Septic tanks: What is better?


We tell about what septic tank, what types of septic facilities are and how to choose the best for giving.

Septic tanks: What is better? 10819_1



Septic - the most optimal and comfortable seasalization option for giving. This equipment is a local installation that is designed to accumulate and clean wastewater.

Some septic tanks are independently cleaned and decompose the solid content content. Due to this, water can be produced into the soil without fears. More budget models must be cleaned regularly using the assetenizer machine. However, compared to conventional cesspools, the septic design is needed much less frequently.

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What does septic septic

To purchase suitable equipment, you need to answer all questions from this list:

  1. What is the average amount of unclean formed in the house in 24 hours?
  2. What kind of ground is the site and how deeply are groundwater? It is necessary to know to appreciate the possibility of creating filtering fields.
  3. Will you stay in the building constantly or is it intended only for recreation?
  4. What is your approximate design budget?

After you have the necessary information, you can start searching for the desired model of the structure.


Photo: Skat

Selection parameters and types of septic

Regardless of whether you want to make a septic tank for giving with your own hands or purchase ready, it is important to pay attention to the performance of the equipment:

  • If less cube meter is formed during the day, choose a single-chamber model.
  • At a flow rate of 1 to 10 cubic meters, you should install a two-chamber design.
  • If you spend more than 10 cubic meters, you need a three-chamber structure.


Photo: Spetsmontazh

Another important point when choosing is a type of septic design on the principle of operation. In total there are 3 types: drives, systems with anaerobic biological cleaning and a deep bio cleaning station.

  • The best septic tank for the cottage is accumulative. These installations are required to be regularly cleaned with the help of assessing equipment, but they are easily mounted, it is inexpensive and safe for ecology. If you are at the cottage several times a year, then this is the most practical option.
  • A more modern and comfortable model is a system with anaerobic biological cleaning. The construction cleans water by 60%, it must be empty once a year, it works autonomously and does not require constant control.
  • The deep biocoction station is the perfect option for a private cottage. This equipment performs a full processing cycle, technical water is formed at the output, which can be produced into the soil. However, such stations will cost much more expensive than other models.

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Septic design material

If you want to buy a septic tank for giving in the store, most likely, you will find only models with polypropylene enclosures. If you plan to build a design yourself, you have 3 options: metal, concrete and fiberglass.

1. Metal septic

The first option is the most impractical, since the metal without anti-corrosion treatment with the inner and the outside will quickly come into disrepair. Even the anti-corrosion-processed anti-corrosion agent metal septic will last no more than 5 years.


Metal frame for septic. Photo: Skat

2. Concrete septic

Concrete septic design requires a lot of time and effort. The precast construction of concrete rings is easier, but it will not be sealed. Monolithic septicity is much more reliable.


Concrete hull. Photo: Skat

3. Septic tank of fiberglass

Fiberglass is the best option to create local sewage. It is lightweight and durable material with a long service life.


Plastic case. Photo: Skat

Tips when choosing Septic

After they figured out the basic parameters of selecting septic design, you should listen to the advice that specialists give.

It is better to purchase a septic tank that requires minimal maintenance. Simply the working structure practically does not require control.



If possible, choose equipment independent of electricity. Relive yourself from additional forwarding: search, transportation and installation of the generator, plus its maintenance.



It is necessary to organize the discharge of purified water into the ground, and not on the relief. Otherwise, an ecological catastrophe may happen on your site.



So, what to choose a suitable septic tank for giving, you need to take into account the flow of water, the type of ground of the plot and your financial capabilities. There is nothing complicated in the choice of septic design, if seriously approach.


Photo: "Toppower"

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