Street lamps do it yourself: 10 simple and cool options


In our selection of simple ideas for creating street lamps from cans, bottles, paper and even hoop!

Street lamps do it yourself: 10 simple and cool options 10918_1

1. Luminaire of glass cans and lamps

To create this street lamp, you will need cans with metal covers. In the latter, you need to do a small hole so that the wire can be covered in it. A little skill - and in the bank will be a cartridge with a light bulb, and the lamp will be ready.

Street lamp


You can make a single option or a whole "bouquet of lamps", as in the photo. You can also decorate banks in different ways, for example, coloring them or salary with old newspapers.

2. Suspended lamp from cans and garlands

Another option of a street lamp from glass cans. This time garland is used as a light source. It is squocated in several cans, which are fixed together and create a beautiful composition. Excellent decoration for the facade of the country house!

Street lamp


3. Lamp made of tin cans

To make such a lamp with your own hands, you first need to freeze water in an empty tin can. When the water turns into a lot, the point patterns are erected in the bank with a nail and hammer (if you miss freezing, the bank is blocked).

The next step is painting and equipment banks with a wire handle, with which you can hang the lamp on the street or on the veranda. Now it remains only to put the candle inside.

Street lamp

Photo by

4. Garland decorated with packages from cupcakes

If you have used or new paper packaging from under cupcakes, they can be turned into miniature for garlands. To do this, it is necessary to do at the base of small holes and push the bulbs in them.

Street lamp


5. Plastic Bottle Light

To make such an unusual lamp, you will need a matte white bottle of plastic, for example, from under the air conditioner for linen or liquid washing powder. The zigzag cut from it is cut off the bottom, so that the design began to resemble the flower, then the plastic "flower" together with the lid is attached to a metal bar or a wooden stick. Candle is inserted inside. You can choose a safe LED candle, if you are afraid of fire.

Street lamp


6. Oil lamp in the bank

Another very beautiful (true, not too durable) Option of the street lamp from the can. To make it, in the bank you need to place flowers, herbs, fruits, berries - all that you are designed to create a summer composition. The content is then poured with water, and the oil is poured on top (the usual sunflower is suitable), the thickness of the oil layer is 0.5-1 cm. At the end, the floating candle is placed - the oil will definitely not give her to drown.

Street lamp


Candles, of course, can be changed, but still the lamp will live too long. But as an ornament for a romantic picnic or a street party, she will definitely suit.

7. Wrap Lamp

An ordinary hoop can become an excellent base for the suspension lamp - paint it or decorate in one other way, wrap the garland and equip the suspension. Such a "chandelier" can be hung on the veranda or on the street if the garland is long enough.

Street lamp

Photo: Sarahotheblog blog

8. Lamps from beer bottles

Another simple idea for lighting with the help of garlands is to push it into a row of clean beer bottles and place them along the tracks or around the perimeter of the veranda. It will look very original.

Street lamp


9. Light installation from cans and old stairs

Above we have already described several ideas for street lamps from glass cans. If you use such suspended constructions with candles inside not separately, but in the composition with other elements, this art object may turn out! For example, a piece of old wooden staircase was used as the basis, suspended lamps from cans, chains and an unusual polyhedron attached to it. You can decorate your design anywhere: paper garlands, ribbons, artificial flowers ...

Street lamp


10. Round grape luminaires

And finally, a very unusual version of street lighting made of grape vines. To create it, you need to wrap the branches around the round base - it will suit the metal frame from the wire or the usual inflatable ball. In the process of the vine you need to fasten (for example, glue).

Street lamp


The resulting design decorate the street garland, place on the lawn or hang on the trees. The summer cottage will immediately resemble the magic garden!

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