How to hide uneven walls: 8 designer solutions


Cut the walls with wallpaper, decorated with clapboard or make an emphasis on the disadvantages of the surface? In our selection of 8 ways to hide the irregularities of the walls or turn them into the interior decoration.

How to hide uneven walls: 8 designer solutions 10986_1

1 Use the wallpaper

The easiest option to hide the irregularities of the walls is to go their wallpaper. The wall prepared by the wallpaper does not need ideal smoothness, compared with the wall under painting.

It is better to give preference to vinyl and phlizelin wallpaper with an ornament or pattern. Due to their density and multi-layered, irregularities will be able to hide completely.

Wallpaper with a print to hide irregularities

Photo: Instagram Pro.Blesk_perm

I'd better forget about stripes. Such a picture will identify the lack of walls and aggravate them. The same thing is with monophonic paper wallpaper with a smooth surface. Even tiny irregularity will be noticeable.

  • 5 successful ways to hide the shortcomings of your apartment

2 Make a finish with wooden panels

Especially relevant for English style, but also a modern room in neutral stylistics is suitable. Wooden panels on the bottom of the wall will not only hide possible irregularities, but also help visually increase the height of the ceiling. Follow the rule of one-third: the height of the panel should not be above one third of the wall height.

In small-size and studios, this reception is better not to use - it does not work on the expansion of space.

Wooden panels to hide irregularities

Photo: Instagram RepeatStory

3 Lump clapboard

It will fit into the style of Provence, the popular Scandinavian and eco-interior. By the way, the lining is easy to paint - today the building materials market offers special paints that can be applied without surface preparation. It turns out to make the walls not only even, but also to "play" with color solutions.

Lining to hide irregularities

Photo: Instagram newflatspb

4 Try textured plaster

Relief, rough surfaces are able to hide the flaws of the wall. With proper application, the texture plaster will last longer wallpaper, although it will be more expensive.

Textured plaster to hide irregularities

Photo: Instagram Design_13ds

5 Color the walls in the dark

With small irregularities, you can bet on a black or dark blue. Such solutions are not suitable for everyone, but there are certain decorator techniques that will help make a dark interior not oppressing.

Dark wall to hide irregularities


6 Use textiles

Curtains are an excellent solution for decorating an uneven wall. Choose materials suitable to your interior. Now in fashion, textured fabrics, such as flax, or light flowing materials. Thus, you can not only hide the shortcomings of the finish, but also add comfort. Tips, where else to use the curtains, except the window, we have already given.

Textiles on the wall to hide irregularities


7 Hide disadvantages with paintings

Volumetric docker, wall decorations and paintings will help distract attention from flaws. In addition, accessories are easy to change when it wanted to quickly refresh the interior and add something new to it.

Pictures on the wall to hide flaws

Photo: Instagram My_Full_HOUSE

8 Do not hide irregularities

Under certain circumstances, this is appropriate: for example, if you decide to make the interior approximate to the loft. Bold eclectics today in fashion can be experimenting.

The irregularity of the walls is beautiful


Read even more unusual techniques that will allow to save on alignment.

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