We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like


We tell how to expand the doorway and prompt the options for design and decor arches.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_1

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like

Passages between rooms are often made open to emphasize the expanses of large houses and visually increase the area of ​​small. We tell how to arrange a doorway beautifully and functionally.

Make up empty opening without doors

How to expand the opening


Design options

Finish and facing

Decor ideas

Curtains and Gardins

How to expand the doorway

Before the full or partial demolition of the supporting structures must be consulted with specialists. In an apartment building, start with the management company, in private - with BTI. They will prompt if it is possible to do it at all, whether additional gain is required.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_3

The most common solution is partially or completely removed the partition between the living room and kitchen, kitchen and dining room, bedroom and loggia, kitchen and balcony, corridor and dressing room, hallway and living room.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solutions

Among the advantages can be noted the improvement of ventilation, as well as a functional increase in the area - the utility can be connected to the main premises. These advantages are easily turned into minuses. Too good ventilation becomes the cause of drafts. The smell from the kitchen spreads throughout the house. Curtains perfectly absorbs fat contained in the air, delays dust on itself and needs a frequent wash.

Non-standard solution is an undoubted advantage, but he also has its opposite direction. The interior of the apartment should be designed in a single style. It is not easy to achieve this, but otherwise disharmony.

The main disadvantages are bad sound insulation and the inability to retire when necessary. It is worth noting that hanging up the draper is much easier than installing the box and adjust the sash.

Suitable sizes of passage

In many ways, dimensions are determined by the parameters of the rooms. Competently calculated widths and height allow you to visually adjust the disadvantages of the premises. For example, wide passes, especially with gentle arches, will make an apartment with a low ceiling more spacious, and the narrow on the contrary, they will be squeezed by an already tiny space.

In any case, the input should not be below 2 m, and if it is an arch - it is better to arrange it above that the narrow parts of the arch are above the level of shoulders and heads. If the owner of the apartment wants to merge the two zones to the maximum, then the entrance can be done hardly to the ceiling itself.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_4

The size of the asymmetric arch depends on the intricateness of the form. What it is more complicated, the wider there should be a passage so that the jewelry of the decorations on a small design did not give her cordlessness. Factory decor sometimes works positively on an optical narrowing.

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What kind of design to choose

The form can be triangular, rectangular or rounded, complex or simple. To create a semicircular arch, it is not necessary to hammer the walls. Already have long exist false panels. These are polyurethane elements that smooth straight corners, giving the right roundness.


Suitable for apartments with low ceilings. To make them easier. After removing the door and dismantling the box, the surface of the walls around the perimeter is aligned, plastered, sweeping. To avoid unnecessary mud, you can proceed easier - to strip it with plasterboard, although it is advisable to put it.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_6

The choice of putty is due to further trim. Acrylic is durable and well kept heavy decor, and the gypsum is perfectly polished and suitable for painting.


Round openings are a classic suitable for any interiors. In order to visually comply with the proportions of the room, with too high the ceiling, the span must be made as wide as possible.

But there are also non-standard designs: Venetian, with a tribal, with "Bardes" and others. And they already need to be selected for a specific environment. As a rule, they are suitable for classic and eastern interiors.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_7


Such openings are a reference not only to the theme of the East, but also the Middle Ages, in particular to Gothic, because the arch resembles a pointed dome. Types of designs are very much and they are also demanding of the stylistics. Designers do not recommend them for low ceilings.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_8

Also there are trapezoidal arches - a broken construction created from several straight lines intersecting under stupid and straight corners. Not all designers love her due to associations with funeral theme.


As a rule, in such arches one side is straight, and the second - with a rounded arch. Although there is no rules here - every designer creates, as wishes. The restriction is only the material of the wall, in which it is planned to place a fantasy arch: it is possible to make it only in a plasterboard partition or assemble from individual regions.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_9

Than lining

To understand how to arrange a doorway without a door, you need to decide on the decoration of the premises. Since it is addressed immediately in two rooms, you need to consider how it will look like both sides, not forgetting about style and color nuances.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_10

Tree and MDF.

The trim tree is used in most historical styles. For these purposes, the oak, ash, hrybro and pine are most often used. Details are sold in finished form, fasten with nails or self-drawing. The replacement of the natural tree can be MDF - material from pressed fibers. Panels are attached to glue or liquid nails. How to arrange the doorway in this way, see pictures.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_11


Polyurethane is a flexible and dense material from which the arch is often made. It also allows you to create imitation of expensive plaster stucco. Installation is performed using a special glue. From polyurethane, you can also create columns on the sides of the doorway.

The stucco from polymers is not beating, it is well cut, friendly with any mounting glue. Gypsum nobleness, but heavier and does not stand the falls, so it must be done very carefully. In addition, for installation requires special glue or gypsum solution.

Surface can be left white or painted.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_12

Stone and tile

Stone facing is much heavier than wood or polyurethane. Before starting work, the walls are aligned with putty. The selection of glue depends on the weight of the stone: liquid glue is suitable for light plates, a solution from cement, glue, lime and sand is prepared for heavy. Facing starts from the bottom and gradually rise, giving the fastening agent to dry. Each element needs to hold the wall until it grabs. Surplus need to be removed immediately, if they performed on the surface, otherwise they can spoil the final appearance.

Tests from wood or plastic, inserted between rows of tiles help the same thickness of the seams. They are easy to remove after drying the composition.

The seams decorated with grout, and the entire composition is a composition that gives shine. Artificial stone and clinker are distinguished by high wear resistance, but their natural analogues have a strength much higher. For interior partitions, they may be too heavy. Most often the edge of the masonry makes uneven, torn, creating a deliberate carelessness and the effect of antiquity, which looks at the contrast to the modern interiors.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_13
We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_14

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_15

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_16

Plaster and paint

Plaster Easy to make a doorway with your own hands. Its laying does not require special skills. Before applying, the base of the arch is aligned and treated with primer. Paint is applied after drying. The relief depends on the shape and surface of the roller used.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_17
We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_18
We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_19

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_20

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_21

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_22

Plastic panels

The panels are well bend and easily fall even on non-standard forms. The coating is attached to glue. The finished set consists of six platforms (three of them on each side - on top and sides) and three kinds. The upper elements are not only flat, but also suitable for arches. If necessary, they easily cut with hacksaw.

Corners live in hard operation mode due to high passability and need high-quality finish. Plastic durability can not boast, but with a careful attitude, it will last long. Among its advantages are simplicity of care, the presence of hollows for wires, a variety of colors and imitation of textures.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_23
We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_24

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_25

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_26


GKK is durable, easy to install and easily cuts the knife. It has a good grip with any adhesions. They are trimmed with a frame of a metal or wooden profile. The frame is mounted on the walls and the ceiling. It can have any configuration. His durability depends on the thickness of the profile and the distance between the prefabricated elements. The profile is easily bent and cut. Sheets are installed on the self-tapping screw. Suts between them are sweeping.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_27
We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_28

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_29

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_30

Stone, clinker, wood, MDF panels, simple painting or pasting wallpaper are suitable for many styles: eco, scandy, loft, minimalism, ethno, country, kitsch and others. True, the last two finish options look neatly only with perfectly smooth walls. Most of all it concerns painting, which emphasizes any irregularities, especially in the presence of decorative illumination.

  • Beautiful plasterboard partitions: current ideas and construction tips

Than decorated

  • All over the contour you can hang closed or open shelves, put racks. Thus, it will be an extra room for storing things, books, baubles.
  • If the arch is made of drywall, in several centimeters from the passage you can make through windows, niches, a shelves for colors or accessories.
  • Pumping interiors will add cladding of openings on the sides of plaster bas-reliefs, and from above - Sandrik, that is, slightly protruding eaves.
  • You can add spotlights, LED ribbon or finished backlight for furniture.
  • Sucks can be decorated with swearings and platbands that are made of wood, MDF and PVC panels. All together they give the finished appearance and expressiveness of the whole design and can serve as one of the accents in the interior. Dobra are with the grooves and without. The first type is preferable, since the joints between the straps turn out a little noticeable and will not require careful fit. Cashbar are very different. Often they are made of wood, having previously treated it with means from insects, microorganisms and fire. This material is unlikely to soon cease to be a favorite of designers and housing owners, it is very practical, aesthetic, environmental and universal.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_32
We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_33

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_34

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_35

How to arrange the doorway with curtains

Not every room can be left open. Bathroom, for example, or children need intimacy. Someone in this list can add your own office if the workflow requires silence, and for someone fundamentally get rid of the unnecessary sounds a bedroom.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_36

However, even in this case, you can play with different solutions. If the noise level does not matter, but simply want to burn out the eye, you can use screens or curtains (both dense and not very). They will share the room, but it will be lighter than the doors, and will take less space. In addition, both the other type of fabrics can be quickly removed and completely release the passage. At the same time, the appearance does not suffer: it will not remain loops and traces from the castles.

It is advisable to leave the passage free. The fabric can interfere, cling, get dirty. If you can fix it in the afternoon, you will get a beautiful framing. Well, when design curtains coincide with the curtains or curtains on the windows. By the way, a dense fabric can delay odors out of the kitchen, but it will have to often wash it or give it into dry cleaning.

We draw up the opening without doors: beautiful ideas that you like 10995_37

Blinds cope with the task of not worse than the curtains. And their vertical strips raise the ceiling (horizontal, respectively, spread the walls) and perfectly complement its modern interior with its strict geometry.

We told how beautiful to arrange a doorway. The main thing is that the finish was eco-friendly, did not cause allergies and looked good.

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