How to make thermal insulation of garden tracks and parking


The freezing and drying of the soil, followed by the deformation of garden tracks and automotive platforms - one of the problems faced by owners of country houses. We tell how to prevent similar trouble.

How to make thermal insulation of garden tracks and parking 11036_1

On a flat track

Photo: shutterstock /

On a flat track

"Penopele Fundam" (UE. 8 plates - 1465 rubles.). Photo: Penopelex

Garden tracks are an element that combines flower beds, recreation areas, various buildings on the country site, gives the landscape a special color. At the same time, the tracks and platforms perform a utilitarian task - protect the most running areas from the formation of dirt during the rains and make it easier for them. If you neglect the laying technology of paving slabs, then a year or two, it can be found that it walked around it or boils, and in the worst case passed. Especially often it happens on bubbling soils, which include clays, loams and sandy. All of them hold water, not allowing her to go in deeper layers. In addition, the soils of this type have a high capillary activity and are able to tighten moisture from a distance of 1.5 m (while sand is only 30 cm).

On a flat track

Photo: shutterstock /

On a flat track

TEHNONICK CARBON SOLID 500 (UE. 8 plates - 1880 rub. Photo: Tehtonikol

To prevent the deformation of the coating in the parking lots and the rustic portion paths located in the zone of bunching soils, the insulation plates from extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) will help. This is the optimal product for extreme operating conditions, including high humidity, increased loads and direct contact with soil and groundwater. In the domestic market, the thermal insulation of XPS represents many companies, among them Penopeles, Tehtonikol, Dow Chemical (Styrofoam trademark), URSA. Material is made using foaming technology. Thanks to a closed cellular structure, it has a small thermal conductivity coefficient, does not absorb moisture and has high compressive strength. The stability of the plates of extruded polystyrene foam to alternate freezing and thawing provides their high frost resistance. With proper use, the material retains stable physicomechanical properties, shape and dimensions of at least 50 years.

XPS plates have high strength with static bending. Therefore, they can be laid directly on the sand pillow without risk to damage the material.

On a flat track

The required thickness of insulating plates "Penopelex Fundam" for the insulation of garden tracks and parking: in Tula - 40 mm, in Vladimir - 50 mm, and in Khabarovsk - 70 mm. Photo: shutterstock /

On a flat track

URSA XPS N-III-G4 (UP. 12 plates - 1297 rubles). Photo: URSA.

XPS plates work effectively in a multilayer road construction, leveling frosty trimming and, as a result, the deformation of the road surface. They are placed on the rammed and lined layer of sand. The plates have a stepped edge shape, so they are connected to each other without gaps. The thermal insulation of tracks and platforms will allow for a long time to forget about tedious repairs and installation of a new paving coating. And by the way, the plates of extruded polystyrene foam, placed under a layer of land in a greenhouse (ordinary or heated), will help maintain heat in it, increasing the likelihood of early vegetables and abundant yields.

On a flat track

Photo: shutterstock /

Covering tracks and sites are often destroyed on bunched soils, because in warm time of the year such soils are gaining moisture. At minus temperatures, it freezes and increases in volume. The magnitude of the soil beating (3-15 cm) depends on the depth of the freezing in a particular region. The process is accompanied by the expansion of the soil along the path of the smallest resistance, that is, towards the sidewalk. This is fraught with cracks in it, a gradual increase of which leads to destruction. Insulation plates "Penopelex" help solve the problem of coating deformation. They reduce the temperature fluctuations of the coated layers, reduce the saturation of the soil moisture from the bottom and reduce the deformations of the powder and soil drawdown.

Andrey Zherebtsov

Head of the Technical Department of Penopeles SPb

Scheme of arrangement of garden tracks on bunched soils

On a flat track

Visualization: Igor Smirhagin / Burda Media

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