5 innovations for windows in a country house


When style and comfort come to the fore, each detail in the interior becomes important. The modern window is one of the most expressive and functional elements in any house. And here the designer solution and the presence of technological options of the window becomes of great importance.

5 innovations for windows in a country house 10877_1

How to make a window with a stylish interior element

How to create a stylish interior in a country house? At the present stage of development of the interior-construction industry, the windows turned into a full-fledged design element. Now it is possible to realize any designer project into reality, where the windows will not look like foreign onwards, but on the contrary - harmoniously.

Progressive Hi-Tech

Not the first year of Hi-Tech occupies a leading position as a style for designing interiors. In turn, high technologies are inspired and motivated by industrial and interior designers to create ultra-trendy forms.

In the Hi-Tech spaces, the window must not only be functional - provide maximum lighting, thermal comfort, noise reduction and safety, but also to externally transfer style aesthetics.

The single glass surface of the model, as if the water surface of the lake, is a decoration and a natural continuation of the space of the house - the real embodiment of the modern style of life. This is exactly the model of Kaleva Space windows.

How to make a window with a stylish interior element

Space design is exceptional and unique - only glass and stylish handle.

Space is a stylish and futuristic solution for those who taste manufacturability and minimalism in the interior.

Variation to the topic

Laconic Scandinavian, natural Mediterranean or luxurious classic - whatever style is not fundamental, it is not difficult to choose the desired model of the window.

The Kaleva Vario series consists of three models: Stockholm, Milan and Paris. Each model has its own history and a unique image. When you see the sophisticated bends and the smooth surface of the sash that resembles a frame of an expensive picture, I want to touch him. This is not just a rectangle, and the present work of contemporary art in the interior.

Stockholm is ideal not only for the Scandinavian interior, but also for the interior in the style of Loft. The color of the windows should choose depending on the stylistics of the room - it can both correspond to the overall range of the interior, and, on the contrary, become accent.

How to make a window with a stylish interior element

The Milan model can be used in the eclectic style or modern.

How to make a window with a stylish interior element

The Paris model is perfect for the classic interior, but also combines well with a minimalist setting or interior with elements of eclecticism.

How to make a window with a stylish interior element

Classic always in fashion

Strict flawlessness of direct lines and the elegant smoothness of the rounded surface of the Kaleva Deco model window sash perfectly looks in classic interiors. This is a real embodiment of harmony and beauty in the house.

How to make a window with a stylish interior element

Stylish window with the highest light level and maximum thermal insulation indicators. In fact, Deco challenge a little illuminated premises.

Intellect wins

Modern windows not only turned into an important aesthetic and interior component of our homes, but also multifunctional. The windows are perfectly adjusted internal microclimate, soften certain adverse environmental factors.

For a modern house, the Russian company Kaleva has created a new type of option for windows - Built-in Weather Indicator Meteoglass. Now, throwing only one round look at the window, you can understand the temperature level and the possibility of precipitation outside the window and immediately decide what to wear: jacket or waterproof.

How to make a window with a stylish interior element

In addition to the temperature and sound comfort, "Smart Windows" recently appeared, which are able to protect privacy and take care of creating a private situation in the house.

With the help of Private Glass technology, presented at Kaleva, you can change the transparency coefficient to zero in one second.

How to make a window with a stylish interior element

The underlying electromonchrot film is polarized when the voltage is filled with it, and the window becomes completely transparent. And vice versa, when the voltage is not filed, the window turns into a matte. And using the technologies of a smart home, you can program some kind of script - depending on time, temperature or illumination.

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