How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z


Not always dackets get fertile land. The best solution in this case is to use a natural substrate from overcoating organic residues. To get it, it is enough to make a compost yam in the country. As we tell in this article.

How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_1

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What is a compost pit

The compost is conditionally called a structure in which compost matches. This product is the rotation of organic waste, which is considered one of the best fertilizer options. Composting not only improves soil fertility, but also has a beneficial effect on its structure. Sandy soil thanks to it better holds moisture, and the clay becomes more loose, which allows the earth to skip air and water.

Box for compost

Photo: Instagram Agrotehnic

The principle of "work" of the compost heap is very simple. Organic waste is laid in it and create optimal conditions for decomposition for them, as a result of which compost is obtained. So that waste decompose, it is necessary to provide them with the necessary amount of oxygen and moisture. Therefore, the design of the pit should ensure the ventilation of the mass laid in it. In addition, 3-4 times over the summer compost is smashing and spilled regularly with water.

How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_3
How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_4
How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_5

How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_6

Photo: Instagram Pavlova.Larisa

How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_7

Photo: Instagram

How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_8

Photo: Instagram semena_zakaz

The compost substrate in vivo cries two years. If it is required to obtain it faster, special bacteria add significantly accelerating decomposition processes. You need to know what can be laid in the compost pit, and what is not. The approximate set is presented in the table.

You can lay out Cannot be laid
Healthy plants;

berries, fruits, vegetables without signs of disease or rot;

straw, hay;

bark, branches, roots of trees;

coniferous husk, dried needles;

crushed paper with black and white illustrations;

Wood ash;

Dry manure of herbal animals.

Sick plants and their fragments: leaves, stems, etc.;

bones and remains of animals;

inorganic materials

Domestic excrement;

Plants with a large content of nitrates and herbicides.

  • 8 popular errors when working with garden fertilizers

Choose a place under construction

The best place to arrange a compost heap is a shaded area near the fence or wall of the economic building. If the sun's rays will fall directly on the pit, the decomposition process will slow down or stop. Another point to be taken into account is the periodic appearance of a specific smell, so it is desirable to place a structure away from the places of people's appearance.

It should be equipped with a compost yam, given the height of the groundwater lifting. The substrate should not touch them. In addition, you need to take care of the purity of drinking water in the country. So, if there is a reservoir or a country well nearby, there should be a distance of at least 25-30 m. At the same time, the soil bias must be such that after the rains the water does not flow from the pit to a drinking source.

Computer box

Photo: Instagram Teplici_Volya

Arrangement of compost capacity

To obtain a compost, two types of facilities are used. It can be a pit or a special box. Consider both options in detail.

Building Pit for Compost

Before starting work, it is worth deciding on its depth. You can make fine, then the contents of the heap will easily mix and the substrate will be ready faster. The deep pit is good because it completely hides raw materials. At the same time, it is more difficult to establish ventilation. The optimal is the depth of 40-50 cm. The arrangement of the pit is made in such a sequence:

  1. The pit is digging.
  2. It is equipped with a wooden box. For this, 20 cm from the walls in the bottom of the corners, pegs are driven into the bottom of the corners, on some distance the boards are nourished from each other.
  3. The resulting box is divided into two halves with a wooden shield.
  4. The bottom of the structure is stacked with a drainage layer of 10-15 cm high. It may be bark or branches of trees, straw, huskien, etc.

Now you can lay waste. Raw materials are filled only one half. So it will be possible to regularly shift the compost mixture from one part of the pit to another to carry out air.

How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_11
How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_12
How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_13

How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_14

How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_15

Photo: Instagram Yrojai

How to make a compost yam in the country: instructions from A to Z 10712_16

Photo: Instagram Yrojai

Arrangement of a compost box

This design can be built with your own hands or purchase ready-made in the store. In the latter case, it will be a bulk high plastic box, which will only be installed in the desired location.

For self-assembly, a tree is usually used. Frames are built from the bars, which, at a short distance, roll back apart. This is necessary to carry out the overloading mass.

Building for compost

Photo: Instagram Yrojai

Be sure to make a removable one wall or provide a cover - it will be convenient to mix the contents of the drawer if necessary. Alternatively, one of the walls can be equipped with a tightly closing door. For convenience, such a box is installed on a concrete base. You can simply be good to the earth and put any solid material on it. Before falling down the raw materials to the bottom of the box laid drainage, the same as in the compost hole.

To get a good fertilizer, fill the pit or box is needed in compliance with some rules. The most important thing is to alternate "brown" and "green" layers and ensure that their volume is about the same. Under brown raw materials, experienced gardeners understand dry waste, under green - fresh grass, etc. Alternating soft and hard masses, you will be able to avoid unnecessary seals.

Plastic compost box

Photo: Instagram Dachniydekor

Properly equipped compost yam will provide a country area with excellent fertilizer and will help with the benefit of disposal of organic waste.

The process of creating a compute poison is clearly shown in this video.

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