How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention


We disassemble the locks by the type of installation, shut-off mechanisms, the protection class and recommend how to choose the optimal one.

How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_1

How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention

Everyone considers the house with its fortress. So that it remains such, set strong and reliable constipation. We will get acquainted with the types of door locks and the criteria for their choice.

How to choose a castle

Criterias of choice

- Installation method

- locking mechanism

- Class of reliability

Useful advice

Features of the choice of constipation for interroom doors

Criteria for the literate selection of lock for the entrance door

Safety of housing depends on the efficiency of locking equipment. A competent selection is determined by several criteria that we now consider.

1. Types of door locks for entrance doors by installation type

Castles can be installed in different ways. In each case, certain designs apply. We will analyze them all.


How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_3

The shut-off system is a housing with a handling. It is inserted into the loops, fixed on the box and the door canvas. In the closed form, the loops are attracted and do not give the doors to open. The system closes and opens by turning the key, but sometimes there are automatic type models. Hinged products do not put on the entrance to the apartments. They are too big and ineffective. Usually they are used in dachas, for household buildings, garages.


How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_4

Mounted on the inner side of the door canvase. Equipped with a latch, which moves when turning the key. The advantage of the design in the simplicity of installation. If necessary, it is easy to dismantle and put in another place. However, its defense is ineffective. The constipation is easy to hack. Therefore, the overhead systems are extremely rarely used as the main. Usually they are put in addition to another design.


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How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_6

How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_7

How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_8

Inserted inside the canvas. It is completely hidden from the eyes, which increases its reliability, does not spoil the general view of the input group. Mortise systems are considered to be the best door locks for the entrance doors. Their disadvantage is the relative complexity of the repair. They have to completely dismantle, only then to diagnose and the necessary repairs repairs. It is not always possible to do it yourself, you have to call the masters.

2. A variety of locking mechanism

The reliability of the lock directly depends on the mechanism serving it. There are several types. We will analyze the pros and cons of each.


The system is equipped with one or more reigners. This is a movable metal rod that moves between fixed elements. The movement of the riglel begins when the key turns, which makes it move and stop in the "open" position. After the key ceases to influence spring-loaded rigels, they occupy the starting position.

Barber structures are the simplest and cheap. They give the minimum level of autopsy resistance, because it is easily wedged with the launder. You can choose her experienced attacker in a few minutes. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them as a primary protection for a home or apartment.

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The basis of the mechanical part is a few suvaldov. These are durable locking plates. According to the key, they get up in a certain order. Only "Built" in the correct sequence, they unlock the doors. Suwald systems refer to the most reliable, they are very difficult to hack. It is necessary to know that efficiency depends on the number of plates-Suwald. What are them less, the lower the degree of protection.

The designs with four plates are not well protected, but with six and more are already quite safe. The advantage of the Suwald model is also a low vulnerability to physical exposure. The larva is extremely difficult to drill or knock out. If you install the bron alphabet, do it is unlikely to succeed. The selection of bastings is extremely difficult. A large number of suvaldov makes hacking almost impossible.

In the invulnerability of the Suwald systems there are disadvantages. So, if the key is lost or forgotten in the house, open the door will not work. We will have to dismantle and change the castle. Its repair is most often quite complicated. Another inconvenience is the lack of opportunity to put a latch in order to close from the inside. The rest of the suvalid systems are the safest, these are the best door locks for metal doors.

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How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_11

How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_12

How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_13


The basis of the structure is a cylinder device with small pine placams. The flat key builds them in height. If it coincides with the specified, the mechanism opens. The reliability of the castle depends on the number of pins. Cylinder products, even with a large number of pins, can not be considered safe. It is not easy to open them with a launder, but they are physically influenced by the physical exposure. Some strong blows knock the cylinder from the scene. It is possible to drill the larvae.

To protect the cornmarklacks that do not allow the design, and metal balls that protect against drilling. Cylinder equipment is simply installed and unpretentious in operation. The price of its low. Another plus is simple repair. In the event of a breakdown, it is enough to dismantle and replace the core.

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There are two varieties: electromagnetic and electromechanical. The first is dependent on electricity, because it holds the door cloth in the closed position by an electromagnet. In a de-energized state, it is always in the "open" position, which is considered to be a significant drawback. Electromechanical models combine the classic magnetic locking mechanism. In the absence of electricity remain closed, can be opened by a regular key.

In addition, they work from key cards or code. In the second case, the code panel is additionally installed on which a specific sequence of characters is recruited. If it is incorrect, two more attempts are given, then the device is automatically blocked. Electronic systems can be integrated into the "smart home", connect to the owner's smartphone, which immediately learns about trying to hack or unauthorized penetration. The disadvantage of electronic equipment is considered a high price and complex repair.

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Combined models are available, where different mechanisms are combined. For example, two-sufficient and suwalid-cylinder. They complement each other, leveling the shortcomings of each system. Such locks are considered the most reliable.

3. Security classes

Each device is assigned a class. It characterizes the level of protection against possible hacking.

  • 1 class. Simple and cheap products with minimal resistance to unauthorized opening. Thieves spend on their autopsy a few minutes. Not recommended for installation on the entrance, because they will not protect the apartment or the house from penetration.
  • Grade 2. More durable devices. Capable to withstand experienced houses within 10-15 minutes. However, the autopsy is easy enough. They should not be installed either at the entrance, except only in the form of an additional constipation. Suitable for installation on interior doors.
  • Grade 3. A good level of protection for the entrance to the house or apartment. Devices for a long time resist hacking. They will be able to open not all experienced houses. To improve protection, you can put additional constipation.
  • 4th grade. The maximum degree of resistance to unauthorized penetration. Hacking is possible only with the use of a special tool. It usually makes noise that attracts the attention of people. Models of this class are used to enhance the input group protection.

According to the rules, all class 2 devices and above are certified. Documents must be from the seller. Information about the grades and the result of certification is entered into the passport of the equipment.

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How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_17

How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_18

How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_19

  • Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures

Useful advice

In addition to the already given criteria, another number of factors affect the choice of constipation. We collected recommendations how to choose the right door lock.
  • Be sure to compare the dimensions of the door and the mortise device. They must fit each other. So, the lock cannot reduce the thickness of the canvas more than a third. Otherwise, it will become the most vulnerable site.
  • High-class shut-off should not be put on the unreliable door. So, the thickness of the metal sheets, of which it is assembled, should exceed 1.5-2 mm. And it is better to be even more.
  • When choosing a cylinder or suvalden mechanism, attention is paid to the number of shut-off plates. There must be a minimum of four. Metal elements must be durable, non-separating hacksaw.
  • For efficient protection, two locks are chosen. It is better than one, even the most reliable. The attacker will spend more time and effort to operate both constipation.
  • Well, if the keyhole and the case are closed with armor-labels. They prevent physical exposure to the mechanism.
  • It is better to buy products of the famous manufacturer. Popular brands such as Gardian, Ellebor, Cerber, Cisa or Apecs supply only a quality product. They leave their corporate signs on the case and keys. Their presence guarantees authenticity. This also must be checked.

Before buying the product carefully examines. There should be no mechanical damage, defects of the case, chip or rust. All these are signs of marriage or improper storage, which will affect the operation. From such a product it is better to refuse. It is worth checking the mechanical part in action. It is opened and closed, listening to the move of the details. There should be no "jams" or "bounce". Well, when elements move easily and smoothly.

Features of the choice of constipation for interior door

It does not require serious protection, such as at the entrance. Typically, a practical option "Handle-Castle" is installed. In this case, there are features to pay attention to.

  • Locking reliability. It depends on the operating conditions. So, for the living room or kitchen, durable constipation with the retainer is not so needed. Whereas for the bathroom or bathroom it is necessary.
  • Silent work. Relevant for a bedroom or children's room, where extra noise, especially at night, is absolutely not needed.
  • Pen manufacturing material. The intensity of operation affects the appearance of the product. To save an attractive look, it is worth choosing brass or stainless steel.

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How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_22

How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_23

How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention 11174_24

The right choice of door constipation guarantees the safety of property and the safety of everyone who lives in the apartment.

  • Suwald Castle: 3 transcoding methods

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