How to remove bold spots from wallpaper: 11 incredibly simple ways


We tell what means you can withdraw a stain from paper, fliesline and vinyl wallpaper.

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How to remove bold spots from wallpaper: 11 incredibly simple ways

The reasons why an urgent stain appeared on the wallpaper, quite a lot. Oil can be on the surface during cooking or non-accurate meals, if the dining table is standing next to the wall. You will randomly touch the coating with dirty hands. Over time, squeezed plots will appear near switches and sockets. All these pollution is very unpleasant and spoiled not only the appearance of the interior, but also the mood of the residents of the apartment. Therefore, we tell how to remove fat stains from wallpaper.

How to remove bold stains from wallpaper

Determine the type of material

Check surface

Remove fat from paper cover

Get rid of spots on fliseline or vinyl

Features of different wallpaper

Types of materials strongly affect the further method of cleaning them and its complexity. Therefore, it should be understood which kinds of wallpapers and that it can be applied to them.

Materials are vinyl, phlizelin and paper. It is much easier to clean the first two species, as their structure does not miss deep dirt and water. Among the listed materials are covered with water-repellent properties: such easy to wash. Often they are glued in the kitchen and even use to decorate the bathrooms.

The most uncomfortable for cleaning are paper materials. They are thin and short-lived, and dirt and water damage the structure: the base can easily spill.

There is also another kind - wallpaper for painting. In this case, cleaning depends on the type of paint, which they are covered. For example, if a water-emulsion is applied to the fliesline, then the dirt can be removed with a damp cloth. If the surface is covered with acrylic, water-dispersed or latex paint, then they are allowed to wash them with neutral means.

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Preliminary stage

Before proceeding with the cleaning procedure, you need to determine the type of material covered with your walls. Then, if you have a label from him, see whether it is washing. Determine this will help the wave icon on the packaging. If 1 wave is present - it is not necessary to wash, just to safely wipe a slightly damp cloth, 2 waves - allowed to clean with non-aggressive compositions, 3 waves plus the ridge - you can wash with water and even brushing.

If the packaging has long been evacted, do not be discouraged. Determine whether to wash the coating or not, easy with a small dough. Find a plot in the house where the facing to anyone is not visible: behind the cabinet, chair, bed. Apply water with a wet sponge, you can even lose a little. Leave for a while. If nothing happened, wet cleaning is allowed.

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How to remove a fat stain with paper wallpaper

Remove the fat stains from paper wallpapers, as a rule, much more difficult than with flieslinic and vinyl materials. For a thin coating, cleaning with water and different liquid means is most likely not suitable. In addition, so you can hardly damage the top layer of the material, then it will be completely spoiled. For a thin coating, it is better to use dry methods for cleaning.

1. Bread

You will need white bread. Better, if it is fresh, baked recently. This method will help remove fresh pollution, for the old one it will be useless.

Take breadfall, attach it to a dirty place. Wait a bit: the bread must absorb fat.

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2. Iron and napkin

Due to the fact that wet cleaning is contraindicated with paper coating, it is impossible to use liquid tools. Replace them in the following way.

You will need an iron, a paper dry napkin or a piece of toilet paper. Preheat iron. The temperature of the sole must be not very high: you can touch it and do not burn. Then attach material to pollution on the wall. Bind it from above. If the fat did not completely clear, take a clean napkin and repeat the procedure again. You can do this several times until the trace remains from the dirt.


A small portion of fat, as well as hasty fingerprints, easy to remove with an eraser. It is better to buy soft - such professional artists enjoy such. The usual stationery is suitable, but it cleans the dirt worse. In addition, it is hard, so it can damage the paper material. Very neatly sweep the dirt. Do not make great efforts, otherwise the hole will appear in the wallpaper.

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4. Melamine Sponge

The melamine sponge looks like an eraser according to the method of use, but is a more rigid abrasive. On paper wallpaper it is worth using with caution and only dry. It is better not to handle it with decorative elements and drawings - you can damage them. Check how it will work on your coverage: Clean a small piece somewhere in an invisible place.

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How to bring a fat stain with fliesline and vinyl wallpaper

To withdraw fat stains on flieslinic wallpaper, as well as on vinyl, easier than on paper. To do this, you can use much more money and not be afraid that they will spoil the surface.

1. Soap mortar

Materials do not let dirt and water inside, therefore, the wet cleaning of the soap solution is allowed. You will need a grated household soap, the usual liquid or even a dishwashing agent - any detergent suitable. Divide it in clean water in proportions 1:10. Then take the foam sponge, moisten it, press and wipe the wall. The residues of the solution are blocked with toilet paper or napkins. After processing, it is worthwheeling a plot with a clean sponge, moistened in water, and dry out the napkin, microfiber, or another cloth. For the old stain instead of a sponge, you can take a toothbrush. In order not to damage the coating, it is better to take a model with a soft bristle.

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2. Toilet paper or paper napkin

This is an express remedy that will help to remove fresh splashes of fat in a short period of time. Attach a piece to the wall: He will absorb dirt. If she managed to dry and absorb, then you should walk on it with a warm iron. This method was described above.

3. Starch or soda

Effective means in the fight against mud are starch and food soda. It is better not to use soda on dark coatings: it can fire them, it turns out an ugly stain. Take one of these ingredients and add some water to them. It turns out a pasta that you need to put on the wall. Give her to dry, and then write. Then wash the surface from the residues with water and dry the napkin.

Note: On paper, starch and soda can be used, but in extreme cases: if nothing else helps. To do this, it is worth making a very thick mixture: water should not be much.

4. Tooth powder

Powder copes with greasy spots. To remove it is necessary to prepare a cashaft mass: add some water to powder. Then the resulting composition is applied to the desired area. Leave a means for 24 hours for processing. After you need to remove the dried powder with a brush (the tooth) is suitable. During this time, he will absorb fat, there will be no trace on the wall from it.

5. Talc

Talc is suitable only for vinyl and phlizelin. It can also be diluted in Cashitz and apply to the surface, give dry, smeach the remnants and wash the wall from them.

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6. Mel.

The chalk absorbs remarkably, thanks to these properties, the fat absorbs well. To remove stains, the substance needs to be crushed. The resulting crumb should be carefully launched into a polluted area. Leave for processing for several hours. After taking a wet sponge or microfiber and wipe the wall.

7. Gasoline

Gasoline is the most powerful tool from the listed. The substance copes not only with fat, but also with paint on the coating. However, it should be applied only in extreme cases: gasoline can make material.

The first method of cleaning is to mix the fabric or napkin in the liquid, apply it to a dirty wall for 10-15 minutes. No longer hold, it can damage the coating.

The second way is to mix the liquid with the dental powder. Apply a paste on the surface, give dry, remove with a dry cloth and rinse with clean water. This recipe will help withdraw even very old spots.

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