How to equip the kitchen budget, but not to the detriment of style: 7 smart techniques


Kitchen arrangement is one of the most cost-consuming parts. Touch the items where you can save, and things that are not exactly worth it.

How to equip the kitchen budget, but not to the detriment of style: 7 smart techniques 11064_1

1 Choose facades from chipboard and MDF

Natural materials are good, but expensive. Budget substitutes often look no worse. So, the MDF in the veneer veneer is quite suitable for the classic kitchen or in the country style, and the lacquered DSP will fit into a minimalist interior.

Simple facades of the kitchen

Photo: IKEA

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2 Make facades without glazing

Of course, the doors with glazing and the built-in backlight inside the cabinets add coziness kitchen, make it easier, but to create a budget project will have to love the "deaf" facades. In order not to sacrifice the style, give preference to light facades (for small kitchens) and glossy coatings that will help make the room visually easier.

Facades without glazing photos

Photo: instagram mariantoshina_design

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3 Adjust under standard sizes

Any special tasks for collectors and manufacturers will increase the price of the headset. It will be necessary to abandon corners, non-standard width widths and try to rationally dispose of available modules. In order to simplify the task, create a visual project in any simulator program. One of the simplest is Sketchup, and IKEA can be constructed to the future kitchen directly on the site.

Standard kitchen photo

Photo: IKEA

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4 Love open shelves and order

Upper open shelves instead of deaf cabinets - another way to a budget project. One nuance - so that they look beautiful, follow the order and take care of the storage, for example, buy the same banks for bulk products. Open shelves You can also decorate a photo and flowers.

Open shelves in the kitchen Interior

Photo: Instagram ApartmentTherapy

5 Look for a competent collector

Try the following trick. Go to the expensive salon kitchens and draw a dream kitchen with designers. Come on weekdays at lunchtime, as a rule, then they have the least work.

Then, with the printed project and the estimate, go to the mass market and look for the most similar option to the one that you liked in an expensive salon. Make a project in a budget store. Most likely, you will say that some points are impracticable, but the project can still be implemented with changes.

Perfect kitchen photo

Photo: Our brand

And after - look for an experienced collector, preferably with recommendations. It will help combine both projects where you need to save. Thus, the retractable corner cabinets in budget cuisines (they are called magic corners) are most often not done at all, and in the expensive salon there are tens of thousands of rubles with all accessories (the total price of some kitchens). Make a cabinet to order - it will be cheaper, and to build it in budget cuisine just helps a competent collector.

6 Refuse the built-in technology

There is an opinion that, by refusing to embedded technology, you will make the kitchen less comfortable. We do not think so. The cooking panel is a maximum that is worth going to fight for the budget and style at the same time. The built-in refrigerator will already lead to the rise in the cost of the kitchen at times, and if there is also a microwave and other small household appliances - even 2-3 hundred thousand to meet will be difficult.

Kitchen without built-in equipment photo

Photo: IKEA

You can make a compromise if you have a competent collector. In budget cuisines, the plates and microwaves are presented at the eye level, but you can separate the framework, doors, unnecessary centimeters and embed equipment separately.

7 Choose wood or plastic countertops

Natural stone costs expensive, high-quality quartz agglomerates and artificial acrylic stones, too, and work on them is more expensive even work with natural materials.

Tree table top photo

Photo: Instagram ApartmentTherapy

We will have to save and choose. Table tops from chipboard can last for a long time if they are primed and taking care of seams. Tree is not for lazy option. It will have to be periodically soaked with oil, but in the award it will last longer and retain aesthetic appearance.

What does not save on?

1 Retractable Boxes

On the refusal of drawers, the owners of kitchens regret most often. Shelves, especially deep, is inconvenient. What is stored in distant corners - forget, and it's difficult to get it: you have to first pull everything from the shelves, and then fold it back. On drawers and truth should not save.

Retractable drawers photo

Photo: Our brand

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2 backlight

The illumination of the working surface is not the largest "article" of expenses, but the benefit carries a lot. It is more convenient to work with it in the kitchen, and in the dark, the soft spotlight will add comfort.

Built-in kitchen backlight photo

Design: Specht Architects

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3 Furnitura

Closers, gently closing doors, balancing - are not too expensive to save on it. Sissing the budget will help the selection of low-cost brands: instead of the German manufacturer, choose Polish or Belarusian.

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