10 unusual coffee tables that can be made with their own hands


Get a unique designer piece of furniture and at the same time it is not easy to disperse! What about make a coffee table? We offer some uncomplicated ideas.

10 unusual coffee tables that can be made with their own hands 10809_1

1 table-pencil

One of the easiest options for creating a homemade coffee table - Table Penc. Fashion on such a simple, but the original piece of furniture came from the Scandinavian interiors - and lingered for a long time. All you need is to take a scaled part of the tree trunk, to polish well, treat with a special makeup from pests, as desired - to paint and / or cover with varnish.

Drawn table with her own hands: photo in the interior

Photo: Instagram DIY.wood

  • 6 secrets for choosing a coffee or coffee table

2 table of drawers

Another option of homemade furniture from environmentally friendly materials is a table of wooden boxes. Bonus - place for additional storage.

Table of wooden boxes with their own hands: photo in the interior

Photo: Instagram Baikalwood_Decor

  • 10 beautiful coffee tables in designer projects (in the piggy bank of ideas)

3 table from pallet

Palests are loved by many handicrafts for a wide creative potential. From the pallets mask anything: bases for beds, armchairs and, of course, coffee tables. Colming, paint, attach wheels for greater mobility - ready! If you wish, you can cover the tabletop with glass.

Coffee table from pallets: photo

Photo: Instagram Pallet.kiev.ua

4 table of branches

The tree is one of the most universal and environmentally friendly materials. Another option of a homemade coffee table is a model of branches. Creation will cost in the dear penny, because the material you need literally lying under your feet!

Coffee table from the branches do it yourself: photo

Photo: Instagram Woodinhome24

5 Table of boards

Another inexpensive option is a coffee table from the boards. Make an unusual worktop and complement it with any foundation.

Table from ordinary boards do it yourself: photo

Photo: Instagram Peredelkaidei

6 knitted table-poof

If you know how to knit, this idea will definitely like you. The knitted table-pouf can perform the functions of a coffee table, a panic or a stuff for the legs.

Knitted table-poof in the interior: photo

Photo: Instagram Anna_Metneva

7 table from books

Are there old unnecessary books available? Excellent, because they can also be turned into a stylish designer table.

Coffee table from books with your own hands: photo

Photo: Instagram Dobro_Workshop

8 Table of construction coil

And this option will practically do not require spending time, means and forces: enough to polish and paint the construction coil, put it on the side - and your table is ready.

Coffee table from the construction coil: photo

Photo: Instagram US_Decor

9 table from the suitcase

Old suitcase sorry to throw away? And no need! Give him a new life - in the form of a coffee table. Attach the appropriate base, legs or wheels. Bonus - space inside suitcase can be used for additional storage.

Coffee table from the suitcase: photo

Photo: Instagram Malenkayakvartira

10 table from the base of the sewing machine

In the country or in the garage, the old sewing machine with a beautiful metallic base was dug? Excellent, because of it can get a wonderful coffee table. By the way, many domestic and foreign designers willingly use this tables in their projects.

10 unusual coffee tables that can be made with their own hands 10809_13
10 unusual coffee tables that can be made with their own hands 10809_14
10 unusual coffee tables that can be made with their own hands 10809_15

10 unusual coffee tables that can be made with their own hands 10809_16

Photo: Instagram Tatyana_TSap

10 unusual coffee tables that can be made with their own hands 10809_17

Photo: Instagram Tatyana_TSap

10 unusual coffee tables that can be made with their own hands 10809_18

Photo: Instagram Tatyana_TSap

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