How to choose an inlet metal door: useful tips


All about the features of the design and types of locks - tell how to choose a door that will serve you not one dozen years.

How to choose an inlet metal door: useful tips 11129_1

How to choose an inlet metal door: useful tips

So that the house becomes a real fortress, it is not enough to have durable walls. We also need a reliable door that opposes any attempts to hack. Often, sellers in pursuit of profit are trying to impose the most expensive model, although it is not the best. We'll figure it out how to choose an entrance metal door to the apartment to get a good value for money.

All about choosing a metal door

Design features

Criterias of choice

  • Sheet thickness
  • Stiffening rib
  • Loop
  • Insulation
  • Finishing from the inside and outside

Choosing a castle

Methods of installation

Design features

Before going to the store, it is worth introducing a design. Operational properties are determined by the characteristics of the components of the elements.


  • Door box, which is considered a framework of the system.
  • The canvas closing and opening the opening. Inserted into the box. This is sheathed on two sides of the frame with the inner ribs of stiffness.
  • Loops holding the product on the box.
  • Seal fixed in one or two contour.
  • Castles, handle, other fittings.
The frame for the panel is made from different materials, which determines its strength. The smaller the welding seams on it, the better. The most reliable model - from the profile pipe, which connects one seam. The framework is not durable, which is made of welded corners. The canvas should also be solid, without seams. It is made of two types of materials.


  • Hot-rolled steel. The cheapest and corrosive material. It can be determined on dark color, although it is not always noticeable under decorative design.
  • Cold rolled metal. Sure, resistant to corrosion and any atmospheric phenomena. The price is higher than that of the analogues.

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Metal door selection criteria

Third thickness

Steel sheets from which door canvases make are different thickness: from 0.08 and to 0.5 cm. The thickness of the metal, the stronger the product. But do not immediately choose the maximum thickness. With its magnification, the price and mass increases. Big weight involves problems with operation.

The massive system opens and closes with effort, saves, faster fails. In addition, enhanced accessories will be required, which will ensure the design normal functioning. And you need to be prepared for the fact that the system can fail before its lighter analogs.

  • in houses and mansions - over 0.4 cm;
  • in apartments - 0.2-0.3 cm;
  • In offices located in protected buildings - 0.1-0.2 cm;
  • In nozpostroy - 0.08-0.1 cm.

Sometimes steel sheet is put only on the outside. It is economical, but very doubtful about security. Well, if metal will be metal on both sides of the frame. Release models with an additional sheet of steel, located between the two main. They provide enhanced security, but not always appropriate. The best metal doors manufacturers recommend paying attention to the area where locks are located. When hacking will be subject to special influence. It is better to strengthen them with additional steel or even armoflastines. This will significantly increase the level of protection, even if there are not the thick sheets of metal for the manufacture of the panels.

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Stiffening rib

The maximum strength and ability to resist mechanically exposure to the canvas give ribs, they are inside the design. Can be placed horizontally, diagonally or vertically. Their number is different, but can not be less than three. A large number of ribs increases weight, and this is not always justified.

Made parts from the corner and rectangular tubes. They are reliable, but massive. Famous manufacturers put ribs from rolled with a complex profile. It is very durable, but has a small weight. This allows you to strengthen the product and do not drag it. The best inlet metal doors do not necessarily have a large mass, it is important that its elements are high quality. Therefore, it is better to choose products of proven manufacturers.

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  • How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention

Loops and their varieties

Significant door item. If you choose it incorrectly, neither the most complex castle will save nor the solid steel canvas. The loops are two species.

Open or invoice

Simple and sufficiently reliable design. Well withstands the weight of the panels, is used for massive systems. Their price is noticeably lower than the analogues. This is explained by simple manufacturing technology. Under the open loops do not need to equip the seats, use the hollow profile under the hidden mechanism. The main minus is accessibility. Such hinges are in sight and can be cut.

This disadvantage can be leveled in different ways. For example, choose a loop group with rotating pins made of tempered steel. Open it is difficult. Another way is to install anti-blank rhegielers. When the lock is locked, they are part of the grooves. In this position, it is impossible to remove the cloth. The loop type determines the stability of the design to hacking. The hidden mechanism is more reliable, but it increases the risk of swissing. It will be difficult to repair it.


Multi-storey hinges, access to which is not outside. This is their meaningful advantage, because it is impossible to cut such loops. However, the hidden elements have shortcomings. First of all, it is the need for frequent adjustments, which is due to their design. Such hinges often creak and over time they saw under the weight of the canvas. It is undesirable to choose them for very heavy products. But if it is still necessary, with a mass of over 200 kg, qualitative elements are selected. Otherwise, they will not serve for a long time.

How to choose an inlet metal door: useful tips 11129_8

Door system isolation

The entrance group should not only be protected from unauthorized penetration, but also to be an obstacle to noise, cold and unpleasant odors. All this will provide good insulation. Each product is a frame to which two steel plates are fixed. Between them are the ribs of stiffness, everything else is emptiness. They are necessarily filled with a suitable insulator.

  • Pressed cardboard or paper. The cheapest option is more often found from Chinese manufacturers. It is not bad to keep warm. It burns, very hygroscopic, absorbs moisture and loses its properties.
  • Mineral wool. Good noise and thermal insulation characteristics. Not toxic and not lit. Of the minuses: you need to know that over time, the material can be asked. In case of water, the insulation properties are lost.
  • Foam. Effectively holds heat and sounds, moisture consists. Affordable price. The main drawback is easily flammable, toxic substances isolated during combustion.
  • Polyurethane foam. Good insulator. Durable, moisture consists and is not sensitive to temperature drops. May ignite.

The insulation of the door canvase is required, otherwise the cold, noise and unpleasant odors will be in the apartment. It is better to choose details from rubber, silicone and polyurethane have proven a little worse. The cavities in profiles are also filled, otherwise the insulation characteristics will noticeably decrease. Professionals advise, choosing an entrance metal door, knock on it a suitable metal object. The deaf sound testifies to high-quality isolation. Important and the presence of a seal. It gives a tight fit, thereby protects from unpleasant odors, noise and drafts. In stores there are products not only with one, but also with two, and sometimes three sealing circuits. It is necessary to know that this is just a way to increase product prices. If you believe the reviews, one correctly fastened contour of the rubber seal is quite enough. Polyurethane and silicone are somewhat worse.

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Finishing from the inside and outside

Metal plates are durable, but not aesthetic, so they need a decor. If any material is suitable for the inner part, then the exterior is drawn up by the adverse effects of facing. Here are some options.

  • Powder dyes. Head the top of the finish methods. Attractive durable coating that holds long. At the same time, the price of its low.
  • Array of wood. Dear, eco-friendly and very beautiful way of decor. Polishing, thread or staining can be used.
  • Lamination of PVC film. It is possible to imitation of a variety of materials. Finishing continuity and short-lived.
  • PVC panels. Operational characteristics are similar to the film. A wide range of design and low life.

How to choose an inlet metal door: useful tips 11129_10

Thanks to the original decor, steel entrance doors can be decorated for any facade. And no matter what style it is made. A good choice for inexpensive models will be powder coating. In the premium segment, the optimal natural tree. The remaining options are not durable enough.

What to take into account when choosing a castle

Theoretically, any lock can be opened. The question is how much time it will be spent. Therefore, the main task is to choose the optimal combination of locking mechanisms in order to make the potential hacker to the maximum difficult. You can choose from two options.


Internal mechanism with a large number of pins or cylinders, each of which is located at a given height. The lock of this type is difficult to hack the laundry, but considering that the elements go beyond the frame limits, it is possible to knock out. Experienced houses are easily knocked out a cylinder lock. For this reason, it is recommended to additionally protect it with special balls that interfere with the drill or by cornmarklack.

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The design contains metal plates-Suwalds in an amount from one to ten. Sufficient safety provides a mechanism with six or more suvalds. Pick to such a system the launder is easier than to the cylinder. But it is impossible to knock it out. Optimally, if the mechanism has a manganese insert that protects it from drilling. It is recommended to complete the product with castle mechanisms of different types. They need to be put at least two. More only is welcome. Electronic locks are rarely found. They are reliable and easy to operate. However, it is impossible to be considered their safest. Burglars pick up code for such mechanisms.

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Methods of installation

The method and quality of installation affect both the stability of the system to crack and its insulating properties. It is important in advance, at the measurement of the day, discuss with the masters, what fastening they will use. There are four main options for fixing the door box in the open. The selection of this or that of them depends on the material and thickness of the wall, as well as the mass of the canvas.

4 options for fixing the door box

  1. Using steel anchor-dowels (diameter 10-14 mm, length 100-150 mm). This is the most common way to install. It is simple, does not require the use of welding, and a relatively small diameter of the holes reduces the risk of cracking in the wall during anchoring. Such a fastening is reliable only if the following conditions are observed: each rack of the box should be recorded at least four anchor dowels; The box is required to be equipped in advance to welded external platbands that reduce the load on the attachment assemblies when slamming; The mass of the door leaf should not exceed 100 kg.
  2. Reinforcement pins (diameter 12-16 mm, length up to 200 mm). This method is applicable to blocks of strength classes M1 and M2 according to GOST 31173-2003. It is optimal for apartment buildings with thick (more than 16 cm) inner walls from light (empty, cellular) blocks. Each rack must be attached by four or five (in the case of foam block) with pins, which then the master is obliged to weld to the box, and the welding location is to clean and treat the anti-corrosion composition.
  3. Reinforcement pins or anchors with concreting. The box is made from an open profile resembling a channel, whose shelves are directed to the wall. After mounting with pins it is filled with cement-sandy solution using a syringe or pump for this. This method today is used infrequently due to increased complexity, but it gives a significant gain in resistance to operational loads and hacking, as well as in sound insulation.
  4. With the strengthening of the day. Such an amplification is necessary when installing products of increased resistance to hacking (class II and above according to GOST R 51113-97) into the walls of light blocks. The discovery is strengthened by two P-shaped frames from angle with a width of 40-50 mm wide. These frames are installed from the inside and outside the room, and then combine with each other welded jumpers. The gain is additionally fixed by reinforcement pins with a length of at least 200 mm, and then it is screwed or welded to this metal structure.

How to choose an inlet metal door: useful tips 11129_13

Definitely say which input metal doors are the best - it is impossible. Different models are intended for operation in various conditions. Only the owner of the house can make an optimal choice, taking into account all the features of his dwelling.

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