Global glazing: make a hi-tech country house


We tell about the features of houses in the style of High-Tech, as well as how these are still atypical objects for our area.

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Everyone is already accustomed to the fact that glass and aluminum are materials that are used in the finishing of facades of trade and business centers. However, more and more often, leaving the city, we meet private houses in the style of High-tech - minimalistic and functional, with strict geometry and clear forms. It is possible to achieve such an effect including through the use of glass and aluminum structures in the architecture. In this material, we propose to figure out that the common country house is a quiet harbor, which is equipped in order to escape from the urban bustle, and these "urban" materials.

Global glazing: make a hi-tech country house

To begin with, we denote, what highlighted houses in the style of Hi-Tech stand:

  • Simple shapes and geometry with the predominance of horizontal and vertical lines.
  • Maximum glazing area. It can be both an impressive sizes panoramic windows and solid glass facades, made on the basis of aluminum profiles. Sometimes the windows have even the ceiling part of the building.
  • Practical use of space.
  • High technological and environmental friendliness.

In general, hi-tech country cottages create a contrast against the background of smooth and soft lines of natural landscapes, emphasizing the close relationship of a modern man with the surrounding world. You can create atypical houses at home using aluminum profile systems ALUTECH - ALT F50 and ALT W72.

Alt F50 is a classic facade system that can be used in the implementation of various architectural projects - it provides a huge amount of technical solutions on the external and internal execution of facade structures. So, with the help of Alt F50, wall fences are created, inclined translucent coatings, anti-aircraft lights, carbon monoxide, winter gardens. It is due to its unique appearance, as well as excellent performance characteristics ALT F50, is increasingly used in private house-building.

In particular, it is possible to significantly increase the area of ​​glazing cottage and thus get rid of the sensation of closetness in the stone walls, letting the maximum light and air in the dwelling. In addition, the glazed facade allows you to visually increase the area of ​​the room, because the adjacent landscape becomes a continuation of the house. Isn't that one of the main ideas of hi-tech buildings?

It should not be afraid that a visually fragile facade will be damaged at the slightest mechanical effect: Alt F50 is distinguished by increased strength. Moreover, the designs on the basis of this system are energy efficient: they are able to maintain comfortable temperatures even in the premises even in conditions of harsh Russian winter, which saves on heating. This advantage is achieved due to the use of special thermal insulation inserts and seals in the design.

Global glazing: make a hi-tech country house

Another solution from the Alutech Group of Companies, which may be interested in the owners planning to build a house in the style of High-tech, is the system of frame glazing Alt W72. It is used to create window, door and more complex stained translucent structures that increase the energy efficiency of buildings, while maintaining their aesthetic appearance under all weather conditions.

Excellent thermo- and soundproofing indicators of the Alt W72 system are achieved due to the presence of additional elements from the foamed material: by heat insulation, aluminum products are almost identical to similar structures of wood or plastic. In general, the designs of the Alt W72 series correspond to the highest classes of breathability, water permeability and wind load resistance.

By the way, according to the protocols of corrosion testing, the service life of the Alt W62 and Alt W72 profiles is 50 or more. It is possible to achieve such indicators by applying a special coating on aluminum profiles, as well as the use of stainless steel and aluminum components. The ideal solution for technological houses is not true?

Of course, a country cottage built in the style of "High-tech" is a challenge to all traditional architectural solutions and conservative polls. However, this does not interfere with the space at home to be bright and cozy. In addition, in recent times, wooden elements are increasingly used in the design of facades in this style. This method of finishing, on the one hand, helps a little mitigate the uncompromising and some coldness of the exterior, on the other - allows you to harmoniously enter the house into the surrounding natural landscape. In general, do not be afraid, experiment, and "alutech" you will gladly help you.

To obtain additional information about aluminum profile systems "Alutech", contact the nearest representative of the group of companies in its region.

Global glazing: make a hi-tech country house

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