Composite tile in questions and answers


What features should be considered when installing composite tile? Is it possible to put it on your own? Is this corrosion coating exposed? TechnoNikol is responsible for these and other issues.

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One of the modern trends in the roofing materials is a composite tile. This material is relatively young, but already confidently gaining popularity in Russia. And this is not good: possessing the aesthetics and durability of natural clay tiles, composite tile, due to the technological component, deprived of its deficiencies and at the same time he has a mass of indisputable advantages, including:

  • A light weight. Composite roof does not require for installation of a reinforced and more expensive rafter system .
  • Universality. Composite tile can be used on the roofs of almost all types of buildings.
  • Reliability. Thanks to the technological features, the composite roof has the highest resistance to the negative effects of the environment, including the mechanical impact of a strong hail or abundant snowfall, it does not fight, it does not crack, resistant to scratches and chips. The service life of such a roof is very large and significantly exceeds the majority of coatings presented in the market.
  • Maintainability., Thanks to a regular remktomlpect, you can easily eliminate any mechanical damage on the surface of the tile.
  • Convenient size. Unlike large-format roofing material with large sheets or, on the contrary, piece, with a large number of small elements, composite tile has the optimal size of roofing sheets, due to which labor costs are reduced to the production of roofing works, as well as the cost of logistics and loading and unloading operations. In addition, it is due to the small size of the sheets during installation there is practically no waste.
  • Noise absorption. Despite the fact that the composite tile is based on a metal sheet, the noise of rain or hail will not break the silence of the house, due to the special coating from the basalt crumb.

Composite tile in questions and answers

Photo: Tehtonol

However, the relative novelty of the material, despite the wide list of advantages, generates a lot of issues from the Russian consumer. Answer the most frequently asked questions, we asked the specialists from Technonol, the only manufacturer of composite tile in Russia, produced under the brand TechnoNIKOL LUXARD.

What features of the rafter system and the design of the crates must be considered when installing the roof of the composite tile?

TechnoNIKOL: To mount the composite tile to the rafter part of the structure, no special requirements are presented. There is a general set of recommendations that will suit almost for any type of coverage. So, to increase the service life of wooden elements of the rafter design, it is recommended to be treated with antiseptics and anti-epires. To ensure ventilation of the underpants along the rafter, it is necessary to fill the counterclaim. Brusks of 50 * 50 are used as a crate, between which you need to withstand a step in 367 for the Luxard panels forms of Classic or 370 mm for Luxard Roman.

Composite tile in questions and answers

Photo: Tehtonol

How to fix roofing sheets to the crate, what to use fasteners?

TechnoNIKOL: Tile installation is made from bottom to top. For fastening, you can use only branded high-strength nails or screws with anti-corrosion protection.

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Photo: Tehtonol

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Is it possible to walk on the roof of the composite tile?

TechnoNikol: Given that the installation is made from the bottom up, this coating implies the possibility of moving on the roof. To move on the roof of the roof, you must use soft (rubberized) shoes. At the same time, it is allowed to attack on the finished roof only at the bottom of the roofing wave - in the place where it relies on the crate.

What is Remkomplekt?

TEHNONIKOL: The repair kit consists of a closed container containing glue-paint and containers with stone granules. Remkomplekt is used to eliminate chips and scratches that can be formed during, loading and unloading, as well as installation of roofing sheets. In addition, the regular sphere of application Remkomplekt is to use it to disguise the nails hats. An important condition for storing and using Remkomplekt is the ambient temperature above 50c.

Composite tile in questions and answers

Photo: Tehtonol

How does the snow come out from the composite tile, is there any need to arrange snowdowers?

TechnoNIKOL: Due to the coating from basalt crumb there is no risk of avalanche-like snow, as in the case of metal tile, therefore there is no need for snow-settresters.

Is the coating of stone crumbs resistant to atmospheric precipitation?

TEHNONIKOL: The coating consists of a natural basalt crumb applied to acrylic soil. The hidden layer of acrylic varnish protects the main stone granulate from various adverse effects and gives a product with increased resistance to ultraviolet. Only the warranty service life of the composite tile is 50 years old, which means that the period of actual exploitation can be much longer, and throughout this term, the loss of stone sprinkle will be insignificant.

Composite tile in questions and answers

Photo: Tehtonol

Does the supplies include consumables for the penetration of complex nodes: pipes, endands, etc.?

TechnoNIKOL: Of course, the list of materials and components used, in addition to the panels itself, includes a fairly wide range of products for performing any, including non-standard nodes: adjoining walls and pipes, design of end-plackets of the frontones, performing endands, ribs and skates, roofing fans, etc.

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Photo: Tehtonol

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Is the composite tile of corrosion exposed?

TechnoNIKOL: The base steel sheet on both sides is coated with a durable aluminum layer, which provides composite tile of increased resistance to corrosion processes. A protective acrylic coating and basalt router are applied to the top of the elements and basalt router performs an additional barrier for possible corrosion.

Composite tile in questions and answers

Photo: Tehtonol

Is it possible to cope with the installation of the composite tile independently?

TechnoNIKOL: Despite the sufficiently serious requirements for carefulness of work, the installation itself does not represent special difficulties and does not require high technical equipment or availability of expensive tools.

How to protect yourself from buying counterfeit or poor-quality composite tile?

TechnoNIKOL: Composite tile - high-tech roofing coating, for which not only a serious production base is required, but also prepared personnel, which in itself is a sufficient barrier to occur in the market of non-margin products of dubious quality in the market.

It should be noted that in addition to the impressive set of consumer characteristics and advantages, the composite tile has another important component of aesthetics. Thanks to a wide range of color solutions made in natural stone, as well as nobility of lines and recognition, composite tile can decorate any home and will not leave indifferent even the most demanding consumer.

Composite tile in questions and answers

Photo: Tehtonol

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