How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips


Make a small kitchen visually spacious, to equip it in such a way that everything you need find your place was at hand, is not easy task, but performing. Our tips will help her handle it.

How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_1

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Photo: Nolte Küchen

How is rational and comfortable to equip the kitchen with an area of ​​about 7-10 m², make the cooking process with a pleasant and unscrewing? First of all, you need to have a clear idea of ​​whether you can not cost in the kitchen, based on the family, lifestyle, traditions, budget and, most importantly, the features of that space in which you will have to enter furniture, equipment and utensils. Spread everything around the shelves.

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An example of a rational approach: the angular layout, the upper tier to the ceiling, a practical inscribed refrigerator, a sufficient work surface, a convenient location of the dining group Poto: "Kitchen Dvor"

  • We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips

1 Start with the main

Key items, without which no kitchen will cost, is a cooking panel with a wind wardrobe, washing and refrigerator. First of all, it is necessary to plan a place for cutting products - a working surface, which is more convenient to arrange between the stove and washing, having laid for it in the design project at least 60 cm.

Storage locations in the small kitchen will take both tiers: bottom and top. A significant load will have to be imposed on the closets of the upper tier, as in the lower tier you will most likely cast the place under the oven, dishwasher, and in the closet under the sink - the garbage receiver and the shelf for household chemicals.

Special attention should be paid to the dining area. It is not necessary to refer to its arrangement on the residual principle - the place of food becomes must be as comfortable as possible. Especially if you do not have a dining room, and in the living room, the table is covered only on holidays and solemn events.

Accurate calculation

Photo: "Kitchen Dvor"

  • Home appliances and furniture in the kitchen: Detailed guide in numbers

2 Select the planning solution

For small and narrow kitchens, the linear composition will most likely come true. At the same time, all furniture modules together with a cooking surface (and a brass closet) and a sink will be lined up along one wall. But the refrigerator during a lack of space for a full-fledged working surface will have to be taken out on the opposite direction. In the case when the length of the wall is about 3 m, all cabinets and all equipment, including the refrigerator, can be built along it.

For compact kitchens, the most relevant G-shaped layout, which is more responsible to the operating triangle rule (washing, stove and refrigerator should form the vertices of the equilateral triangle). This composition allows you to get a comfortable working surface and leaves a place to arrange the dining area.

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How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_8
How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_9

How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_10

The linear composition with three comfortable fragments of the working surface will allow to divide the types of work. Photo: IKEA

How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_11

The angular composition is one of the most relevant layout options in a very small kitchen. Photo: Mr.Doors.

How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_12

Smooth glossy facades expand the space of a small kitchen. Photo: "Stylish kitchens"

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3 Select Techniquia

In conditions of limited space, mannerely embedded technique. Recently, narrow brass wardrobes are increcent popularity of only 45 cm wide, which, according to the functionality and technical characteristics, often do not infer the full-sized models. In the segment of the dependent plates, you can also choose a device with a width of 45 cm. The manufacturers have come up with a combined oven with the function of the microwave, as well as with a microwave with convection and grill modes - this will again save the place for another furniture element again. Multicookers are able to replace several household appliances at once. Refrigerator We advise you to choose a high, but narrow - it will take less space and will harmoniously fit into the line of furniture. In a small kitchen, you can do the retractable, built-in recirculation exhaust (with coal filters). As for small household appliances, in addition to appliances, you can purchase a multifunctional kitchen processor that can replace a number of useful devices.

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It is unlikely that you use all four comforts at the same time, and the places of the two-meter surface will take 2 times less. The minimum width of the independent hob "Domino" is only 30 cm. Photo: "Kitchen Dvor"

In a small apartment, it is much more complicated in a small apartment than in a country house or kitchen-studio. Tight premises with high ceilings in the old housing stock create a well-feeling, so with such a layout, designers offer an optimal solution - the principle of vertical multi-tiered furniture location. How to implement it? First, in the lower tier we only place the most necessary elements (sink, stove, refrigerator, tableware), and the main storage areas move to the upper tier, actively using the antlesoli. And in order not to overload the room with furniture, the topmost tier is preferably desired by glass doors. Better - with matted translucent glass and even illumination. Then the ceiling will seem higher, and the kitchen front is easier. Any hostess can be reached by Antlesole with the help of a special staircase with steps or mobile stairs. Secondly, the necessary workspace for cooking can be obtained by combining the main table top with the zone of the window sill. In this case, we advise you to acquire a stone countertop that will provide a single seamless space, unpretentious in care. And of course, it is impossible to forget about the lowest tier - the basement. For example, under the oven, we organize an additional storage area - in the upper part of the drawer we fold the lids and forms for baking, and in the bottom - frying pan and low pots.

Maria Sergeeva

Leading specialist design studio company "Kitchen Dvor"

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The design of even a small kitchen can be interesting, diverse and stylish, and the kitchen itself is comfortable and functional. Photo: "Maria"

  • 5 reasons to use open shelves in the kitchen

4 Take a lucky "smart" solutions for upper cabinets

The standard height of the upper cabinets (70-72 cm) is often not enough to accommodate everything you need on the shelves. The optimal option for a small kitchen with low ceiling is mounted cabinets to the ceiling. Typically, their height is 90-95 cm. And instead of hintage doors, use fold-up facades. Another alternative to swing doors - furniture blinds. They cut down and in the event that there are protrusions, gas risers, pipes, radiators and other interference in the kitchen, which prevent the opening of the opening doors.

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For a small kitchen in a limited space, folding and folding doors are relevant in the upper tier. Photo: Hanak.

When the area of ​​the room is small, the open shelves will help to visually increase its space. But such a solution is relevant for users who in the kitchen are quite a bit utensils, as well as for those who rarely or do not prepare. Any culinary on a small kitchen is better preferred by spacious closed shelves. Open shelves and items on them are quickly covered with fat and dust. And one more nuance: open shelves should not be placed above the cooking surface. It is better to place them above the working surface. And you should not do all the shelves open - quite enough one open element.

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Photo: "Kitchen Dvor"

5 Use retractable items

Retractable shelves and baskets in the form of bottled 15-25 cm wide - a reasonable solution for narrow niches, which remain when trying to enter a set of standard size kitchen modules into a small kitchen with a standard layout. The perfect choice for the compact corner composition is the carousel shelves, "Magic Corners", the "Locker" shelves. Their task is to facilitate access to dishes and utensils, which will be stored in the depths of the angular module.

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How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_20
How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_21

How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_22

Photo: "Maria"

How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_23

Photo: Nolte Küchen

How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_24

Photo: Mr.Doors.

When ordering a kitchen, pay attention to the height of the sidewall and the rear wall of the drawer. What they are higher, the greater the number of items in the box will fit. It is possible to expand the useful space and due to the rational organization of those zones that are usually not involved in any way - for example, behind the base of the module. In the basements, rarely used objects of the type of napkins, tablecloths, etc., and in some even cumbersome items. The special mechanism of lifting the base of 15 mm will provide smooth slip.

  • How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions

6 Use drawers instead of doct

One of the requirements of modern cuisine is a complete or partial refusal of hinting doors in the lower tier. In a small kitchen, outdoor cabinets with swing doors are uncomfortable doubly. If you do not want to go down to your knees every time, to reach something right in the depths of the closet, order kitchen modules with fully drawers. They allow you to optimally use the useful space, make the contents foreseeable and affordable. However, even static shelves can be hidden behind the hidden doors, but the retractable metal baskets.

In a small kitchen, it is wiser to go to limit the number of cabinets for storing dishes and utensils, choose a multifunctional, compact technique, combine several devices in one universal, but not to sacrifice the facilities for food.

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Include at least one module with deep and spacious boxes in the furniture composition, in which you can store everything that you will use most often. Photo: Mr.Doors.

  • How to make a small kitchen and receive guests with convenience: 6 ideas

7 Select the facades for a small kitchen

Of the considerations of practicality, the most relevant the facades shrouded with plastic and PVC film. They are resistant to water, steam, temperature drops that for a small kitchen is a number one requirement. This is especially true of leaf plastic. Maintain the purity of plastic facades is easy, it is only necessary to use the means that do not contain chlorine and abrasive particles. Transparent glass doors are not the best choice for a small kitchen. Little to want to want the contents of the lockers all the time in sight. Exception - if you have an ideal order on the shelves, and all the supplies are decomposed on beautiful jars, containers. And yet it is better to prefer matted translucent glass. With it, your small kitchen will look easier and air, and the contents of the lockers will not attract attention.

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Photo: IKEA

For use in a small kitchen, I can recommend the following types of practical surfaces. These are the facades made from the moisture-resistant laminated chipboard plate with PVC 2 mm (Model "Fabio"), new models of frame facades, which are made from the MDF profile, shrouded with the EcoCampon - polymer material repeating the color and structure of natural wood (Angelo and " Massimo "). I really want to pay attention to the new facades, relevant in modern kitchens. This is an aluminum frame with glass or mirror stacked. Kitchens with such facades are durable, easy to care and eco-friendly (Antra Vetro).

Alexander Kuricanov

Director of the company "Stylish kitchens"

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Photo: "Stylish kitchens"

8 Buy dividers and organizers

Another requirement aimed at increasing the level of an internal organization is the availability of well-planned places for convenient placement of products, cutlery, accessories, dishes, utensils, provisions, etc. "Smart" internal filling of the module in the form of transformable separators, compartments for cans and containers It will help to place everything and decompose in places, save time and effort.

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Photo: Nolte Küchen

9 Expand the territory of the working area

When we are engaged in cooking, in the field of our activity there is often a considerable amount of small items that should not clutter the working surface. The order and convenience can be achieved by using the territory over the working surface between the upper and lower tiers. The most common and affordable option remains a railing system - a metal tube that is attached to the wall and is used as a support for various functional hits.

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Photo: "Stylish kitchens"

It is in a small kitchen that the furniture made to order is best shows with the maximum taking into account the characteristics of the space. In the lower bases, you can replace the swap facades, to open which the specified place is required, sliding. Or remove them into the chassis of the cabinet, providing direct access to the things in them. It is very convenient during cooking: do not constantly open and close drawers or doors. The shelves themselves can also make retractable or apply net baskets instead - everything will always be at hand. The top cabinets in small kitchens are better to do under the ceiling, so there will be more storage space. And for a comfortable opening, the door to use the electric drive - the switch can be fixed on the lower bases or even a tabletop. By ordering a kitchen set in a small kitchen, do not suck on modern facades with lifting mechanisms. Folding, folding and lifting doors smoothly open-closes and easily fixed in the open position when you need it.

Natalia Malanina

Mr.Doors Marketing Department

10 Use space under the sink

To create a useful space where it seems to be, it may not be, for example, under the sink, already at the design stage, it is desirable to provide a "stuffing" for this cabinet. And the 60-centimeter cabinet can be equipped with compact systems functionally. The basic set includes a trash can, as well as devices that allow you to store in convenient access, but not in sight of detergents, minor cleaning accessories. Systems differ in the fastening method: to the door, to the bottom of the case, to the side walls and to the bottom of the drawer.

Cabinet options under the sink

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How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_33
How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_34

How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_35

Photo: Nolte Küchen

How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_36

Photo: "Maria"

How to organize space in a small kitchen: 11 useful tips 11072_37

Photo: "Stylish kitchens"

11 Think the location of the dining table

Experts calculated: an adult to feel at the table relatively conveniently, should have its own zone wide of at least 70 cm. The optimal dimensions of the dining table are designed for the average growth of modern person. The table height is 75 cm, 120 cm long, and a width of at least 75-80 cm allows the average family of four people to feel at eating more or less comfortable. The diameter of the Round Table should be approximately 90 cm. The figures indicate the minimum, and not the maximum comfort.

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Photo: IKEA

If, for example, an angular kitchen composition, the table must be in the opposite corner from the working triangle. With a linear layout, the free opposite wall or one angle is often left, where the lunch group will be located. If an ordinary mobile table is selected for the kitchen, it is possible to put it into the angle, to put it on the window, wall. For a small kitchen, a dining table with small folding or retractable "wings" is suitable. Such a table can be placed at the window. The table is a prefix, fixed on one or two legs, is good with its compact dimensions (60 × 60, 70 × 70, 80 × 80 cm). The table can be a continuation of the windowsill. The folding models in small rooms were widely distributed. A frequent phenomenon for small kitchens in Soviet buildings are cozy and spacious corner sofas with a table.

In a small kitchen, a rectangular table is preferable, it is rectangular, not a square, since more people will sit for it than per square in the same space.

Accurate calculation

Photo: Mr.Doors.

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When installing the refrigerator, it matters in which direction its door opens. It is better if to the nearest wall, while it is important that it can be opened at least 90 °, this will allow you to extract and upload any product. Modern refrigerator models allow you to change the side of the door opening.

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