concrete is applied and reinforcement is made. You can apply two layers of concrete, and then align the surface of the cement.
  2. Filter base. It stacked in the dug pit and falling asleep by pebbles or stones.
  3. Finished base of plastic. There is no difficulties with it at all - you just need to pull out the right pit for the shape and install it.
  4. The mini-pond can also be organized in almost any container, for example, an old bath or pelvis.

Did you have any questions about the arrangement of cottages? Look for answers in the section "Country House" and "Landstort".

The rating contains popular requests with the words "as" and "at the cottage", asked by Yandex users in Russia from March 1 to May 12, 2018.

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