Cookware for the house: 14 beautiful and modern options for different styles


We tell what kind of dishes is suitable for interiors in classic and fashionable modern styles, and share relevant examples.

Cookware for the house: 14 beautiful and modern options for different styles 11140_1

For classic style

The classic in the interior obliges to buy a complete set of dishes, with a tablet, butter and other traditional elements of the table decor. Of course, they must be made of high-quality materials, such as porcelain. Suitable options can be searched with eminent brands or in antiques stores.

Another option is to look close to unusual classic sets, such as in the photo below: To create it, the authors asked the workers of the porcelain factory, whose hands and the dishes are created, leave their imprints on it. On the one hand, the set is traditional, on the other - the original one.

Service The Human Trace

The Human Trace service. Design: Arkadiusz Szwed, Ewa Klekot

For modern classics

Modern classic honor tradition, but respects restrained beauty, and not classical pomp. For this style, the dishes are suitable for quiet colors, without the abundance of patterns - a sufficiently neat gold edge.

Cookware from H & M Home

Cookware from H & M Home

For Scandinavian style

Popular already not the first year, the Scandinavian style loves simplicity, light gamut and often simple geometric ornaments. The dishes corresponding to these characteristics is easy to find in an unsolving Swedish mass market.

Crashware, IKEA

Crashware, IKEA

For modern style

The concept of modern style in the interior is quite blurry. Now in fashion - geometry, so you can choose options close to the same Scandinavian style.

Tableware from Zara Home

Tableware from Zara Home

If you want something unusual, it makes sense to look at the bright design dishes. For example, such a set from Alice Volchkova.

Tableware Liquid Series.

Tableware Liquid Series. Design: Alice Volchkova

For minimalism

Minimalism is looking for beauty in the absence of unnecessary, so bright patterns on plates and mugs with cute prints - not exactly about it. It is better to take a concise set in white color - then you definitely do not lose.

Cookware for the house: 14 beautiful and modern options for different styles 11140_7
Cookware for the house: 14 beautiful and modern options for different styles 11140_8

Cookware for the house: 14 beautiful and modern options for different styles 11140_9

Tableware from Zara Home

Cookware for the house: 14 beautiful and modern options for different styles 11140_10

Tableware Collection Foster, Stelton

For Vabi Sabi style

The Japanese style of Vabi Sabi is gaining popularity, too, honor simplicity in everything, but also sees perfection in imperfect things. For the interior in this direction, simple ceramic utensils are suitable, with decorative cracks and irregularities.

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Cookware for the house: 14 beautiful and modern options for different styles 11140_12

Cookware for the house: 14 beautiful and modern options for different styles 11140_13

Ceramics. Design: Floris Wubben

Cookware for the house: 14 beautiful and modern options for different styles 11140_14

Tableware from Zara Home

For Country Style

But Country style just loves the concentration of home comfort (in its traditional sense) and a variety of ornaments. If he is your favorite, feel free to take dishes with cute patterns and do not hide it - this is the feature of the style.

Dishes Finstilt, IKEA

Dishes Finstilt, IKEA

For ecosil

Trend on Eco is not saved not the first season and will only increase. If such philosophy and aesthetics are close to you, it is necessary to look at the dishes from natural materials. Wooden bowls are an excellent option that can be found in the mass market.

Cookware from H & M Home

Cookware from H & M Home

For brutal style

In a brutal apartment, it is difficult to imagine an elegant service. Look for dishes with intentionally rough treatment - it can become an additional decor element.

Collection of Black Basalt. Design: MAX LAMB

Collection of Black Basalt. Design: MAX LAMB

For Ar Deco

The luxurious and elegant Art Deco style returned to the fashion, which respects geometry, high-quality materials, gold ... Mass producers have already taken into account this trend and offer items in this style for more than attractive prices. Excellent opportunity to create a fashionable interior, but not to spend extra.

H & M HOME plate

H & M HOME plate

Universal option

If you do not want to spend time on long searches, choose white dishes with simple design. She will be appropriate to look at the interior of any style and with any color decision.

Tableware from Zara Home

Tableware from Zara Home

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