13 fundamentally new ways to decorate the interior


Want to move away from hanging pictures on the walls and contact more original decor options? Excellent! We have prepared a selection of fresh solutions for you, with the help of which you add the setting a highlight.

13 fundamentally new ways to decorate the interior 10910_1

1 "Tulle" of colors

Refuse the curtains and at the same time not to leave the window empty will help a simple, but unusual idea: "Tulle" from flowers. Hanger on suckers, a bouquet of decorative artificial plants - and now your window opening has turned into a real portal in the summer.

Design Idea Decorative Flowers in the form of tulle on a photo window

Photo: IKEA.

2 Three-dimensional "paintings"

When the paintings and posters are tired to the crossed of the teeth, the frames will be helped with three-dimensional mini-installations. Such 3D-"paintings" can be made independently of the cute heart of things. They will also help keep memories of travel or holidays.

13 fundamentally new ways to decorate the interior 10910_3
13 fundamentally new ways to decorate the interior 10910_4
13 fundamentally new ways to decorate the interior 10910_5

13 fundamentally new ways to decorate the interior 10910_6

Photo: IKEA.

13 fundamentally new ways to decorate the interior 10910_7

Photo: IKEA.

13 fundamentally new ways to decorate the interior 10910_8

Photo: IKEA.

3 Suspended Decor

The decor can be not only desktop and wall! How about decorative elements suspended to the ceiling?

Design Idea Decor Hung to Ceiling Photo

Photo: Instagram Entrancemakleri

You can use abstract decorative accessories, and you can take recognizable objects for these purposes creating mood. Let's say hanging soccer balls will be a highlight in the apartment athlete, and the globes will give a suitable housing of the traveler.

Design Idea Scandicor, suspended to the ceiling

Photo: Instagram Love_scandi

4 Polygonal figures

Three-dimensional polygonal figures from paper - an intense idea. You can purchase a ready-made set for gluing or print a diagram and make a polygonal figure with your own hands.

Design Idea Polygonal Paper Figures Unusual Decor

Photo: Instagram StorewithoutaHome

By the way, such a decor looks great and independently, and as part of the composition. And it can be placed in the frame.

Polygonal Figure Frame Idea Decor Photo

Photo: Instagram Fedra_F

The frames can become a bright decorative accent and by themselves: only to combine several stylish models in one gallery.

Decor's idea gallery frame on wall photo

Photo: IKEA.

6 shelf from the old guitar

Give the second life of the old guitar: it can turn into an unusual, original shelf and become a real interior decoration.

New idea of ​​decor from old guitar design photo

Photo: Instagram BEST_FOR_HOME

7 Wooden panel

A stylish decorative element, rapidly conquering hearts of eco-decor lovers, - panels from wooden boards.

Wooden Panel Design in Interior Decor Idea

Photo: Instagram Woodwork_Saransk

Create such a decorative accessory, by the way, you can and with your own hands.

Decor design idea wooden panel in interior photo

Photo: Instagram RiverleighDesigns

8 shelves from old suitcases

Another thing that can get the second life in your home is the old suitcase.

Interior design idea of ​​decor from old suitcases: photo

Photo: Instagram HomeMania.ru

9 Flowers-Floors

An unusual decorative element of the situation, which can become its highlight, is a lamp in the form of a giant flower. It will be especially appropriate to look in a delicate bedroom or a children's room for a girl.

Decor Idea Giant Flowers Luminaires In Interior Photo

Photo: Instagram Magical.Miracle

10 Cameroon Hats

Original, Fact Wall Decor - Cameroon Hat. It can become a single bright accent, create a bright combination with other Cameroon hats or act as an element of a decorative composition.

Idea Decor Design Photo Cameroonian Hat In Interior

Photo: Instagram A.nefedova

11 Fitopanno

Pando, paintings and even whole walls decorated with natural plants and moss - original decor and actual eco-trend. By the way, such a decision contributes to the improvement of the microclimate in the room.

Idea decor phytopiano in interior photo

Photo: Instagram Mox_stab_Klever

12 Spiel of Tree

The most ordinary longitudinal or transverse walls of the tree can become a replacement for a boring wall decor. Laconic, stylish, eco-friendly solution.

Sleb Spice Tree in Interior Design Decor Head Of Photo

Photo: Instagram Sestoy_Element

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13 Artificial Garland

Another use of artificial colors in the decor is to create stylish garlands. Make them with your own hands very easily, and the decorative effect is stunning.

Idea decor garland from artificial flowers photo

Photo: IKEA.

By the way, the idea is also suitable for seasonal and festive decor.

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