Rules of operation of gas equipment in a residential building


The gas supply of an apartment building is carried out using special equipment. We tell about how to connect it correctly and use, as well as about safety technician in a gasified apartment and situations where gas can disable.

Rules of operation of gas equipment in a residential building 11132_1

And we have gas in the apartment

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For security reasons, any installation, reinstallation and maintenance and maintenance of gas equipment in the house should be trusted only by professionals, and when buying equipment, it is necessary to check not only the certificate, but also the service life of the product (it should be 15 years old).

  • Which gas meter is better to put in the apartment: define 4 criteria

Safety regulations

Gas is a cheap type of fuel, lit without a residue, has a high combustion temperature and, as a result, a large calorific value, however, mixing with air, is explosive. Unfortunately, gas leakage is not rare at all. In order to maximize themselves, it is necessary to strictly comply with the safety rules.

First of all, it is necessary to study the instructions for the operation of gas equipment and observe them, follow the normal operation of gas devices, chimneys and ventilation.

Household liquefied gas consists of a mixture of propane and butane, does not have its own color and odor, therefore, a strongly smelling substance is added to it, which gives it a smell of rotten egg for a speedy detection of the smell.

The owners of the residential premises is prohibited from violating the system of ventilation of residential premises during redevelopment and reorganization of the apartment.

In front of the gas plate ignition, the room must be used, leave the window open at all time with the stove. The tap on the pipe in front of the stove opens through the translation of the handle flag to position along the pipe.

The flame should light up in all the holes of the burner, have a bluish-purple color without smoking languages. If the flame smoke - the gas burns not completely, it is necessary to refer to the specialists of the gas supply company and adjust the air supply. Please note: if the flame is separated from the burner, it means that the air does too much, and it is impossible to use such a burner in no case!

Household liquefied gas is 2 times heavier than air, so when leucing it, it first fills the lower rooms and can spread over distances, so even a small leakage can trigger the suffocation and cause fire.

If you caught a characteristic smell of gas indoors, you should not include or disable any electrical devices to avoid the occurrence of an electrical spark that can lead to a gas explosion. In this case, it is necessary to urgently overlap the gas pipeline and air the room. In the case of departure to the cottage or on vacation, it is necessary to overlap the gas, turning the crane on the pipe. Ideally, overlapping the gas crane is necessary after each use of the plate or the oven.

Immediately contact the emergency gas service is necessary in the following cases:

  • In the stairwell, the smell of gas is felt;
  • If you found a malfunction of a gas pipeline, gas cranes, gas appliances;
  • With a sudden cessation of gas supply.

Remember that inspection and repair of gas equipment can only carry out employees of gas economics enterprises. Their powers are confirmed by service certificates that they must show the owner of the apartment.

And we have gas in the apartment

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General Terms of Use of Gas

There are two types of gas equipment: an intrama (gas pipeline, gas accounting devices of apartment buildings) and intra-quarter (plate, cooking surface, oven, water heating equipment). The obligation to maintain gas networks of an apartment building lies in the management company.

In order for the room to become gasified, it is necessary to perform several conditions.

  1. The apartment must have a minimum of two isolated premises (one-room apartment-studio gasifant can not be).
  2. It is necessary to have good exhaust ventilation in the corridors of the house.
  3. The gas input device must comply with the requirements of fire and explosion safety.
  4. In the corridors, where the gas highway will be laid, the ceiling height should be at least 1.6 m, while the ceilings themselves must be fire-resistant.

The use of gas input devices installed directly to apartments, elevators, ventilation systems of a residential building, are categorically unacceptable. Gas risers are installed vertically in the kitchens and on the staircases, the installation of them in other parts of the apartment is impossible. Special gate valves are made throughout the gas pipeline to disconnect certain sections.

A gas hose for connecting the plate must be certified; Its length should not exceed 5 m. Experts warn that it is better to refrain from staining the gas hose, since the paint can lead to its cracking.

Such connections should not be connected when connecting the gas stove. The hose is directly joined by one end to the crane, and the other is to the kitchen cooker.

When installing the plates, it is necessary to consider that the hose and gas riser must be available for inspection. Therefore, gas communications cannot be removed under drywall, stationary falsefielders or interior details.

Checking gas equipment

Please note: in accordance with housing legislation, the responsibility for servicing gas equipment lies on the owner of housing. To prevent possible leaks and poisoning with gas, emergency and technical services carry out scheduled checks. Gas water heating boilers must be checked annually; Gas stoves - once every 3 years. Outdated or defective equipment must be replaced.

On the time of the next check of the gas equipment, the management company is obliged to notify all residents in writing in writing, otherwise the violations identified and recorded during the test may be challenged.

Gas specialists when checking should be carried out:

  • visual checking for leakage in places of the gas pipeline and at the place of gas overlapping, if necessary, measure the leakage of the liquid pressure gauge;
  • checking the tightness of the fastening of parts in the places of all docks on the equipment;
  • inspection of the exhaust pipe and chimney of residential buildings;
  • checking the stability of gas supply to the stove and water heating devices;
  • setting the gas supply intensity in the equipment;
  • Check for automatic and electronic operation of instruments.

And we have gas in the apartment

Photo: shutterstock / (2)

Turning off Gaza

The list of reasons why gas supply may be temporarily terminated, enshrined in a contract with a management company or a gas-supplying organization. Due to certain circumstances, such a list can be changed.

We give an approximate list of reasons for turning off the gas supply:

  1. The subscriber of the gas network independently made installation or recycling of gas devices;
  2. The gas service has discovered malfunction in gas communications, or in chimneys (ventilation) there is no stable extractor, or when the gas supplying equipment is supplied, a lack of gas concentration in pipes is revealed;
  3. Signs of illegal access to gas supply networks were found;
  4. emerged emergency (emergency) situation that cannot be eliminated without shutdown;
  5. in the process of planned (including capital) repair of gas equipment and communications;
  6. The contract is not concluded in which emergency maintenance is provided;
  7. The tenants of an apartment building are evicted due to the demolition of the house;
  8. The amount of consumer debt exceeds the amount of payments for two calculated periods;
  9. the consumer regularly violates the items of the Agreement with the Management Company and repair all sorts of obstacles in obtaining necessary to determine the actual amount of gas consumption of data;
  10. the consumer uses equipment that does not meet the legislative standards or not appropriately prescribed under the contract;
  11. There is no maintenance contract between the management company and the subscriber.

With the planned turning off gas supply, the service provider must prevent the subscriber in writing, and this should be done no later than 20 days before the alleged disconnection with the explanation of the cause (or causes). In the event of an emergency, the gas supply is disabled without warning.

Terms of shutdown Gaza

For repair work, gas supply can be disabled for 4 hours total within a month. If the gas is disabled for a longer period, for each hour over the norm, the amount of payment for this service in the current month should be reduced by 0.15%.

Note: the premises are considered non-gem if there are no gas engineering communications (and transit pipes including); Therefore, when replacing the gas stove to the electrical model, it is necessary to completely remove the pipe from the apartment.

In the event of an emergency situation, gas can be disabled without warning no more than 24 hours. Complete resumption of gas supply is carried out within 2 days following the restoration.

In accordance with the rules of gas supply to ensure the utility needs of citizens, if the gas is disconnected for non-payment, two notifications should be directed to the violator - the first 40, second 20 days before the disconnection date. Only if the owner does not take any action on debt repayment, gas supply is disabled within three days without additional warning.

If the gas is disconnected for non-payment, the renewal of the service will occur only after fulfilling the requirements of the management company. After repaying the debt, the gas supply is renewed for 5 days.

In order to reduce the timing of the shutdown of gas supply during major repairs, cooperate with the eldest home (or at the entrance) and with the management company. Make sure that all the inhabitants will be in place during the repair of gas equipment. Note that the terms of repair (replacement) of gas equipment are largely dependent on the residents of the house. Cases are known when due to the missing neighbors in homes they could not include gas supply due to the fact that the tenants of the apartments did not want to start gazovikov, while other apartment owners simply did not know about the production of work due to their long-lasting absence.

Illegal shutdown Gaza

The management company is obliged to notify the tenants in advance and in writing about conducting verification works. Accordingly, if there were no notifications, turning off the gas supply illegally.

We list cases when the gas disconnection is illegal:

  • Planned technical works in an apartment building are completed;
  • There is no debt for payment for the services of a gas supply company;
  • Gas equipment recognized as not relevant to the standard or contract, but the consumer disputes this fact in court;
  • Emergency situation has been eliminated and the provision for the restoration of gas supply is exposed by the standards.

In addition, the basis for turning off the gas cannot be the lack of opportunity for inspection of gas equipment located in the apartment at the moment when the owner was not there. It must be said that the owner of the housing can abandon the inspection of gas equipment, the gas company has no levers of influence on it.

Remember: make a decision to turn off the gas supply to all residents of an apartment building in the presence of debt only in several residents of the Criminal Code are not entitled.

Complaint when the gas is turned off

In the event of an illegal cessation of gas supply to the owners of apartments in person or through the older entrance or house, it is necessary to require explanations in the management company. The rationale for turning off the gas must be provided in writing.

If the Criminal Code does not take measures to restore gas supply or cannot explain the reasons for the cessation of gas supply, it is necessary to write a statement to local authorities and ask for an examination.

After the examination and receipt of the specialist, you need to contact the judicial authorities for the proceedings. An expert opinion, an agreement with the management company, a guide on an apartment with disabled gas supply, should be applied to the claim with a gas supply, a certificate of public services.

In the case of a positive decision of the issue, the court, having considered the case file, should decide to reduce the amount of gas supply fees within the framework of the statutory law.

How to replace gas for electricity

Among the owners there is an opinion that in the electric oven, pies are tastier than in Gas, and the bills for electricity in a non-pectorized apartment is less, plus it is possible to afford more redevelopment options. Perhaps it is precisely for these reasons that the amount of thirsty replaced the gas stove is growing steadily, although this reorganization uniquely can be called one of the most difficult in coordination. First of all, the problem is that regulatory documents regulating the reorganization and redevelopment do not contain an accurate and unambiguous algorithm of actions. In practice, for solving such a task, they will have to shift departmental instructions and regulations, so we will tell about an exemplary action plan.

  1. Enlist the support of neighbors. Immediately, let's say that it is extremely difficult to get such consent only if you do not find like-minded people among the neighbors.
  2. By contacting the management company, get permission to highlight additional electrical power for your apartment.
  3. The management company should also give good to change the appearance of the house, because the transit gas pipe will have to go around your apartment on the outer wall of the house.
  4. Then you can contact a specialized organization to prepare a project of a new electrical installation and project of reorganization and redevelopment of the apartment. The redevelopment project is necessarily coordinated in a gas supplying company and an electric grid company (ESC).
  5. After the documents were received, the specialists of the gas company (in Moscow - OJSC Mosgaz) fulfill work on the disconnection of the apartment from gas supply. ESC specialists are paving and plugged a new feed cable. Representatives of the management company record all work.
  6. Installation of a new electrical installation of the apartment is performed. These works are also drawn up in the Criminal Code and ESC, the act of distinction of the balance sheet and operational responsibility is drawn up.
  7. In the territorial body of Rostechnadzor, the act of admission to the operation of the new electrical installation of the apartment is issued.
  8. After the end of work on the reorganization and redevelopment in the hillpox, the act of completed reorganization is issued as usual.
  9. The electricity supplier (in Moscow it is most often Mosenergosbyt OJSC), documents should be issued on the change in the tariff for electricity.

In practice, this path takes at least one and a half years. Only cohesive groups of neighbors - owners of housing can pass it.

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