How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules


With the home arrangement, it is important to provide convenient access to hidden elements of engineering equipment - shut-off reinforcement and pressure gearboxes, siphons and filters, meters and regulators. So, do not do without revision hatches. We tell how to choose the perfect.

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_1

Santechnic Luc

In the modern interior there is no place for excess details: each little thing must match the style decision and complement the composition planned by the designer. In such conditions, it is not possible to mount the hatch openly, and it is successfully disguised with it (the panel, mirror, blinds, etc.) is unlikely to succeed. It's easier and more correctly to make the revision hatch merging with the finish, that is, was invisible.

Realizing conceived will help the revision hatch of the hidden editing. These products are swollen, sliding and with a removable door. They can be embedded not only in the walls, but also in the screens for the bath, the floor and the ceiling. Most often, revision hatches are installed in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen - in places where technical communications are laid.

Comprehensive solution of issues of revision for any premises, as well as facades of buildings, the company "Practice" offers. Today, "Practice" produces wall, ceiling and floor revision hatches both standard sizes and in the size of the customer (production time of 7-10 working days). The company's assortment has models:

  • For the ceiling - "Tablet" and "Grand" under painting or finishing with a thickness of no more than 1.5 mm.
  • For walls - "Euroformat", "format", "Atlant" (with a swing or sliding door, under the tile), "contour" (with a removable door, under the tile), "tablet" (the same model as for the ceiling, But other sizes, under painting), the technical door "Fort", the maximum size of which can be a record 2 × 2 m.
  • For the floor - "portal" (on gas shock absorbers) and "Barrier-2" (with a removable lid).

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_3
How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_4
How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_5

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_6

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_7

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_8

Wall hatches are used with the greatest demand with tiles (for mounting in the bathrooms). Experts of the practice of "Practice" emphasize that the installation of such a hatch should be foreseen at the design of the design project, otherwise there is a risk that the hatch will not be able to do completely invisible. When choosing a wall hatch, you need to do the following.

1 Decide on the sizes

To remove the readings of the counters, turning on and off the supply of hot and cold water, as a rule, a sufficiently small hatch - from 20 cm in width and 30 cm in height. The most popular hatch size is 60 × 60 cm, such a door allows you to produce not only revision, but also maintenance of communications. For access to the sanitary movement under the bathroom, hatches are suitable from 50 cm in width and 40 cm in height. If the hatch hides a boiler, then the sizes of the work should allow the dismantling of this device to repair or replace.

The maximum size of the standard Wall Luke "Practice" is 60 cm wide and 120 cm in height. The maximum dimensions of the registered double hatch - 120 × 160 cm, single-bag - 40 × 200 cm.

2 take into account the nuances of the opening

Ideally, the door should open more than 90º - this will allow you to fully release the discourse for the most convenient access to communications.

Santechnic Luc

The door of the hatch opens to an angle to 180º, which provides maximum space for servicing plumbing communications

Important note: When it is planned to install an audit hatch from the wall to the wall, the hatch must still be slightly less than the width of the wall, and it is necessary to leave the right and to the left of it. Mosaics) - Even if the wall width is a multiple tile width. Otherwise, the hatch when opened can be stuck between the side walls.

When choosing a place for a hatch and opening directions, you need to take into account the location of furniture, plumbing, heated towel rail and other equipment.

3 Calculate the exact size of the hatch, based on the size of the tile

The hatch should be lined with whole tiles without trimming - only then it will be absolutely invisible after filling the seam around the perimeter with silicone sealant in the grout color. It must be borne in mind that on the side of the loop, the glued tile can perform for the dimensions of the door to a maximum of 50 mm; From the rest of the parties - no more than a third of their width or height.

Santechnic Luc

In the horses "Euroformat" reduced technological gaps, due to the use of sliding bearings, which minimizes the sagging of the hatch door, lined with ceramic tiles

In order not to make a mistake with the height of the hatch, it is better to perform a tile layout in advance on the wall. You can start from the floor, and then at the site of the tiled seam to set the horizontal profile of the partition frame, to which the hatch will be attached. Another option is to start from the hatch, and when cladding, perform trimming tiles from the floor.

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_11
How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_12
How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_13
How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_14
How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_15
How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_16

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_17

The hinge of the Euro-format hatch from the company "Practice" is made of aluminum-silicon alloy AK-12 made according to GOST 1583-93. Luke Luke "Euroformat ATP" has a 15-fold storage stock

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_18

The loops are adjustable in 3 planes (to eliminate the possible saving of the door): horizontally, vertically and on the corner of the door tilt

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_19

The profiles of power elements provide the frame sufficient rigidity and carrying capacity, so that the hatch can be lined with any material, even so heavy as porcelain stoneware and marble.

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_20

COMBITOUCH® magnetic pressure lock with a powerful poverty spring designed specifically for opening a heavy lined door - by pressing or suction cup

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_21

The minimum stroke of the pressure lock allows you to close the seam around the perimeter of the Silicone Door, which makes the hatch absolutely inconspicuous

How to choose a revision hatch-invisible: 3 main rules 11105_22

The profiled silicone seal provides a high degree of insulation of the door from moisture, dust, possible noise and smell. It is over the seal that the Euroformat hatch can be distinguished - it is red

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