How to fill the house with a pleasant aroma: 6 simple and efficient lifehak


Make the house to foul and bring to it the atmosphere of comfort can be without special means. In our selection - options that will help do it without difficulty.

How to fill the house with a pleasant aroma: 6 simple and efficient lifehak 11207_1

H & M Home

Photo: H & M Home

1 Make a fragrant decoction

Pour water in a large pan, add pieces of citrus, herbs in it, like lavender or mint, and put it on a slow fire. Soon a warm enveloping smell will spread throughout the apartment. Such a liquid can be slowly boiled for a long time, using a pleasant fragrance. A good option for a relaxed evening at home, a chamber friendly suit.

If you add cinnamon and dried apples to the water, it turns out a cozy winter flavor. Such a decoction can be pouring into beautiful jars and give someone to the holidays.

2 Remove unpleasant sewer odors

If the paramount task is not to ensure that the apartment is fragrant, but to get rid of the unpleasant odor of the sink or bath, you can pour into the draining liquid soap with the aroma of lemon or throw the crumpled lemon and lime zest and rinse it well. If the smell does not disappear, pour the soda to the drain and rinse it with warm water. Soda perfectly neutralizes unpleasant odors.

  • 8 ways to settle a pleasant fragrance in your bathroom

3 Place aromatic candles in unexpected places


Photo: H & M Home

Aromatic candles - a rather obvious way to make the smell in the house is pleasant. But it is not necessary to light them: try to put them in unusual places, for example in a lounge closet. Fabrics quickly absorb fragrances, so every time you will get them or just open the wardrobe, you will be waiting for a fragrant surprise.

  • How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying

4 Get yourself home plants

Flowers in the house not only clean the air and please the eye - many of them are also smelled. Among such plants are Arab Jasmine, Gardenia, indoor mint and eucalyptus.

5 Use ventilation or air conditioner

Attach the usual car fragrance to the vent or air conditioner. Air flow will dismiss the fragrance from it all over the apartment.

6 Bake something

bakery products

Photo: Pixabay.

Doubly a pleasant way to make the house be bullshit - prepare baking. The smell from buns with cinnamon, ginger cookies or banana bread stunning. There is nothing to say about taste.

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