How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration


A modern chopped house is built along the canons of wooden architecture, but today it is possible to make the house warmer and more durable. We tell about how to choose a log house, control its assembly and shrinkage.

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_1

Forest legend

Split prices at home hand-cutting is very large. Along with the relatively low-cost fires from local producers, there are houses from larch, cedar and a dry northern pine, belonging to the category Premium (services for their construction offer companies like "Artel Danilla, Mak and Brothers", "Rubachi", " Northern Izba ").

Forest legend

Alas, firms working in the economy segment seek to extremely reduced costs and often offer fires with defects, and for their assembly, brigades of unqualified handymen, calling themselves carpenters. Therefore, if you, having a limited budget, decided to build a chopped house, you will have to strictly control the quality of materials and works.

To ensure a comfortable microclimate and avoid excess heating costs, in the middle lane of Russia, the house needs to be built from a bribant with a diameter of 25 cm; The width of interventic lunar grooves should be 15 cm or more.

Place and construction time

Forest legend

The most popular relatively inexpensive flange ribbons. Photo: "FSM Green Plouth"

There are two different approaches to the manufacture of a log. At the first box of the future, the house first collect "Chernomple" (without compaction of interventic seams) at the production site, which is usually located near the place of the forest harvesting. Then the logs are numbered and delivered to the object, where the design is collected by paving the seal. Such technology provides the speed of construction and minimal braking log.

But the delay in the way or did not submitting the brigade, the tightening rains or severe heat can cause serious troubles: the brica will answer, swear, they will not be able to put them in the walls without gaps and distortions, and they will have to be processed not only by antiseptics, but also bleaching compositions.

Forest legend

In the chopped house above the windows and doors leave compensation gaps that are closed with wide platbands.

In order not to become a victim of such circumstances, it is necessary to control the delivery time and agree on assembling the design by the same carpenters that have manufactured it. By the way, these works can be carried out in the cold season, and the risk of burned in winter is much smaller.

Forest legend

Rolled panel. Photo: "Superjut"

Well, the perfect option is to order a house from dried in a stabel or a dry forest; True, it will cost at least one and a half times more expensive.

We also note that buying the design "By photo" is quite risky - it is better to find the time and go to the manufacturer's platform, taking with you as an expert of an experienced carpenter.

Forest legend

Pad in bales often acquire for caulking with a blade. Photo: "Russian Lon"

The second approach (it meets not so often) is to cut the house directly on the construction site, with the simultaneous sealing of the seams. With a complex project, it simplifies the work of the masters and reduces the risk of braking the birch - if only the brigade does not make long interruptions in the work. However, the construction time increases more than twice, because the cutting of corner locks and longitudinal grooves takes a lot of time. In addition, it is necessary to pay downtime of the truck crane, which means that the method of construction will not be saved, unless it is not used for lifting hand-made and compact electric swans.

Forest legend

Another nuance is that the usual panel in the seams from the freshly replenished forest rejoints, it is drunk, and sometimes it fits, as a result of which the walls begin to blow faster. Therefore, when slaving "at the place", it is desirable to use heat-treated flax or modern wool-based tapes and synthetic fibers - such materials will dry quickly and the fungus resist well. Finally, it is worth mentioning that a large amount of wood waste is formed in place; However, dry chips - excellent extract, and trimming it is not difficult to find use.

Construction of dry bircaws has important advantages: the crowns are practically not blocked, the tree does not rot and does not change the color, the seal in the seam does not wet and does not succeed.

Forest legend

It is careen not only exterior, but also the inner walls, otherwise the house will give an uneven shrinkage.

Karelian Sustained Pine Pine on the density of the kernel layers is much superior to pine and spruce growing in the middle lane of Russia. Credit from this material does not require antiseptation and painting. Brica does not lead the walls give a minimal shrinkage, so do not need meal. However, a highly qualified wizard is required to work with a dry pine: it is necessary to preserve the surface of the login and to achieve almost a complete absence of gaps in order not to apply a rope and sealant for decorating and additional sealing seals. Under its own weight and weight of the roof, the loghouse is seated by about 1.5-2%, so it is required to use a special system for attaching doors and windows, leaving compensation gaps up to 5 cm.

Dmitry Belyaev

Head of Artel Danil, Makar and Brothers

How to remove Corre.

Fresh-hearted brices are cleaned of the bark using a special, well sharpened shovel or carpentry ax. In both cases, the swamp is damaged slightly, and the timber retains relatively high resistance to the fungus. However, the remains of the Luba and irregularities remain on the site of the bitch, so the walls look somewhat inaccurated. If you decide to leave a log house without a trim, it makes sense to pay for cleaning the roundabout with a rigine (from 90 rubles. For 1 p. M) or its expressing electrouruk (from 170 rubles per 1 m). With a sharping, it is possible to obtain the result, externally close to the processing on the otlindering line, with the only difference that the brica will still be dried from Komly.

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_10
How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_11
How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_12

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_13

As a result of the islanding, the trunk becomes smooth, and in the future it will easily be overlapping with a ribbon or eccentric machine. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media (3)

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_14

When hammering a shovel or rigine, small irregularities are saved - such logs are easier to brush with a nylon brush to show a tree texture

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_15

Skalel size

How to control a grazing assembly

And the build of the finished log, and especially the logging "at the place" requires control, which often has to be carried out by the customer itself. What to pay attention to?

Antiseptation of wood

Forest legend

Lodge rope can be used to protect the seal from birds and winds, as well as to give seams of decorativeness. Photo: "Russian Lon"

Before laying the corner locks and longitudinal grooves before laying the corner locks and longitudinal grooves, it will significantly extend the service life of the house. In planed logs, it is advisable to antisept all surfaces. After the construction of the walls, it makes sense to cover the ends of the bircus wax to protect them from cracking.

Do not forget about the antiseptation of the floor beams of the first floor, black boards, as well as roof roof.

The magnitude of the gaps in the corner locks and between the crowns

Very good if it does not exceed 3 mm anywhere. The gaps of a value of 3-6 mm can still be well to cross, and from the wider passage will blow, and it is almost useless to careen - they will have to buy an expensive sealant for a log. In general, the longitudinal lunar grooves must have a radius of a little less than the radius of logs, so that the seams are not revealed while the crowns of the seams remained protected from moisture and wind.

Forest legend

Mounting brazing

Forest legend

Shovel. Photo: "Elezor"

The crowns need to be born with each other with wooden bellows with a thickness of 25-30 mm. Their length is selected approximately equal to one and a half diameters of the log, and the step must be 1-1.5 m. The brazers must be tightly into the drilled holes, but in no case to push the fibers of the wood and do not cause the appearance of cracks. Oak brazening is difficult, but they are completely suitable and birch, which are sold in the construction markets and online stores. Along with the use of the right attachments, it is important after laying each next crown to control the vertical of the angles.

Installing columns

Any racks, unlike chopped walls, practically do not give shrinkage and do not change their height - it needs to be reduced by adjusting the screw nodes, which must be provided when assembling a church.

Forest legend

Screw supports under the columns are practically invisible; If you arrange them at the top, there is a risk of making dissonance in the face of the construction.

Filling the beams of overlaps

With the traditional construction method, the beams are presented with a secret frying pan, and the accuracy of the lock fit is very important, as it affects the rigidity and the overlap itself, and the enclosing structure. The quality of words must be monitored before laying the next crown. However, today many builders prefer the installation of beams using metal brackets, which are much simplified by the task, ensuring the strength and durability of the attachment (but only if it is made of galvanized or stainless steel with a thickness of at least 2 mm). Under bracket brackets, flat sites are treated. But this new method is designed only on the beams of a rectangular section, that is, for the house, stylized under the Russian, he will not suit.

Forest legend

During the arrangement of the terraces and balconies, the baking-lag design of the planed beam, based on the releases of the roundabout, is sometimes mounted. Such a solution is optimal as with an ing-nonsense (it is easier to make floor levels) and from a designer point of view.

Installation of rafters and frontones

If the frontones are made of bric, and the rafting legs are based on the walls and parallel skate of the run (the so-called soften roof), then over time the rafter will change the angle of inclination and slightly move along the upper crown, so they should be attached to the moving method. But this is just one of the samtaya roof design options.

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How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_22
How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_23
How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_24

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_25

At the modern assembly site, they are mainly operated by chainsaws.

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_26

But for the markup of the grooves use the traditional tool - the so-called feature

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After pre-ringing, the bowls carry out "fitting"

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_28

And finally customize the connection, achieving the minimum gap size

Typical errors when assembling a log

  1. Wrong selection of moon groove radius. It should be about 95% of the log radius. If this value is greater, then after shrinkage, the seams will be revealed and will be blown out. And if less, then the log can crack.
  2. Laying communications without taking into account the shrinkage of a cut; In this case, it is possible to transfer pipes and cables to brings.
  3. The "challenge" of the corners and the use instead of aging of ribbed reinforcement pins, which leads to the hang of the crowns.
  4. Installing frame partitions without gaps over them, installation of racks without screw shrinkage compensators.
  5. An extension of the porch or veranda on the base foundation. It is necessary to make logs in advance, and it is better to choose screw or drilling piles as a support.

Work after construction

Forest legend

Protective compounds vary by properties. Some have elevated weather resistance. Photo: neomid.

The walls of freshly fed forest give shrinkage to 5% of the height during the first year and a half after the construction. Throughout this period, the house needs to be intensively ventilated and cannot be stirred, but it is necessary to periodically attend to monitor the condition of the surface of the bric, the values ​​of the gaps over the processes, the position of the rafter, gradually lower the pillars.

Forest legend

Others do not change the color of wood. Photo: neomid.

The walls are then required to cross the pacule harness or narrow flange ribbon; The cost of such works, for example, in the Moscow region today starts from 80 rubles. For 1 p. m on the one hand. At this stage, whole logs are usually fixed in the openings and mounted casing boxes, over which the gaps are left for about 3% of the height of the outlet, as the shrink's shrinkage continues and after one and a half years. (If you do a sacrifice when the walls are erected, the magnitude of the gaps should be increased to 7% of the height of the openings.)

Forest legend

Sometimes a moss is used as a seal. This material is durable, but is much more expensive than pack. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

Next, install windows and doors and gradually begin to tram, and the first time is maintained in the rooms no higher than +10 ° C in the rooms. It is possible to start the finish when the relative humidity of the wood will decrease to 20%, but then the sheet bases under the tile are mounted on the sliding inches.

Forest legend

The house chicken under the old days is unthinkable without carved frontal and wind boards, eaves and platbands. The price of ordered elements with propyl carvings starts from 600 rubles / p. m.

Before applying the protective and decorative coating, the crowns can be seized; The most convenient tool for this is an eccentric grinder or "Bulgarian" with a scope-brush.

Paintworks need to be chosen extremely carefully, because in case of error, it will have to reap the forests and grind a bric. When painting, dumps and rollers pacle in the seams are impregnated.

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How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_34
How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_35
How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_36

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_37

When constructing a roof with malepronstones, it is important to eliminate the skewls of the rafted and the hang of logs as a result of shrinkage.

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Selecting the section and step rafters depends on slope slopes and snow loads

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_39

Round beams are fixed with a word in the wall

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_40

Fronton Sails Rely on Console Retrootes

What angle is more?

Forest legend

Third not only anti-septic, but also prevent fire. Photo: North

There are more than a dozen corner compounds of log walls, but mostly apply the cutting into the "Oblom" (it is "in the bowl", with the residue) and "in the paw" (without residue). The advantages of the first method - aesthetic appearance in the spirit of the traditions of wooden architecture, as well as the good protection of the insulation and the lock part of the log from moisture, especially if the bowl is directed down (this method is called "in chop"). As for the cutting "in the paw", it allows you to save 5-10% of the timber, but usually an angle has to sow a shade to protect against moisture. Reduce the risk of blowing and make compounds strongly will help the key or comb ("Kurdushk"), which are performed in connections as with the residue, and without.

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How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_43
How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_44

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_45

Options for cutting angles: "in the saddle" (the angle of this type is also called Canadian). Photo: Goodhome.

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_46

"In the paw." Photo: "Bezhetsky Frams"

How to build a chopped house: all stages from order to decoration 10855_47

"In the bowl." Corners in the corners are usually obtained slightly wider than in the longitudinal conjugation of the crowns, and they are subsequently needed to be carefully caught. Photo: "Stroyfora"

More complex options - Norwegian, Canadian, "in the hook" - are used in the construction of class premium houses from Karelian pine, cedar and larch. For decorative and economic buildings, today they are sometimes used by an old logging "in the pillar" and "in the dignity" (with the lumens between the logs), and for baths - "to the pursuit" and "pointer" (with alternating thick and thin stems).

Forest legend

Figure-filled and gear releases in the corners and passages help to stylize the construction under ancient, give it a romantic appearance.

One of the main problems in the construction of a log house is a sealing of interventic seams. The magnitude of the gaps can be quite large, because perfectly fit the crowns or to surpasses them between themselves it is impossible, besides, the tree is brewed when the moisture differences. The purging of chopped walls will prevent the seal capable, which can repeatedly expand and shrink, filling with the clearances in size, for example, a polyester fiber-based tape. The thickness of such a material is 20 mm. It is easy to compress up to 1 mm, but after compression it is 100% restored. At the same time, the tape is perfectly isolating heat, is not susceptible to rotting and has good vapor permeability.

Natalia Lapshin

Director of Sales of FSM Green Plouth

Comparison of timber materials of different breeds

Breed of wood


Pine ordinary


Karelian Sustained Pine

Cedar (pine cedar)

Wood properties

Bright, almost white, has a low density, on the trunks there are usually a lot of small bitch, without treatment with an antiseptic, it rather quickly

It is very similar to fir, but has a more pronounced texture (with the filling of yellowish fibers), resinist, because it is somewhat less susceptible to rotting

The surface of the brine from this tree over time acquires a silver-gray shade. Wood larch is significantly densely pine and does not need antiseptation

It has a gray surface and a rich-yellow kernel part. It has high density and resistant fungus

Golden brown, moderately resistant to rotting, with a strong coniferous aroma, which is last saved in the built house

Price, rub. / M3

From 6500.

From 9,000

From 14,000

From 22,000

From 21,000

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