What to do on the plot in July: a simple check list of 7 steps


The country season is in full swing. We prepared for you a list of seven works that experienced gardeners and gardeners advise to do in July. Start right now!

What to do on the plot in July: a simple check list of 7 steps 10753_1

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1 Work with fruit bushes

July is the time to collect raspberries. Experienced summer residents say that it is necessary to do this once every 2-3 days so that the berries do not overrere. And after all bushes are collected, the branches need to be cut to the base. Also be sure to cut the shoots that managed to damage from insects or diseases so that the Next season of the raspberry bushes again gave fruit.

Raspberry bushes - what to do in july

Photo: Instagram Lornus

Another berry that requires your attention is strawberries. Experts say that it is possible to deal with it in July - then the bushes will have to "increase" with young foliage and will be able to overwhelm. It is necessary to rush the country beds, where strawberries are planted, and pour fresh soil.

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What to do on the plot in July: a simple check list of 7 steps 10753_5

Photo: Instagram Janigoldens

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Photo: Instagram Seehorzze

Do not forget to actively water the culture - in raspberries, strawberries, as well as bushes of the gooseberry and currant, there is an active growth of the strings.

2 Collect greens

July - time for continuous collection of greenery: parsley, dill, salad and the other. Also this month you can make new crops of greenery.

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What to do on the plot in July: a simple check list of 7 steps 10753_8

What to do on the plot in July: a simple check list of 7 steps 10753_9

Photo: Instagram Syrkina.tatyana

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Photo: Instagram Rechkaelena61

3 Check fruit trees

In July, the fruits of fruit trees hid and become harder, so they need to be tested and checking the reliability of the backups so that the branches do not fall on the ground. Also do not forget about watering and feeding - in July there is a period of formation of fruit kidney.

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What to do on the plot in July: a simple check list of 7 steps 10753_12

What to do on the plot in July: a simple check list of 7 steps 10753_13

Photo: Instagram Andreeva5724

What to do on the plot in July: a simple check list of 7 steps 10753_14

Photo: Instagram kleer1972

4 Do not forget about the processing against insects

The main headache of gardeners in July is protection against insects. And especially in greenhouses. Usually, at this time, diseases and vegetable landings begin: peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes. If you have not conducted prevention in advance - time to do it now with any drug. If vegetables grow on the street, and not in greenhouses, too, treat them with protective solutions. And remember that spray fruits can not be eating for 3 weeks.

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What to do on the plot in July: a simple check list of 7 steps 10753_17

Photo: Instagram semco_junior

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Photo: Instagram Yarkrol

For those vegetables that plan to immediately eat in food, look for safe methods. One of the "folk" recipes of experienced gardeners: 10 milliliters iodine 5% per 10 liters of water.

5 Remove the fallen vegetables and fruits from the ground

This is a mandatory daily procedure in July. Fruits, especially fruit, spit quickly and fall on the ground - caterpillars and other pests are in them. If you leave them on earth, then insects can climb on a tree and the harvest will die.

Padalitsa - cleaning in July

Photo: Instagram Lidiiakiprich

6 Make fake plants

In July, it is time to spend an extraximalous feeder - spray the leaves of trees. Useful thing for rostow-rowers - a solution of potassium chloride (potassium salt, sold in departments for gardeners): Make it at the rate of 100 g per standard water bucket.

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Photo: Instagram udobrenijaplus.belarus

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Photo: Instagram Madam_Krestiyanka

7 Make seed blanks

July is a suitable month for the workpiece of seeds of all cultures. If you prefer to prepare seeds for planting, and not buy them in stores - it's time to do it. By the way, you can make blanks not only vegetable seeds, but also flower.

You can dry seeds in banks or in ceramic plates. By the way, if the plants from which you want to collect seeds grow too close to each other, they can get hybrids, as they are pollinated by alone insects. Gardeners are recommended to take those fruits that grow at a distance of at least 150 cm from each other - then a new bush of harvested seeds will be the same as his parent.

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What to do on the plot in July: a simple check list of 7 steps 10753_26

Photo: Instagram Dom_S_ROZAMI

What to do on the plot in July: a simple check list of 7 steps 10753_27

Photo: Instagram Dom_S_ROZAMI

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