Multifunctional barbecue stoves for cottages: species, features of choice and construction


Many dackets think about building or buying a multifunctional barbecue stove, which will not only fry, but also cook, oven and smoke. We tell about the intricacies of choosing such an aggregate.

Multifunctional barbecue stoves for cottages: species, features of choice and construction 10756_1

Preparing on the street

Photo: shutterstock /

Country economy tends to grow and develop. Over time, a bath and a swimming pool, a playground, a terrace and a gazebo appear on the site. In the summer, life is almost completely moving to the street. So, there is a need for a summer dining room and a kitchen with a universal oven, or a so-called barbecue complex.

Such a complex can be built from a brick on an individual project, or purchase a set of factory modules for assembling a typical design, or buy a ready-made metal product. In the article, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of these options, but first list the main parts and functions of the barbecue complex.

Preparing on the street

During the construction of an individual project, it is advisable to combine different materials to achieve a more attractive appearance of the furnace and increase its service life. Stone countertops and eaves, cast iron doors, wooden elements will be helped. Photo: "Delis"

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What includes barbecue complex

As a rule, the barbecue complex is built linearly or angle, connecting all the furnaces to one central chimney, but more complex layout methods are possible, for example using the "islands". When designing the design, the following elements can be provided.

Preparing on the street

Photo: "Art Deco"

The brazier (brazier) is necessarily present in any design - masonry, modular, metallic. This element is open from one or more sides of the furnace with fixtures for installing skewers, grids and spit, as well as for hanging the kettle. The brazier is equipped with a smoke collector and chimney, and sometimes also a grain and an ash drawer - this option provides a higher temperature in the rookery and facilitates the maintenance of the focus.

Preparing on the street

Compact grill and metal furnaces (from 115 thousand rubles) allow and fry, and bake. In addition, they are much fireproof ordinary mangals. Photo: Valugrill.

The stove is a closed furnace with a cast-iron hardware (burners) above it. The latter makes sense to do with typed caps and such a diameter so that you can put the cauldron for the povel (it makes sense to arrange a separate furnace for the cauldron). The furnace is equipped with a door (all-metal or glazed), and the air flow is organized through the lower impended and grate.

The oven - the cabinet with the door, which is located near the furnace of the plate or over a separate furnace (with the second version, more intensive heating is ensured). Bread and pies baked in the oven, prepare traditional tomllic dishes in cast-iron, dry fruits and mushrooms.

Preparing on the street

The estimated cost of a typical import model with a grill, oven and pussy oven (used for the preparation of pizza) - 250-380 thousand rubles. A similar to the set of functions "piece" unit built by our masters will cost 30-50% cheaper. Photo: Palazzetti.

Traditional bakery furnace - "hybrid" of fireboxes and ovens. It can only be in a masonry design and is a camera where the firewood burns, and then raise the ashes and put shapes with dough, pizza or other baked dishes, which are especially delicious - slightly with a smoke.

The use of female cement mixtures and chimeline based on inorganic polymers instead of a clay solution increases much increases the tightness of the seams, strength and weather resistance of brick masonry.

The smokehouse consists (from the bottom up) from the ferry, the steel pallet, to which the sawdust and grilles for smoking products are placed. It is comparable to the stove and needs its own chimney. If the dimensions of summer kitchens do not allow setting a complex with a smokehouse, it is possible to cross the smoking products in the chimney (in this case, the sawdresses are thrown up directly to the glowing coals in the grill or the stove firing) or use the removable steelmaker installed above the brazier.

Preparing on the street

The metal grill is unlikely to become an element of landscape design, but it will help embody a variety of culinary fantasies. If you have not enough mangala with smokehouse, it's worth buying a combined (metal + ceramics) a pot-like barbecue, which can also bake. Photo: shutterstock /

The tabletop with a sink is absolutely necessary on the summer kitchen. It is also advisable to supplement the barbecue complex with drawers for dishes and a compact field, where it is convenient to store the margin of charcoal and finely fried firewood.

Foundation for the furnace

A massive brick furnace or blocks (concrete modules) will require the foundation. Most often, a monolithic reinforced concrete slab is used, which should be per borders of the furnace at least 0.5 m. The minimum base thickness is 100 mm, it is possible to rein it with a lattice of a ribbed rod with a diameter of 10-12 mm with cells not more than 200 × 200 mm. For a barbecue complex with a length of more than 2 m, a plate with a thickness of 150 mm will be required. On a plot with a rapid or sedentary soil, as well as on the slope, the slab foundation it is necessary to "hugging" with pile (drilling or screw), located in the corners of the structure.

How and where to order a bake barbecue

Today, the chimney in Russia is reborn, and most actively develops the direction associated with the construction of street furnaces. You can order a barbecue complex in the company (for example, "Delis", "Salmonious Masonry", "Russian School of Masters", Soyuzpelyus, Studio Ferus, etc.) or by a private owner who is part of the Russian or Regional Union of Masters ("Russian Society "," Moscow Guild of People ", etc.).

Preparing on the street

Concrete barbecue is afraid of a hot flame, only the aggregates with a lined firebox can be drowned. Photo: Palazzetti.

Modern design and design programs will facilitate (and reduce the cost) individual design of the complex. Sometimes, choosing the necessary items, you can immediately see how the finished furnace will look like in one of the typical design solutions, and a day later, the master will receive a friend.

Preparing on the street

Metal grills and stoves of heat-resistant, but the estimated life of their operation is significantly less. Photo: Kotagrill.

An important stage of communicating with the contractor is the selection of materials. Today, the live shops are widely used not only the traditional chamotte and red brick, but also, for example, vermiculite concrete. Concrete structures of curvilinear shape decorate the furnace, but in individual design, its cost increases by 30-40%. If a combination of a brick with a metal (a cap-smoke collector and chimney is easier to make from steel or copper than from concrete and bricks), then you can slightly reduce the price of the complex, alas, losing safe: about metal surfaces are easy to burn.

Not exposed to the effects of high temperatures of the couch, it is better to be better folded from a slotted facing brick or clay-concrete blocks with subsequent plastering, the furnaces are made from chamotte bricks, smoke channels and chimney from full-length red, and the outer walls are made of decorative. For tabletops, a porcelain booking or clinker tile, natural stone (for example, marble), oak shields are suitable. But vertical surfaces are descended by tiles or stone. Vertical surfaces are undesirable: under conditions of sudden drops of temperature and humidity, the risk is a great risk that over time this finish will be sucking.

Fire doors, including glass, sold ready. They are embedded in the laying with the help of a mortgage framework, on the perimeter of which the heat-resistant seal is laid.

Preparing on the street

An openly standing brick oven is better to continue for the winter, otherwise it will lose an attractive appearance for several years. Photo: "Moskovskaya Peckens"

Modular Barbecue Furnaces

Preparing on the street

The gas grill is convenient to operate, but quite expensive and demanding of the quality of the fuel. On the set of functions, it does not differ from the coal manga. Photo: shutterstock /

Precast multifunctional barbecue furnaces are presented on the market of products of domestic companies "Meta", "Barbecue Furnaces", "Russian Barbecue", etc., as well as foreign Palazzetti, Sunday, Chemines Philippe, etc. The price of products of Russian firms starts from 70 thousand rubles ., Foreigns - from 190 thousand rubles.

This furnace is brought to an object in the form of a set of blocks and shaped modules from light heat-resistant concrete. The density of this material does not exceed 550 kg / m3, and it is made of a special mixture, which includes an alumina cement (another common view of the binder - liquid glass), chamotte powder (as an option - brick crumb), ordinary or pearlit sand, and also foaming agent. Details of complex shape (smoke collectors, parts of chimneys) are obtained by filling the mixture into collapsible formworks, simple flat blocks are chopped with a ribbon saw from large-format "monolith". The light concrete is painted in the mass, adding a pigment powder into a mixture, or applied to the collected design layer of texture paint with mineral crumb (painted furnaces are cheaper and more elegant, but the coating must be periodically resumed).

Preparing on the street

Photo: Woodgrill

Collect the modular furnace with the help of puzzle compounds and silicate glue. In the design, steel and cast iron inserts - cassettes are often used (roasting and furnaces with the door - for the plate or oven). IMPORTANT When buying, pay attention to the way they are edited. In places of metal adjoining, compensation seams filled with silica canvas or plates from basalt or mulli-repair wool should be provided.

Preparing on the street

If you have not enough mangala with smokehouse, it's worth buying a combined (metal + ceramics) a pot-like barbecue, which can also bake. Photo: Primo.

It is also worth considering that the concrete barbecue is afraid of a hot flame. With a sharp warm-up inside parts of complex shape (smoke collectors, parts of the chimney), voltages occur, and their walls are often cracking. Therefore, manufacturers do not recommend drowning such furnaces with firewood and radiate coals in them (during the extract, you need to use a metal container - "starter").

Preparing on the street

The multifunctional furnace made of concrete modules is manufactured according to a typical project, but still, as a rule, is not a serial product. By making an order, the deliveries sometimes have to wait a few months, and the price can be adjusted towards the increase. Photo: Palazzetti (3)

Steel Barbecue Furnace

Steel multifunctional barbecues are represented by the models of Bermash (Brand Vira), Greivari, Kotagrill, etc. Most often such aggregates can be moved from place to place (transfer or rolling on wheels). The most popular mangala combination with smokehouse and stove (furnace for the cauldron), equipped with a low cone-shaped chimney, and even without it. Sometimes a furnace-oven may be provided, a lined ceramics.

The thickness of the walls of the metal grill affects not only its safety and durability, but also on the quality of the dishes. The thicker the wall, the square, the heat is distributed, which means it is easier to prepare delicious meat, fish and vegetables

Metal barbecue is made by electric arc welding of low carbon steel with a thickness of 3-5 mm. Products of this type are inexpensive (10-30 thousand rubles), rather durable, do not require the foundation and installation costs (the design can be assembled independently in minutes). However, from the point of view of aesthetics, they lose the brick and concrete furnaces and bes less safe: they are difficult to control the flame, from the four-sided sides of the furnace, the coals fall out, the outer surfaces of the brazier are heated to 300-400 ° C. Theoretically, increasing the chimney, this unit can be installed in the gazebo, and yet it is more suitable for an open area.

Preparing on the street

The grate and other parts of the furnace can be made of cast iron or steel. It is better to use stainless stamps, but you can protect the metal from corrosion by heat-resistant enamel. Photo: "Art Deco"

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About fire safety

  1. When installing a barbecue complex with several sources of open fire, which sometimes use simultaneously, it is necessary to strictly follow the fire safety rules.
  2. Indents of structures made of combustible materials from the inner walls of the furnace and chimney should be at least 0.5 m.
  3. Pipe gloves should be withdrawn at least 1 m above the summer kitchen roof (gazebos). The combustible roofing material at the point of passage of the pipe must be replaced with a steel sheet and equip the chimney with a collar with a spark-fader.
  4. The furnaces of the plate and the oven are extremely preferably equipped with the doors (removable dampers are uncomfortable and not enough safe).
  5. For floor coverings, only non-combustible materials should be chosen.

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