How to choose a mixed car machine for giving


Automatic washing machine for giving can work without water supply and sewage. We tell how to choose this unit and what to pay special attention to.

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Photo: Instagram DiskontTehnika

Cottage is a holiday, long evening in nature and kebabs with friends. After such a pleasant pastime, there are many dirty things, especially if there are children in the family. Washing manually does not please anyone, but it is not needed, because you can install the washing machine on the cottage.

Features of the washing machine for giving

If the country house is equipped with sewer and water supply, there will be no problems with choosing and connecting the machine. Any standard unit will suit. Everything is complicated if the water supply or its lead, or even it is not immediately absent. But in this case, you can install the machine, however, it will have some constructive features.

Water in this type of machine is supplied from the tank, which is filled before the launch of the washing cycle. Considering that there is no pressure in the water supply, it needs to somehow compensate. Therefore, in the automata installed a more powerful pump that feeds the liquid into the tank. In some models, the tank is equipped with another pump for pumping water into the container. Drain is performed in the sewer, in its absence - in a special tank connected to the unit.

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Photo: Instagram DiskontTehnika

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Photo: Instagram DiskontTehnika

The latest models of machines are complemented by the control systems for the amount of water used, which is very useful for the consumer. An impressive dimensions are considered the main disadvantage of such automata, especially if the water tank is fixed by the side of the housing. The minuses include the need to constantly monitor the fluid level in the tank so that the washing cycle does not stop.

How to choose an automatic with water tank

Important characteristics

Correctly choose the washing machine is easy, if you know what criteria to pay special attention to.

Dimensions of the device and the location of the tank

Water tank machines can be full or narrow. The first are large-sized 55-65 depth machines. In such models, the water tank is usually fixed on the side. Given that its capacity varies from 50 to 100 liters, the machine occupies quite a lot of space. But such aggregates are less noisy and able to wash more underwear at a time.

Narrow automata attract compactness. Their depth is from 35 to 40 cm. At the same time, the water tank is most often located at the rear. It repeats the shape of the body and looks like its continuation. As a result, even the machine with a maximum capacity tank is quite compact. There are no restrictions in the functionality. Of the disadvantages it is worth noting less capacity and a large value compared to a full-sized analogue.

Automatic washing machine

Photo: Instagram Instal

Washing and power consumption class

An alphabet classification is used to designate the quality of linen. The best choice is class A, worse in and so on. The pluses can be added to the letters: than them more, the higher the washing quality. The best models of this segment have the class A ++. The energy consumption class is also labeled. The most economical machines have a ++ water consumption class and energy.

Washing and push up modes

Machines with water tanks are not limited in functionality and can have a different number of washing modes. In some models, their number comes to twenty and even more. There are aggregates that offer the user to create their own modes, remembering the specified parameters. Popper speed can also vary depending on the type of fabric. Most often, the maximum number of revolutions during annealing is 1000, which is considered class C.

Apartment aggregate

Washing machines are designed for different downloads. Small, up to 3.5 kg, ideal for a small family. Average, up to 4.5-5 kg, and large, up to 8-9 kg, suitable for large families. It should be understood that the loading indicated on the machine panel is considered to be the maximum that the unit can withstand. Therefore, when washing, it is advisable to put less things in order to keep the performance of the equipment for a long time. Almost all models weigh dry underwear in the tank and, depending on its weight, determine the time of washing and the required amount of water and powder.

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Photo: Instagram Krasnodar Krai__remServis_Krasnodar-Krai

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Photo: Instagram bare cook_master_remontstm_krasnodar

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Photo: Instagram STM_KRASNODAR

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Photo: Instagram Saratov, Russia_DevochkaiRemont64_Saratov-Russia

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Tips for choosing a model

For giving it better to choose models with minimal consumption of electricity and water. Then you do not have to overpay for electricity and gain water too often into the washing tank. If the quality of water leaves much to be desired, and this is not uncommon in the country villages, it should be found out if an additional filter is possible. So it will be possible to protect expensive equipment from premature failure.

Child protection is needed if there is a child in the house. The blocking of the machine will prevent many troubles associated with the intervention of children in the work of technology.


Photo: Instagram LCD Panorama_Mosberk

Full-size models should be chosen only if there are enough space for them. Otherwise, it is better to choose a narrow machine, albeit with a smaller load. Its functionality is not inferior to full-size, but you can put the unit at any suitable corner.

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