Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use


Do you like a red color? Many believe that it charges energy and even improves the brain. However, they use it in the interior infrequently, after being excessively aggressive. We tell how to make this tone into the situation and not overdo it.

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_1

1 Arrange the accents

The easiest, but with a spectacular way to bring red color to the situation - to place colored accents.

Red in the interior: photo

Photo: Instagram 7RoomZ

Poster on the wall, a pair of decorative pillows, Vase - and now the interior has played new paints.

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Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_7

Photo: Instagram 7RoomZ

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Photo: Instagram

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Photo: Instagram 7RoomZ

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_10

Photo: Instagram 7RoomZ

It can be limited to only one accent: for example, a bright red chair or a bedside table. This decision will be especially appropriate in monochrome interiors.

Red color for the accent wall: photo

Photo: Instagram AbadiHouse

By the way, it is not necessary to choose the red single color accent: it can become one of the "bright spots" in the interior. The main thing is to select the combined tones and "dilute" by their neutral shades.

Red accent in the interior: photo

Photo: Instagram SojkaWorkshop_

2 Take a bright wall

The red color is perfect for the decoration of a bright accent wall.

Bright red wall in the interior: photo

Photo: Instagram Sisustusmansardi

Such a solution will be particularly appropriate if the rest of the interior is performed in a calmer, neutral range.

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Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_15

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_16

Photo: Instagram DreamSrealityBliss

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Photo: Instagram DesignMyhome_ru

If it seems to you that paint the red wall is too, remember that such a bright contrast can always be "split" with light or, say, black and white posters, photos or paintings.

Red in the interior as an emphasis: photo

Photo: Instagram jonathan.stiers

3 Think about bright bathroom

If, within the framework of residential premises, you are still not ready for bright colors and bold experiments, your "outstand" can be a bathroom. Why not arrange it in a cheerful and invigorating red shade?

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Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_20
Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_21

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_22

Photo: Instagram znacc_in

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Photo: Instagram znacc_in

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_24

Photo: Instagram znacc_in

You can "dilute" in the bathroom with a red color beige or add black and white to not be too screaming.

Bright stylish red bathroom interior

Photo: Instagram Cyan.studios

4 ... or about a bright hallway

Another great place for bright self-expression is an entrance hall.

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Photo: Instagram Tatiana_Khasina

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Photo: Instagram Tatiana_Khasina

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_31

Photo: Instagram Tatiana_Khasina

Just a slightly red - and cheerful mood when careing to work and return home you are guaranteed.

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Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_33

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_34

Photo: Instagram znacc_in

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_35

Photo: Instagram znacc_in

5 How about the red floor?

To the bright accent walls in the interior, everything is already accustomed, but what about paint the floor in the bright-scarlet? Look at how juicy, stylish and unusually it can work out.

Red in interior design: photo, design idea

Photo: Instagram Living4Media

6 Note: Bright kitchens again in fashion

Charter from the white-gray-beige neutral colors in recent years, designers gradually turn to bright colors.

Red accent in the interior: photo

Photo: Instagram InteriorbellesVues

The accent red headset may well become a highlight of your kitchen.

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Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_40

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Photo: Instagram znacc_in

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Photo: Instagram znacc_in

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_43

Photo: Instagram znacc_in

  • Red Kitchen Design: 73 Examples and Interior Design Tips

Bonus: 5 spectacular combinations of red with other flowers

Especially for those who dared to use red in the interior we offer Top 5 win-win combinations of this color with others.

1. Red + powdered pink

Pink color and its gentle, powdered shades Designers and profile media representatives are increasingly called "New Beige". Indeed, this tone is fairly light and neutral, and therefore it looks appropriately practically in any interior, it does not come and gives ample opportunities for combinations.

Red in the interior in combination with pink: photo

Photo: Instagram Mayarghoniem

Pubrovo-pink will become an excellent background for active red and slightly reduce its "straightness", giving a refinement atmosphere.

2. Red + Deep Dark Tone

The red color is perfectly combined with dark shades.

Red accent in the interior: photo

Photo: Instagram Federicosigali

True, in a pair with black, he looks too contrast and somewhat stronger, but it looks completely different with more complex and deep tones - exquisitely and stylish.

Red in the interior in combination with dark colors: photo

Photo: Instagram Greenandmustard

3. Red + white

Time-tested by a catchy combination of colors, allowing and expanding accents, and revitalize the situation, while not overloading the space.

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Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_49
Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_50
Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_51

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Photo: Instagram Oboi_House_dovatora144

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Photo: Instagram Archi_Pro_Interior

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Photo: Instagram Kuhnirodaharkov

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Photo: Instagram TherugCompanyRussia

Dose the bright color depending on how much you are ready for the red in the interior.

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Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_57
Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_58
Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_59

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_60

Photo: Instagram Loyakolegova

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Photo: Instagram pbsspb

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Photo: Instagram dnevnik_dizainera_dd

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Photo: Instagram Magdomby

4. Red + gray

A little less contrast, but no less effective combination of colors. It makes sophistication and bohemory from him, and the gray and his shades are already the season at the peak of popularity. Scarlet tones with such a slap should be used carefully, point.

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Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_65

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_66

Photo: Instagram Design__sreda

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_67

Photo: Instagram ksana.Design

5. Red + blue

The fiery red is surprisingly harmoniously combined with cold shades of blue, balancing it. Depending on which color temperature is closer to you, you can make the basis of scarlet tones - and "cool down" to them blue, or to take the blue blue - and strain it with red accents.

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Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_69
Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_70

Red in the design of the apartment: 11 Soviets on a combination and 40 examples of use 10705_71

Photo: Instagram Len_Nalen

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Photo: Instagram IKEA36

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Photo: Instagram RedecorationStore

Also both colors can be remarkably to act as a duet of accent tones against the background of a neutral interior.

  • How to issue an interior for a person's color: We understand in the typology of Max Lucher

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