Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment


In the design of this spacious apartment, the eco- and industrial aesthetics were connected - as a result, a fashionable space for life and reception was obtained.

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Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_3
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_4
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_5
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_6
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_7
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_8
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_9
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_10
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_11
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_12
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_13
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_14
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_15
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_16
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_17
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_18
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_19
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_20
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_21
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_22
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_23
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_24
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_25
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_26
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_27
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_28
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_29
Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_30

Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_31

Representative zone

Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_32

Representative zone

Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_33

Representative zone

Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_34

Representative zone

Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_35


Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_36

Representative zone

Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_37

Representative zone

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Covered terrace

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Covered terrace

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Open terrace

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Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_43


Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_44


Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_45


Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_46


Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_47


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Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_49


Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_50


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Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_59


Scenic view of the essay of the Neva

Representative zone

about the project

Family couple preferring free time in a circle of friends, and therefore often arranging meetings, holidays and noisy techniques, acquired an apartment located on the top floor of a new residential complex in St. Petersburg. The house is located on the eaves of the Neva, opposite the Smolny Cathedral. The artistic formation of the hostess allowed her to assess the potential of the new housing, however, for help in the development of space, the spouses turned to specialists - Designers of the TOTASTE Studio Bureau.

Scenic view of the essay of the Neva

Kitchen zone

In addition to the impressive location and the species environment, among the advantages of the new housing, the customers were the following points - the absence of intra-ordinary capital walls, the abundance of windows overlooking the three sides of the world, a spacious terrace. However, there were also minuses, for example, not enough ceilings (only 2.65 m), as well as difficult, as if a broken volumetric solution would be. Nevertheless, the authors of the project successfully and can be said extraordinary solved the planning task.

Scenic view of the essay of the Neva

Covered terrace


After measurement work, all the partitions planted by the developer were dismantled. Instead, there were few new walls and simpleness, with which designers of the Totaste Studio Bureau allocated private rooms (bedroom and nursery), wet rooms (bathroom and bathroom), and also decided some engineering problems (let's say, organized access to communications).

In the representative space that combines the living room, dining area and the kitchen, they cost without the initial or newly erected partitions - the volume of a slightly less than 50 m2 was left free, so that he was visible almost from the entrance to the apartment. The flushing terrace of about 90 m2 was partially made by the All-season, for which the design of aluminum guides and glaler elements were elevated. (In the indoor part of the platform by a metrah of about 20 m2 was used to arrange the second representative zone, a summer living room took a larger area.)

Part of one of the residential rooms combined with the Hall - the received method went on the arrangement of the relax area. Here, at an unusual, diagonally placed wall in which an artificial fireplace was built, posted two chairs, and on the other side there were two hammocks.

Scenic view of the essay of the Neva

Bedroom Parents


If we talk about the style of decoration of the apartment, then the designers offered the owners and received approval to a combination of several aesthetics at once - Loft, Industrial, Eco and even Country. The basis of the interior is laying, of course, the elements of two styles close by the atmosphere - factory and industrial. This is a concrete ceiling (the slabs of the floors are left without decorative finishes due to the lack of room height), and brass walls of wall decoration, and visible metal frames, and open wiring, and the corresponding furnishings, and lamps. Country is present in the apartment of single accents - a bright servant and textiles in a representative zone, Eco-aesthetics is responsible for the situation in the nursery.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Bright design mix: Loft, Industrial, Eco and Country in the interior of the apartment 11128_64

Architect: Victor Stefan

Architect: Maxim Zhukov

Visualization: Maxim Zhukov

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