10 Common Errors in Kitchen Design: How not to repeat them


An ill-conceived electrician, saving on retractable mechanisms and the desire to decorate the kitchen with a useless decor - these and another 7 mistakes owners of kitchens are most often allowed. We tell how to avoid them.

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1 too little outlets

After repair, it often finds out that the outlets need more than the owners thought. For example, they provided an outlet under the electric stove, a refrigerator, a washing machine and a dishwasher. But they did not take into account that they would need an electric kettle, with the birth of a child - a steamer or a blender or they want to drink delicious coffee at home every morning - and buy a coffee maker.

Sockets photo

Photo: Instagram Sdelano.ru

How not to repeat: Before the start of the repair, consider your household scenarios and possible lifestyle changes, preferably a few years ahead (for example, planning a child and a possible technique that will be needed). And pride the desired number of outlets in the kitchen.

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10 Common Errors in Kitchen Design: How not to repeat them 10878_4

10 Common Errors in Kitchen Design: How not to repeat them 10878_5

Photo: Instagram Alla.chuvinova

10 Common Errors in Kitchen Design: How not to repeat them 10878_6

Photo: Instagram Alla.chuvinova

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2 lack of light

The amount of light in the kitchen determines the convenience and your mood. Imagine: You cook in the evening after work - most likely, this is not the most desirable lesson, but with dim light, cooking turns into torment.

Lack of light photos

Photo: Instagram Kuhni_Gid

How not to repeat: Provide several illumination scenarios. For example, the top light (chandelier or built-in s), flooring over the dining area and the illumination of the working surface over the kitchen apron. The comfort will also add built-in lights inside glazed cabinets. You will be able to use the light as it is convenient and wants at a particular moment.

Lack of light in the kitchen

Photo: Instagram Nashamarka

  • 4 common mistakes in the lighting of the kitchen, which spoil the interior (and how to avoid them)

3 Saving on retractable systems

Shelves are economical. But it is important to save several thousand on convenience and ergonomics. It is unlikely that you will be happy to climb into the distant corner of the shelves behind the right product or dishes. You will have to get everything on the front.

Shelves in the kitchen photo

Photo: Instagram Yullga

How not to repeat: Look for compromises between convenience and budget. For example, an angular retractable mechanism can be ordered separately and embedded with the help of a guest specialist. Often it is cheaper than buying a "magic corner" complete with all the kitchen. And in modern drawers with filling, you can store a lot of useful accessories.

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10 Common Errors in Kitchen Design: How not to repeat them 10878_13

10 Common Errors in Kitchen Design: How not to repeat them 10878_14

Photo: Instagram GreencityHouse

10 Common Errors in Kitchen Design: How not to repeat them 10878_15

Photo: Instagram GreencityHouse

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4 shell too close to the plate

What threatens it? Permanent water splashes negatively affect the operation of gas plates and cooking panels.

Work triangle photo

Photo: Instagram Alla.chuvinova

How not to repeat: Think out the location of the working triangle so that it is convenient to move between its "vertices" (refrigerator, stove and sink) and the location corresponded to the requirements of operation. Between the sink and stove should be at least 50 cm.

Sink and stove Location

Photo: Instagram Lanasyremont

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5 ill-faced number of furniture

I ordered a kitchen set with mounted cabinets, it "eaten" the lion's share of the budget for repairing the kitchen, as the attached cabinets are expensive, but now you do not know what to store them. Familiar?

Hinged cabinets photos

Photo: Instagram MDM71NM

How not to repeat: Optionally all the kitchen to equip mounted cabinets. See beautiful design examples when the apron is made completely on one of the walls of the corner kitchen. Or partially replace closed cabinets with open shelves, if ready for frequent cleaning.

Cabinets in the kitchen

Photo: Instagram Remont_izumrud

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6 Tabletop of Natural Stone

Even those who are ready to invest in the repair of large sums think about practicality. Natural stone is beautiful, luxurious, but rarely practical. Especially if the kitchen use regularly, they like to cook or in the family there are children who sometimes cut something right on the table top.

Table top photo

Photo: Instagram Stonetimeru

How not to repeat: Natural stone substitutes - quartz agglomerates or acrylic stones for the price are comparable to the sources, but will be more practical. If you want to save, it is not your option. Choose laminated chipboard or MDF.

Stone table top

Photo: Instagram Sdelano.ru

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7 little free space

You forced the kitchen furniture - and now you can not normally move it.

Narrow passages kitchen

Photo: Instagram IDESIGN_RUSSIA

How not to repeat: Planning the kitchen, learn that there should be at least 120 cm between the kitchen head and the dining group. The same thing is about the kitchen island.

Passages in the kitchen photo

Photo: Instagram elizaveta_02091983

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8 ill-made choice of fittings

We are almost sure that you have not thought about this little things. The protruding handle cuts off the door opening angle and can prevent the retractable mechanism.

Pens that interfere with opening cabinets photo

Photo: Instagram Mebelka.khv

How not to repeat: It is better to make mini-handles or use the clique system at all when the opening occurs by pressing the door.

Pens in kitchen photo

Photo: instagram home_design_8888

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9 Open ventilation system

Sticking corrugations are unlikely to decorate your interior, as well as holes in the ceiling.

Open ventilation photo

Photo: Instagram SMK_TRIO

How not to repeat: Hide communication in a box under the plasterboard ceiling, to the top cabinets to the ceiling. There are models of hoods that do not need an air duct.

Vanity system in the kitchen

Photo: Instagram Alla.chuvinova

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10 Useless decor

In the desire to create an ideal interior easily rearranged with decorations. Figurines, photo frames, decorative coffee grinders, a few posters - are you sure that they really need in your kitchen?

Useless photo decor

Photo: instagram small.flat.ideas

How not to repeat: In order to add the interior of the kitchen of life and individuality, often enough bouquet of flowers at the dinner table and paintings on the wall. Choose beautiful household trivia, such as dispensers for soap, cutting boards, towels - they will decorate your kitchen, but will not become a "curb."

Decor in the kitchen photo

Photo: Instagram Topoeva_Julia

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