Create a unique facade with tile technoNonikol Hauberk


Think than to fade a wooden cottage, hozblock, garage or fence to make buildings a fashionable look and protect outside from natural impacts? The facade tile can cope with the task.

Create a unique facade with tile technoNonikol Hauberk 11062_1

Create a unique facade with tile technoNonikol Hauberk

Photo: Tehtonol

TEKHNONIKOL has developed high-quality facing material - the front tile of Technonol Hauberk, with which you can easily make the original cladding of new buildings, reconstruct the dilapidated or trite-looking building, effectively transform the wooden house, frame structure, cottage from aerated concrete or foam concrete blocks.

Create a unique facade with tile technoNonikol Hauberk

Photo: Tehtonol

How is it done?

Innovative Material Tekhnonikol Hauberk is created on the basis of a strong, non-rotatory glass cholester, a modified bitumen and natural stone applied to the surface with a special technology. Granules are rolled down shingles with gradation of shades, which creates the effect of volumetric lining from natural brick. Due to the low weight (sq. M. Tile weighs about 12 kg) material gives a low load on the carrying structure.

The tile is easy to work: it is easily cut by a building knife, allowing you to separate the facades with a complex geometry; securely attached to the wall with galvanized nails; Does not require the protection of the wizard in the form of a respirator or overalls.

The finishing material of Technonol Hauberk has visual expressiveness, high resistance to ultraviolet (does not fade in the sun), and also demonstrates stamina to various precipitation, temperature drops and wind loads. Gonns with a size of 1000x250 mm always correspond to the specified parameters, sealed, do not crack in the frost, are not subject to corrosion.

Create a unique facade with tile technoNonikol Hauberk

Photo: Tehtonol

The facade tile Technonol Hauberk can be used for primary finishes or renovation of any type of buildings of residential, industrial or economic purposes. The manufacturer's warranty is 20 years, which means that such a facade will serve you for many years. Repair and replacement of mechanically damaged canvases is just a few minutes.

Turn on fantasy!

The Technonol Company publishes a tile, imitating natural brick, several popular shades: antique, beige, marble, sandy, terracotta and burned.

The diversity of the palette allows you to implement complex designer projects: to focus with the color of various architectural forms, contrasting the zone of the foundation, the corners of the building, erkers, the main entrance, arches, platbands, or - perform the original geometric pattern on the facade.

You can create a complex mosaic on the wall using all six basic colors.

Create a unique facade with tile technoNonikol Hauberk

Registration of decorative elements and angles. Photo: Tehtonol

Step 1: Create a plug layout

It is necessary to draw a layout of the future facade, having calculated the number of shots in each row and coloring the pattern in colors.

The template is best filled with millimeter paper, taking into account the size of the shingle (the width of one "petal" 25 cm, height - 10 cm.)

Create a unique facade with tile technoNonikol Hauberk

Layout of the future drawing according to the scheme. Photo: Tehtonol

Having calculated the total number of packages, you should leave several shots of different colors in the reserve (in case of future repair or error in the calculations).

Step 2: Preparation of Material

The required number of shots is cut into separate "petals" to create a decorative ornament on the facade. Each "petal" corresponds to one brick.

To eliminate the displacement of the tiles and obtain a picture of a properly laid brickwork on each tile from above, notches are applied, which serve as a target when installing and necessary for cutting petals when creating drawings.

Step 3: Installation

Following the pattern of the drawing, it is necessary to combine the petals of different colors among themselves, attaching them to the facade with galvanized nails with a wide hat. Hats should not be over the surface of the shingle or being recessed deep into the material. The backstage of the overlying tile must close the nails of the underlying canvas.

When creating this pattern, the first round of finishes begin with a half of the "petal" of the dark color (see photo). Light-colored petals are mounted on it. The second row begins with a whole petal of dark color and continues with light. The remaining half are applied at opposite angles. Here is an example of creating a picture.

Create a unique facade with tile technoNonikol Hauberk

Ready drawing. Photo: Tehtonol

Step 4: Design

At the end of the installation of tiles for finishing finish, additional decorative elements are used: corners and platbands with the sprinkler of TechnoNIKOL HAUBERK.

The original, textured, with a rich color gradient "under the brick" tile from Tekhnonikol will give the charm and individuality of the dwelling or economic building, will help to issue various buildings on a plot in a single style, protect the facades of buildings and enclosing structures from weather transformations and enjoy the surrounding landscape.

Create a unique facade with tile technoNonikol Hauberk

Photo: Tehtonol

Modern technologies, innovative finishing material and skillful hands of the master - that's all that is required to give the building of modern, stylish image!

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