How to create "Interior with Cover": 7 Seld Soviets


What is the secret of "journal" interiors and how to make your apartment look like this? Let's give seven valuable tips.

How to create

1 Mouse over

The first and main item - contain a house in perfect order. Always. Even if you have little children and it seems impossible - scattered toys, things on the back of the chair or in the chair, shoes in the hallway, folded as it is necessary or just thrown into the distant corner - these and other little things will always spoil the beauty of your interior. The mess is the main obstacle to the achievement of comfort. Remember this.

Order in the interior

Photo: Instagram VREMYA.PORYADKA

2 Pay attention to the color palette

You know the problem: did the finish and chose furniture, but it seems that something still does not have enough and the interior looks uninteresting? Not like in magazines that you inspired.

The case can be in color. Did you choose neutral pastel shades? Or is one color dominates and "scores" all the others?

Color in interior photo

Photo: Instagram MyHyggeland

Bright shades will help correct the position. No need to live a lot, 2-3 new accents will revive the interior, they will make it more interesting and come closer to the ideal "from the cover."

Do not hurry to change the sofa or cross the wallpaper, better pay attention to the budget ways to change the interior. For example, colored decorative pillows, flowers bouquets or bright dishes for the kitchen.

Bright accents in the interior photo

Photo: Instagram Lavkadesign

3 Make one throw accent in the room

Here is no longer about color. Professional designers make one catchy accent in the interior, which attracts attention. It can be a kitchen island in a combined kitchen-living room, a decorative fireplace or a big picture on the wall.

Focus on the wall photo

Photo: Instagram Terehoves

4 Combine decorative pillows

This is a universal way to transform a living room or bedroom. Decorative pillows are often the final emphasis of the entire interior. Try different sizes of pillows, cloth pillowcase and colors. Now in fashion, natural materials, such as flax and cotton, but from chic it is not necessary to refuse - velvet, embroidery and fringe in the trend. The main thing is not to combine completely different tissues and colors. Eclecticism is good, but for a harmonious interior, decorative pillows must have something in the design: dimensions or repeating colors.

Decorative pillows photo

Photo: Instagram Lavkadesign

5 Put flowers in high vases

This decision will not only add to the elegance of the interior, but also helps to visually increase the height of the ceiling. Vase should be simple, maybe even transparent, and flowers or plants without any wrapper.

Flowers in a high vase photo

Photo: Instagram ShokoDesign

6 Remove all household details

Life spoils the interior. Alas, but it is. We are against the "interior for the sake of beauty", first of all it should be comfortable for a person and fit the lifestyle, but from some household trifles it is really worth refusing. For example, from dyeing bottles with cosmetics on the shelf in the bathroom, multi-colored washcloths. In the kitchen - from a bottle with detergent, sponges for washing dishes and rags, gloves.

Bathroom design

Photo: Instagram Design_osyanina

What to do? Hide what is not every day, in closed lockers. For a sponge and rags in the kitchen, refer to special suspended storage in the cabinet under the sink. It is convenient, and you do not have to look for household trivia, which would necessarily approach the color. The detergent and liquid soap can be pouring into the dispenser container. The mass market has a huge variety of such accessories.

7 Make a composition on a coffee table

Or decorate the rack. Western designers for the transformation of interiors are resorted to this reception. Put a tray and make a small composition on it: Candles, magazine, small vase with a bouquet - options may be weight.

Beautiful composition photo

Photo: Instagram Lavkadesign

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