How to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without a trace


We tell how to remove the mass for modeling from the carpet with four ways: Iron, ice, solvents and chemistry.

How to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without a trace 1099_1

How to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without a trace

Children love to sculpt the crafts from plasticine. Parents often accounted for during cleaning to get a plastic mass of the most unexpected places. The younger child, the more often you have to do it. It is especially unpleasant if bright mastic turned out to be glued to carpet or Palace. Remove it from there without a trace - a difficult task. However, the solution can be found. We'll figure it out how to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without traces.

How without a trace remove plasticine from the carpet

Material features for modeling

Rules for cleaning

A selection of effective techniques

- Exposure to high temperature

- Ice.

- Oil

- Solvent

- Household chemicals

Features of the plasticine mass

The plasticine includes finely crushed and purified clay, vaseline and wax. In addition, animal fats, ceresine, ozocerite, rubber, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, etc. add in different types of material. For example, the traditional domestic plastic mass was made on the basis of paraffin, wax varieties appeared later.

We started from the composition, because before washing plasticine from the carpet, it is advisable to determine its type. Thus, the mastic of natural ingredients is removed with soap solution, and the wax does not wash this tool. Complicated stains leave pasta with dyes of bright colors, as well as with fluorescent and pearl additives. In some cases, only professional chemical cleansing will help. But before calling specialists, you can try to independently remove unpleasant dirt.

How to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without a trace 1099_3

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Rules for cleaning

Carpeted coating can also be different. Much depends on the composition of the fibers. There are natural carpets, synthetic and blended, when natural and artificial fibers are present in the filament. All of them react in different ways to chemicals. Therefore, before removing plasticine with a carpet with a chemical agent, you must apply the selected chemistry to pollution to test it on a small area. Otherwise, the risk of spoil the carpet is great.

The cleaning technology is chosen depending on the height of the pile. Long-tested coatings are cleaned with a dry napkin, performing "twisting" velocity to the tips of the movement. Mass as it were pulled out. It is definitely impossible to rub, since the soft mastic gets around at the base, it will be extremely difficult to clean it after that. Very long villins can be tried to comb the brush or comb.

Palaces with a short pile clean otherwise. They scrape pollution with a plastic knife, and a stack for modeling is suitable. Work carefully not to damage the coating. Try not to rub the mastic to the base.

Products from the average length of the pile are clean up as more convenient and effective. You can try the first, and the second way. In the process of mechanical cleaning, the bulk of pollution is removed. After that, remove the remaining traces.

How to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without a trace 1099_5

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How to clean plasticine with carpet in different ways

We offer effective ways to remove plasticine residues from carpet.

High temperature impact

The basis of any plasticine paste melts from high temperature. This property establishes a known method for removal using the iron. Clean paper is put on pollution, drive a preheated iron. Mastic melts and absorbed into paper.

The technique is effective if used correctly. It is impossible to take the gluing paper, it does not absorb liquid. In addition, the sheets will have to be able to change, because the molten paste is quickly absorbed. If this is not done, the plasticizing mastic is absorbed into the coating fibers, it will be almost impossible to delete it. Another point. The hot iron can melt the veil, so it is necessary to monitor the heating temperature.

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Most mastic for modeling is paraffin or wax. These substances in the frozen form are losing plasticity and crumble. Therefore, to remove the stain it needs to freeze. Make it easy. Take pieces of ice, pour into the plastic bag and put on pollution. Waiting until it freezes, then remove the crumbs. Instead of ice, you can take any frozen products from the freezer.

How to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without a trace 1099_8
How to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without a trace 1099_9

How to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without a trace 1099_10

How to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without a trace 1099_11

Vegetable oil

The means dissolves the ingredients of plastic mastic. Passing pollution in moistened in the oil. It is written from the edges to the center to not mad. After removing the plasticine there is a bold trail, it must be removed immediately. You can apply a shaving foam on it, hold five minutes and remove with a wet rag. Or prepare a soap solution from a glass of water and two teaspoons of any liquid detergent or grated soap. Such a solution should be labeled with a sponge to the base until the foam appears, hold a bit and washed away.

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Choose a suitable remedy for the construction preparations: White spirit, solvent 646, turbid. The medical alcohol is also valid. All of them dissolve the base of the masses for modeling. The composition is applied to a polluted area from the edges to the center. Carefully remove the soluble mass. The residues of the solvent are flushed with soap solution.

Important Warning: Solvents can spoil the carpet cover, the safety test is required in a small-free corner.


Special tools for home cleaning are used to remove plasticine traces. They are used after the bulk of pollution has been removed by a mechanical or low temperature. Preparations of the type "Antipyat" or liquid "Vanish" will help. Of these, according to the instructions, they are preparing a foam, they are handling. After drying, the remnants of the drug are considered. Similarly, sprays-stains act, but it is easier to work. The remedy is sprayed on the problem area without any preparation.

How to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without a trace 1099_13

We found out than linen plasticine from the carpet and how to do it right. It is important to choose a technique suitable for the type of coverage and use it correctly. If there are doubts about the method of cleaning, it is better not to risk. For example, if the composition of carpet fibers is unknown, it is better not to try to clean it using an iron. Some types of synthetics are melted even from relatively low temperatures.

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