10 best decorative shrubs for giving


Lilac, Chubuschnik, Hortensia and seven more types of shrubs that will decorate your site and will not require much care.

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_1

1 Samshat.

Sugit - Slowly growing shrub with very dense pig. It is its main dignity, as it allows you to form various figures from the plant. You can cut balls or more complicated figures from the browser, make a living fence - in general, a find for landscape design.

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10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_3

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_4

Photo: Instagram ROYAL_GARDENS.RU

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_5

Photo: Instagram Gkunda

Another advantage of the Samshat is an evergreen plant, that is, it will decorate the site all year round.

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2 lilac

One of the most popular plants in Russian dachas. Especially common is a lilac ordinary. Lilac blooms in May, as a rule, light violet or white flowers.

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_7
10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_8
10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_9

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_10

Photo: Instagram Mperekrestova

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_11

Photo: Instagram Sihiyav

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_12

Photo: Instagram Unkers86

Shrub unpretentious in care and frost-resistant. Plant disembarking is better in the period from July to September.

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3 Hortensia

Luxury hydrangea flowers will decorate any cottage. Especially popular hydrangea hydrangea, it looks good at the club, and lined along the tracks, and just next to the house, as an ornament of the facade.

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10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_15
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10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_17

Photo: Instagram Nvkoloskova

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_18

Photo: Instagram Sadsam.ru

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_19

Photo: Instagram SKAZOCHNYY_GOROD_

The height of the majority of hydrangea varieties is 1-3 m. Flowers shrub from spring to late autumn white, blue, blue, lilac and pink flowers - it all depends on the variety (and even from the soil in which the plant is planted!).

Hydrangea is heat-loving, it is better to plant it on the sunny side. In daily irrigation, it does not need - in hot time it is enough to water twice a week. But the strengths of the shrub will not survive: in the fall, when the hydrangea is swinging, it is necessary to cut dry inflorescences and hide it for the winter.

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4 Spiray Gray

Spiriya gray loved by landscape designers for what can become excellent "material" to create a living hedge, but among the summer houses it is popular thanks to his unpretentiousness. Spirea gray grows on any soil, frost-resistant, does not require frequent irrigation (enough to water the shrub twice a month).

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10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_22

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_23

Photo: Instagram Poisk_pitomnik

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_24

Photo: Instagram SvetlanaAnto

Flowers Spiray gray with small white flowers in May and June.

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5 Forzition

If you want the plot to be transformed early in the spring, plan the forsius - it just blooms at this time and blooms for three weeks. Shrub has recognizable bright yellow colors.

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10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_27

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_28

Photo: Instagram Queen_Budur

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_29

Photo: Instagram Veda_Lena

In the care of the formation of unpretentious, although it may not withstand strong frosts. He loves the sun, but can grow in the shade. Plant plant is better in early spring or autumn, before the onset of frosts.

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6 Vibina

Kalina attracts many things that first blooms in summer beautiful white or pink flowers, and in the fall pleases the eye bright red or even black berries.

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10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_32

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_33

Photo: Instagram Anitabozh

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_34

Photo: Instagram rodionova260372

Kalina can be planted in spring or autumn, it is best to grow and bloom it will be in well-lit places on neutral or weak soil.

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7 Roshovnik

Another shrub, which is famous for beautiful flowers, on the site of which no less beautiful berries appear. In Russian sites, a pink or white rose rose is most often found. Flowers plant in May and June.

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10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_39

Photo: Instagram Cvetochki_Flowers

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_40

Photo: Instagram LamiateneBrosa

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_41

Photo: Instagram Prekrasnoe_Daleko_dolls

Rosehip is frost-resistant and rather unpretentious. From its bushes can also be formed a living fence.

8 hawthorn

The hawthorn refers to high shrubs, can reach height to 8 meters. Flowers hawthorn white, crimson or reddish flowers in the late spring and early summer, and then gives edible fruits.

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10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_43

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_44

Photo: Instagram Musi.Moskvina

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_45

Photo: Instagram Vera_Mayurnikova

The hawthorn is resistant to freezing, unpretentious, although it requires trimming. It is also suitable for creating a living hedge.

9 honeysuckle

Decorative honeysuckle can grow in the form of a shrub or liana and reach in a height of up to 6 meters. The honeysuckle blooms at the end of spring, shades of inflorescences are the most different: depending on the variety the honeysuckle can be white, and pink and yellow.

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10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_49

Photo: Instagram Bogrentsova

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Photo: Instagram Leva_Medova

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_51

Photo: Instagram Viradruk

In general, the decorative honeysuckle is unpretentious, although the Lianovoid will have to care for a little more careful (it will be demanding the soil and watering).

10 Chubuschnik

Chubuschnik, or garden jasmine, attracts dacnons with beautiful aroma and beautiful white or cream flowers, blossoming in the spring.

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_52
10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_53

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_54

Photo: Instagram ElenaPotapova525

10 best decorative shrubs for giving 10902_55

Photo: instagram viliam_sad

Shrub is unpretentious and resistant to frost. Plant Chubuschik is best in spring, on the sunny side.

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