How to quickly clean up the dacha: 14 councils and lifehak


Useful recommendations in order to prepare a house for the new season and spend time with benefit and comfort.

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Before cleaning

1. Inspect the house: from the basement to the attic

In winter, precipitation and low temperatures could cause damage even to durable homes, not to mention small country houses. For them, winter rarely ends without consequences.

Start the inspection from the basement or cellar (if any). During the melting of the snow, they can be flooded, and it threatens the inevitable damp, mold and fungus on the walls. If such a trouble still happened, be sure to dry the basement - do not wait until it happens by itself. A long wait is fraught with a porch of the foundation and it will cost you much more expensive to buy a drainage pump or challenge professionals.

Window in the country house photo

Photo: Instagram Svetachok

The attic also in the "risk zone". Check if the mold did not appear there, whether the sheets of the roof were removed, there were no holes through which water could penetrate. It is necessary to restore the integrity of the roof immediately in order not to suffer from excessive dampness indoors.

The country house inevitably freezes in winter, so in the first spring arrival it must be dried. For this, regardless of the temperature on the street, open the windows and venture all the rooms. After - tap the room.

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2. Eliminate wall defects

Today there are special materials on the market that allow you to easily close the small gaps.

Take out the gaps on the facade and the inturi photo

Photo: Instagram Perfecthome.OB

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3. Check all communications

All engineering networks that are on the plot must be checked - and only after that use. Wiring and plumbing channels often suffer from rodents. Be sure to check the integrity, because the faulty wires can provoke a short circuit and a fire.

4. Update the coating inside

It is not necessary to make overhaul. If the walls are made of logs or the upholstery, use special paints. This will give the house a new kind, there wanted to come more often. Stone walls are also easy to paint, deliberate irregularities will give a special atmosphere of dacha life.

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Photo: Instagram Daria_Proremont

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Lifehaki for rapid cleaning and creating comfort

1. First, dust, then broom (vacuum cleaner), after wet flooring

This is the "golden rule" of cleaning. It is important to do it in such a sequence, because the remnants of dust from the surfaces can move to the floor, and the washing of the floors before dry cleaning threatens to break the shallow dirt throughout the house.

2. Use disinfectors

Especially if the mold and fungus appeared in the house or you discovered traces of rodents. Special tools will help protect themselves and households from infections and get rid of the unreasonable "guests".

Beautiful house outside the city

Photo: Instagram Svetachok

3. Wipe the cabinets with acetic water

This is the easiest way to disinfect the surfaces for storing things or dishes.

4. Soft furniture Select, textiles - dry

If this is not done, the unnecessary humidity will continue all the actions against mold and fungus will be in vain spending time.

Textiles at the cottage photo

Photo: Instagram Svetachok

5. Take finally all unnecessary things

We used to take away unnecessary things to the cottage - "Someday you will be useful, not to throw out." Did you know yourself? You got rid of them in an urban apartment, now it's time to free the cottage, it is also not rubber. What you do not use - throw out without pity.

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6. Show fantasy

If there is no big budget to guide the comfort, do not do without fantasy. In the country house, Hand-Maid decor and furniture looks very cute. For example, mirrors in chocarized independently frames or furniture from construction pallets.

And in the walls of the country's house, the old kerosene lamp can find its place (provided that it is working), vintage suitcases or a collection of grandmother's sets. Retro-notes are very "to the face" of dacha interiors.

Accessories in the house at the cottage

Photo: Instagram Svetachok

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Order on the site

1. Clean the garbage site

Pay attention and adjacent territory, because the pure house begins with the threshold. Tracks sweep, and after rinse with water.

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2. "TRANSFER" lawn

This will require fan rake. The collapsed grass will interfere with the restoration of lawn, it must be removed. IMPORTANT: All manipulations with the lawn, when it is dry.

Combat lawn

Photo: Instagram Vashsadovnikufa

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3. Inspect the fence and build on the site

They need to be fixed, but all unnecessary remove.

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4. Puck behind trees and shrubs

The plants that you were covered for the winter, no longer need protection, but they need care. If there are cracks in the tree cortex, clean them and disinfect to do not give trees to die. The overgrown bushes swift garden scissors or saw.

Plants in the garden photo

Photo: Instagram Za_Larisa

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