Choose filters for water purification in a country house


Water from the well or well often contains unwanted impurities that can harm our health, damage the household appliances. Therefore, before using water impurities, it is necessary to delete. For this, the water treatment systems are used, which will be discussed in the article.

Choose filters for water purification in a country house 10840_1

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Photo: shutterstock /

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Mechanical cleaning filter Direct small Valtec mini ½. " You can install in a horizontal and vertical position. Photo: OBI.

The nature of impurities is largely determined by the source of water origin. Water from wells, for example, is often characterized by increased rigidity of water due to calcium and magnesium salts; Very often there are and bivalent iron compounds. Well water is usually softer, but contains organic impurities, as well as other substances that fall into water from the surface of the Earth. All these types of pollution in varying degrees reduce water quality, are negatively reflected in the domestic heating equipment and household appliances, worsen the organoleptic properties of water (taste and smell), and sometimes may be dangerous to health. In the city, water purification is centrally produced, well, and outside the city, homeowners will have to take care of the case.

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Modern household water treatment systems are produced in compact buildings, so that they can be easily accommodated in the technical premises of the country house. Photo: shutterstock /

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Analysis of pollution

Over the city, as a rule, there are three main sources of water supply:

  • local water supply;
  • Surface sources (trapper of the spring, well, other natural and artificial reservoirs);
  • pressure and non-pressure wells (underground water sources).

All of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. Briefly, they are reduced in the table below.

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Mechanical cleaning filter Spit Valtec ½ "(179 rub.). Photo: OBI.

Practice shows that many country household owners prefer to go along the most simple way and first use the local water supply (if it is, of course, there is), and after some time it is completely or partially moving to well water supply. Wells and other surface sources are bad in that the water in them can easily be contaminated. In any case, to use them in densely populated areas or in places with intensive agricultural activities should be very careful. For all sources it is recommended regularly (not less than once a year) to make a laboratory analysis of water to the main types of pollution; Wells are recommended to check immediately after the spring flood, when the most great is the danger of their pollution.

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You can install in a horizontal and vertical position. Crane Ball Valtec with built-in mesh filter (429 rubles.). Photo: OBI.

The first time is recommended to produce a complex analysis of water, which is carried out in several dozen (approximately 50) types of pollution, the organoleptic properties of water, turbidity, smell, the content of nitrates, carbonates, hydrogen sulfide, salts of heavy metals and other impurities are estimated. Subsequently, it is possible to limit the abbreviated analysis of 15-20 most important types of pollution. Comprehensive analysis costs 5-6 thousand rubles, and the shortened roughly twice as cheaper. With the results of the analysis, you can already go to the company that develops and sell water purification systems. The selection of filters should be engaged in a specialist. From you will be required (in addition to the analysis of water), answer the question of the desired amount of water to be cleaned.

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Mechanical cleaning filters remove impurities with a size of 100 microns. Model BWT F1. Photo: BWT.

The user must calculate how much water will take it daily, what water consumption is expected at the moments of its peak consumption, whether the system will be used year-round or, say, only in the summer season, can provide the required amount of water to flushing filters. From the answers to these questions, the performance of filters depends, and ultimately - and the cost of the entire system.

Basinity Types of pollution

Type of pollution

Harm caused by them

Salt of rigidity (soluble calcium salts, magnesium and other alkaline and lump-earth metals)

The formation of deposits (scale) in heating and hot water supply systems (carbonate rigidity); deterioration of the taste properties of water, low quality washing

Bivalent iron

Under the action of oxygen, air passes into a trailer form - a brownish sediment is formed, rusty fluffs on the plumbing

Biological pollution

Unpleasant taste and smell, health danger

Insoluble impurities (Il, Sand)

Displays sensitive household equipment, clog the filtering system

Types of filters used

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Lever filter mechanical cleaning BWT E1 HWS with pressure reducer and pressure gauge. Photo: BWT.

The water treatment system includes filters designed to remove certain types of contaminants. Filters are connected consistently, and water passes through each of them in turn. Initially, cleaning from mechanical impurities, such as sand, then purification from dissolved chemical compounds, then biological.

Mechanical cleaning filters

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Filter of mechanical cleaning of Cold Water Protector Mini (BWT). Photo: Leroy Merlin

Distinguish with coarse and fine cleaning filters, delaying different fractions of insoluble compounds. Performed in the form of fine grids (mesh filters), set plates (plate filters of petal type). The first at the entrance to the house after the ball crane is installed a mesh coarse filter, and then, if necessary, a cartridge.

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AQA THERM HES (BWT) for feeding the heating systems prepared water. Photo: BWT.

In these filters, insoluble contaminants are accumulated, which periodically need to delete. The simplest coarse filters are made in the form of a U-shaped tee, one branch of the tee is equipped with a plug. The filter is installed on the tap pipe so that it can be possible to periodically open the plug and remove the grid with the litter. In the mesh filters of a more complex design, it is possible to wash the filter using water current. The direct and reverse washing models are distinguished, equipped with a special flushing valve (three-way valve). Reverse flushing provides more efficient removal of insoluble sediment, but such filters are more expensive. For example, the Honeywell straight filter on a pipe ½ incision with a straight wash and without additional devices will cost 2-3 thousand rubles, and a similar reverse flushing filter is already 5-6 thousand rubles. And if the filter is equipped with a pair of ball valves and a pair of pressure gauges at the inlet and outlet (if the difference in pressure tests of pressure gauges is 0.5 atm and more is time to rinse the filter), then such a comprehensive system may cost 15-20 thousand rubles.

Most of the following filters are filter models, which are in the general case of the capacitance filled by backing up the desired type.

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Mechanical cleaning filter. Photo: shutterstock /

Filters to reduce water rigidity

They use frosting based on ion exchange resins. These resins detain metal ions, replacing them in water on sodium ions. Mixtures based on ion exchange resins are used for complex cleaning "from all" (nitrates, nitrites, sulfates, manganese, some organic compounds). Apply them for the deceleration with a small exceeding the maximum permissible concentration.

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AQA PERLA XL Premium Class Water Sauge System (BWT). Photo: BWT.

Filters for water acidity correction

They use a fishing from calcium carbonate or magnesium oxide.

Filters for removing organic compounds

As a rule, these are filters based on thin-wing charcoal. Due to the high adsorption capacity, activated coal effectively absorbs not only organic compounds, but also residual chlorine and dissolved gases. Activated carbon carbon coal is used and from the coconut shell, the latter is more expensive, but the adsorption properties of almost four times higher.

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The five-speed system of complex preparation of drinking water (cartridge filters and a reverse osmosis unit), cleaning from mechanical, chemical and biological pollutants, is installed under the kitchen sink. Photo: shutterstock /

Ultraviolet sterilizers

Used to combat bacteriological pollution.


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Compact AQA Trinity Devices (BWT) softener. Instead of four filters, one multifunctional filter, it provides simultaneous softening of water and removing iron, manganese, amyon and organic compounds from it. For regeneration, a tablet salt NaCl is applied. Photo: BWT.

In the case of deceresses for frustration, mixtures containing manganese dioxide in different concentrations or a mixture based on ion exchange resins are used. All these mixes have their advantages and disadvantages, their applications.

Mixtures with small and medium content of manganese dioxide, such as BIRM (as part of 1-2% of manganese dioxide), Greensand (5-10%) are used to declare solutions with a small and average iron concentration (1-5 mg / l). BIRM It is recommended to use when adding a flowing filter with a aerator in which the bivalent iron is appaped with oxygen from the air. PyroLox (contains up to 90% manganese dioxide) cope with a high concentration of iron (up to 10-20 mg / l).

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Automated cabinet type filter for removal from water salts of rigidity "Aquatek AT-CAB1035". Photo: Boris Bezel / Burda Media

All falling filters must be periodically rinsed. Usually, flushing is carried out several times a month, but can be 1-2 times a week. Frequent flushing is useful for restoring the beneficial properties, but at the same time the water consumption and the load on the sewage increases sharply, because one filter takes up to several hundred liters of water, you need to create a powerful stream with a flow rate of up to 50-100 liters per minute. For this, it is possible that an additional accumulative tank will be required (if the source flow rate does not allow to select water with such intensity) and the pump capable of pumping to 5-6 m³ of water per hour.

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Filter for water treatment with high iron and manganese Aquamix-N (Viessmann), works on the principle of classical ion exchange. The resin is regenerated by washing with a solution of the cook salt (NaCl). Photo: Boris Bezel / Burda Media

In addition to washing, many backfills need to be regenerated, restoring their useful properties. Thus, ion exchange resins need to be treated with a solution of the table salt, to fill out the shelted sodium ions (it goes an average of 5-10 kg of salt by one flushing). MARGANGEST-CONTACING MIXES TYPE GREENSAND is restored using a mortar solution (it is necessary to think through where you will drain this solution how to dilute it to a non-hazardous concentration). A frighting in coal filters has to be periodically changed, since the organic is poorly excreted from coal during reverse flushing.

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Filing filters. Photo: shutterstock /

When using water purification filters from mechanical impurities, it is necessary to monitor the purity of the filter element and change it on time or regenerate

What source choose?

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Compact automatic water softening system AQA PERLA 5 (BWT). Photo: BWT.

For suburban water supply, the stable nature of the water source is important, so that it does not swam in the summer, and the composition of impurities in it would not change from the season to the season. In this regard, the most good underground water sources, whose flows of drought and other surface cataclysms, are usually minor influence. The stable mineral composition of impurities allows you to choose the optimal set of filters that you do not have to change from year to year. Wells and other surface sources, unfortunately, do not differ in such stability, although in good conditions they may well work out for decades.

Various sources of water supply

Local water pipe

Surface sources


PROS Water acceptable quality that does not require considerable doctoral costs

Water is easily accessible, low level of salt of rigidity and bivalent iron salts

Water, as a rule, without organic pollution


Sometimes insufficient performance, low water pressure, especially in the period of summer watering

There are insoluble pollution (IL, Sand), as well as organic pollution, including hazardous microorganisms. Water quality can change much during the year

There may be a high degree of mineralization; Wells are distinguished by a high flow rate and can provide a stable supply to several tens of liters of water per minute.

Preparing drinking water

Full water purification is as a rule, as a set of cartridge filters, the cartridges of which contain the same ion exchange resins, activated carbon powder or mechanical cleaning filters. In some devices, the cartridges are not washed, their backfilling does not regenerate their properties, and therefore they need to be changed regularly.

The promising drinking water preparation system is reverse osmosis systems. The main component of the reverse osmosis system is a semi-permeable membrane, which delays all types of contaminants. Such systems require preliminary water purification, usually using cartridge filters, water pressure of at least 2-3 atm and water flow to flushing. There are similar household complexes of approximately 5-15 thousand rubles.

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Filters for drinking water are usually installed in the kitchen. Photo: shutterstock /

For the preparation of drinking water in small quantities (liters or tens of liters of water per day), cartridge filters and reverse osmosis systems are used.

How to reduce the cost of filtering system?

Unfortunately, the water treatment system for the cottage with daily consumption of 1-2 m³ of water is already quite expensive (the price tag is most likely pulling 100-200 thousand rubles, depending on the degree of water pollution). Therefore, it makes sense to reduce water consumption, and the Tolik "technical" water is exposed only to partial cleaning. Say, water for watering is usually no cleaning. Water for the toilet needs to be cleaned from iron. And complete cleaning is needed only for water used for drinking and cooking. Therefore, suburban cottages are usually equipped with a multi-stage water treatment system, in which part of the water is closed to the eye to the needed drinking quality.

Approximate scheme of the individual water treatment system

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Visualization: Igor Smirhagin / Burda Media

Cartridges in cartridge filters must be changed after the expiry of the resource, but not less than once a year. It is important when changing cartridges simultaneously rinse and disinfect flasks and a cumulative tank. For example, when replacing the trotter filter cartridges with thread flasks before servicing, you first need to turn off the water supply to the filter. Then open the crane for clean water and drain the water. After disassembling the flasks are washed from the inside with a detergent solution for dishes. Then, a 10 ml of bleach for linen is poured into the first flask. After that, all three flasks are installed in place without cartridges, open the crane and washed with water until the smell of chlorine is completely disappeared. After that, the flasks again dismantle and install new cartridges. It is much easier to maintain three-step filters with quick-time disposable cartridge flasks. If a three-step filter is installed with "Two in one" cartridges, the maintenance is reduced to the planned replacement of the flask after the cartridges specified by the resource manufacturer.

Dmitry Nesmeyanov

Head of Project Development Projects, Lerua Merlin East

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