Bed in Oder: Arguments for and against and 5 accommodation options


One of the main questions of Owner owners - What to put in the room: sofa or bed? Today we consider everything "for" and "against" a full-fledged bed in a one-room apartment and studio, and also show examples, as you can place it.

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Why should I refuse from the bed?

1. Free space

And this is the main argument of those who are afraid to put a bed in the odnushka or studio. Of course, it is unlikely that there is an area of ​​17-20 squares in a very small apartment, this is an absolutely irrational spent of meters, but also in a full-fledged one-hour from 30 m2 anyway, many want to equip a full-fledged living area.

2. "Where to invite guests?"

This is the next point in the piggy bank "Against" bed, although it is easy to choose a counterproof. There is at least one effective way out - to invite guests to the kitchen. In the kitchen from eight square meters, it is quite realistic to put a small sofa and accommodation with convenience. And one more argument that leads the buds in the odnushka - you invite guests once a week, and go to bed every day. Who is it worth thinking about yourself or about yourself?

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Bed in Oder: Arguments for and against and 5 accommodation options 10891_3

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Photo: Instagram alexandr_lisitsa_fh

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Photo: Instagram alexandr_lisitsa_fh

3. Nice sofa will replace bed

And there is such an opinion. Some buy special thin mattresses and put on a decomposed sofa to sleep comfortably.

  • 5 bedrooms, where they abandoned the bed (and what they replaced)

Why do you need a bed in the odnushka?

1. Healthy Son.

If neither cool, but every person who had slept on a folding sofa for a long time and then moved to bed, always chosen the second. This is the convenience of sleep, and comfort for two people who are sleeping in bed, "thanks to modern mattresses, you can not even feel like a partner turns into a dream or gets up. Definitely, a full bed is a healthy and strong sleep.

2. bed do not need to fold

For some - a trifle, for others - almost a catastrophe. The prospect of daily folding and decaying the sofa, cleaning bed linen is far from all. And if we are talking about the people of the elderly or with the back disease - it is sometimes impossible to decompose the sofa. It is necessary to consider.

Bed in cube photo

Photo: Instagram Mayav.interiors

3. Psychological aspect

The bedroom as a rest space is associated only with the bed. This is a place where you can relax, relax, to stay yourself and in the end calmly and nice to sleep. The psychological aspect is important for many, so you should not write it off with accounts.

4. Bed can be placed conveniently

And we will show how.

1. Bed on the podium

Raise the floor level and place a bed on the podium. Inside the podium, you can mount additional storage systems.

Bed on the podium photo

Photo: instagram small.flat.ideas

2. Bed behind the partition

You can make a glass sliding partition or simply put a rack that will mimic separator. But, of course, such a partition is easily visible and does not fit, for example, for parents with an adult child, where everyone needs a privacy of each of the family members.

Bed per partition photo

Photo: Instagram Malenkayakvartira

3. Plasterboard partition with fisheck

This is not too popular way, because time-consuming. It is necessary to build a partition, "breaking" in it in it, it takes time and strength, and will also cost more than the usual rack (not a glass partition, the prices of these works at one level). But rash flow allows you to slowly save the natural light in the separated part of the room. And by the way, it does not have to be a bedroom. On the contrary, the bed is better to put closer to the window, natural light and air. And to organize the living room for such a partition.

Bed with partition photo

Photo: Instagram Malenkayakvartira

4. Curtain as a way of zoning

This is the easiest way to separate the bedroom from the second zone. If a young married couple or one person lives in the apartment, it can even be transparent tulle - conditional zoning. But the dense curtain can protect against light - sounds of course will remain and can interfere with rest.

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Bed in Oder: Arguments for and against and 5 accommodation options 10891_12

Bed in Oder: Arguments for and against and 5 accommodation options 10891_13

Photo: Instagram Interiormoscow

Bed in Oder: Arguments for and against and 5 accommodation options 10891_14

Photo: Instagram Interiormoscow

5. Bed in the closet

Furniture-transformer costs a lot, but adds a functionality interior. At the same time, there is a full-fledged living room, and a bedroom, and there is no need to infringe on something.

Bed in closet photo

Photo: Instagram Voroshilina_anna

  • Bed embedded in a closet: Furniture functional object or useless purchase?


The arguments "for" the bed is greater, and there are as many as five options, how to place a bed in the odnushka or studio without redevelopment and coordination. Perhaps really do not deprive yourself of a full sleep, but a small area is not a "sentence." And what option would you choose?

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Bed in Oder: Arguments for and against and 5 accommodation options 10891_18

Bed in Oder: Arguments for and against and 5 accommodation options 10891_19

Photo: Instagram Dom_Tvoej_mechty

Bed in Oder: Arguments for and against and 5 accommodation options 10891_20

Photo: Instagram Dom_Tvoej_mechty

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