Furnaces and fireplaces for giving: how to make the right choice


Not in every country house there is a place for a masonry furnace or a massive fireplace, and today many owners prefer to buy compact and light factory appliances. We tell than guided by choosing such a hearth.

Furnaces and fireplaces for giving: how to make the right choice 11295_1

Sit at Camelka

Photo: shutterstock / fotodom.ru

Sit at Camelka

Casting furnace F 3 (from 50 thousand rubles). Photo: jotul.

The fireplace or metal furnace is difficult to use as the main heating device even in a small house, because all the time, and the day and night, throwing up firewood, which is extremely uncomfortable, and not every furnace is designed for permanent operation. However, small fireplace or stove can be used to support the main heating system in particular frosty days, as well as quick warm-up of the house during the "non-and-noon" visits. And of course, the wood focus is needed to create a coziness and a romantic atmosphere, without which the country dwelling loses part of its charms.

So, what does the market offer and what parameters should be paid when choosing an instrument?

Sit at Camelka

Cast iron furnace Jotul: stylized under the ancient F 602 (from 30 thousand rubles). Photo: jotul.

Metal oven.

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Casting furnace F 373 with a rotary case (from 90 thousand rubles). Photo: jotul.

Metal furnaces, which are often called bourgearies today, is the cheapest version of the wood focus. The steel stove of Russian production (brands "Thermophore", "Vesuvius", "Teplodar" "Varvara" and others) will cost 6-11 thousand rubles, and its mass will be less than 50 kg, so that it will be possible to save on delivery and installation . Many bourgeities are equipped with burners, and some - convection devices (ventilated covers or overhead air channels) and a small viewing breakdown on the door, which, however, will very quickly overgrow me.

Sit at Camelka

Steel furnace-fireplace "Meta": "Valdai" with a capacity of 10 kW and weighing 105 kg (from 289 thousand rubles) (B). All models are made of steel. Photo: "Meta"

The bubzhuyka furnace is an acceptable option only for temporary housing. She is unlikely to decorate the interior (in the article we will not talk about the exclusive models of foreign firms), and its furnace is so small, that throwing firewood is hardly not every half hour.

Sit at Camelka

Convection furnace ("Air-heryed boiler") of the "Butakov" series (from 11 thousand rubles), compact and looks pretty modern. The design is equipped with a replaceable grate and retractable ash drawer. Photo: "Thermophore"

For heating, cottages are more wise enough to purchase a convection furnace of long-term combustion worth 13-24 thousand rubles. Depending on the size. The mass of such an instrument varies in the range of 55-120 kg, the nominal thermal power is 10-20 kW, and the volume of the furnace is 80-140 liters. Such devices are equipped with a valve with a gourmet on the exhaust pipe, which allows you to adjust the burning intensity. Large models are capable of working on one wood laying up to 5 hours.

The most famous designs of such furnaces - "Buleryan" (now its copies of "Breneran" and "Valerian" are produced; the latter differs from the original by the presence of security casing) and "butaks". The construction of the "Buleryan", without a doubt, is more successful, since it is "more correct" in it (in the upper part is much stronger than in the bottom) and do not eat the heatpace. But "Butakov" looks aesthetic than his barrel-shaped fellow.

Sit at Camelka

Steel furnace-fireplace "META": "Yenisei" with a capacity of 11 kW and weighing 135 kg (from 35 thousand rubles) (b); "Valdai" with a capacity of 10 kW and weighing 135 kg (from 35 thousand rubles) 135 kg (from 35 thousand rubles). Photo: "NII KM"

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Burning "Valerian" is equipped with a safety casing; The cost of the furnaces of this type is from 13 thousand rubles. Photo: "Thermophore"

The main disadvantage of long-burning furnaces is the low-temperature mode of operation (degeneration), in which a significant part of the fuel is not burning, but turns into gaseous substances that are thrown into the street through the chimney. The secondary download camera and air injectors are ineffective: the temperature in the firebox is insufficient to ignite flue gases.

Sit at Camelka

The pellet furnace BRIO is several times more expensive than its wood counterparts, but it is capable of working in automatic mode. Photo: Edilkamin.

5 Soviets for the operation of the wood focus

  1. Purchase firewood in advance so that they are drunk in a field for at least 3-4 months. It is unprofitable to drown raw wood (a significant part of the energy is spent on the evaporation of moisture), moreover, a lot of smoke condensate is formed.
  2. Do not top the furnace by cropping the chipboard, OSP and similar plates, during the combustion of which poisonous substances are distinguished; Part of them can penetrate the room, and the neighbors are unlikely to thank you for the malware smoke over the village.
  3. If the furnace is not designed for high-temperature burning, it follows, molding it, cover up air dampers at least one third.
  4. Follow the state of the chimney. It must be cleaned not less than once a year (during the operation of a long-burning furnace - 2-3 times a year). Fire soot in the pipe threatens the fire located next to the pipe of wooden structures.
  5. Slashing from the hearth can be fertilized under the garden plants, with the exception of coniferous trees and shrubs that prefer acidic soil.

Sit at Camelka

Steel furnace-fireplace "Meta": "Baikal 8" with a nominal thermal capacity of 8 kW and a mass of 97 kg (from 31 thousand rubles). Photo: "Meta"

  • 5 types of fireplaces for a private house


Sit at Camelka

Steel "Fire Battery" (from 14 thousand rubles). Photo: "Thermophore"

Fireplace furnaces (as well as cannopers) are called appliances equipped with a glass with a glass and fully prepared for installation, that is, not requiring facing. Our market contains products of Russian companies "Vesuvius", "Meta", "Ekocamin" and others; Foreign Invicta, Supra, Tim Sistem, Vermont Castings, Jotul, ABX, etc. Caminopowel weighs 60-100 kg, which means that the device can be installed even on the second floor of the house with beam overlaps.

If you have not yet decided on the installation site of the caminet or the way of laying the chimney, please note that the design of the two connections pipe: upper and rear.

Sit at Camelka

AOT-06 furnace (from 17 thousand rubles) (g), can be used for cooking. Photo: BRENERAN.

The cost of furnaces begins from 13 thousand. rub. and depends on the name of the manufacturer, dimensions, material and complexity of the design. Cast iron devices are more expensive than steel (from 22 thousand rubles), are considered more resistant to the effects of high temperature and besides, by considerable (up to 10 mm) wall thickness, capable of accumulating heat. However, the overwhelming majority of high-quality steel models (from the inside of 16 thousand rubles) with chamotte blocks or vermiculite plates (refractory mineral), therefore also have thermal inertia and durable: the real service life reaches 25 years.

In most modern fireflows there is a function of secondary survivors; Air supply to the combustion zone of flue gases is carried out through the rear wall of the furnace (EMDIP) or through injectors (Edil Kamin, La Nordica, Jotul). But so that additional heat from the combustion of the flue gas does not leave the house through the chimney, at the bottom of the latter it is necessary to provide special heat reduction and heat accumulating elements (from cast iron, ceramics, stone).

Sit at Camelka

Small dimensions, the furnace-fireplace ILOT has a thermal capacity of 8 kW. The main features of the aggregate are a two-chamber furnace and a rolled decorative shell-radiator. Photo: Invicta.

On the market you can find steel firefoot without lining, which cost no more than 12 thousand rubles. and weigh 40-60 kg, which facilitates their transportation and installation, but the walls made of fine (less than 3 mm) steel, with intensive operation, can be deformed, which leads to the destruction of welding seams.

Some ovens are lined with thin-walled ceramics or natural stone, such as talcomagnesite. The price of this option is noticeable (from 10 thousand rubles), but the stove looks more elegantly and it does not piss with unbearable heat, like burzhuyka, as ceramics and potted stone absorb and dispel a part of the heat radiation from the steel case.

Sit at Camelka

Furnace with ceramic finish Enbra Pegas. Photo: Enbra


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It is believed that the vertical firebox, as in the RAIS Pilar model, ensures the most efficient burning. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

For a spacious living room, it is worth purchasing the so-called facial complex, that is, a metal furnace with a selled cladding of artificial or natural stone. The market presents budget furnaces of Esocamin, Ferguss, Kratki, Nordflam, Invicta, etc., Bella Italia, Meta, et al. Compact fireplaces (the width of the finished design is not more than 1 m, the depth - up to 70 cm) cost 27- 35 thousand rubles.

When installing a frame complex, it is necessary to provide convection holes: input - at the bottom of the cladding, the output is in the chimney casing.

Sit at Camelka

The cheapest firebox for a used fireplace with one glass will cost. Photo: Ferlux

The factory firebox is equipped with a door with glass and air dampers (Sewber, as a rule, is an additional option). Without exception, steel models are lounged with chamotte or vermiculite blocks, most of the smoke gases have a function. The cleanliness of the glass of the door is ensured by blowing it through special gaps. Pyrolytic glass cleaning, lifting door or convection fan increase the price of the furnace at least one and a half times.

Sit at Camelka

Most of the facing are made in a classic style: base with arched woodcut, wall-columns, decorated with capitals, jumper-frieze and shelf. Photo: "Fireplaces of the XXI century"

Sit at Camelka

The angular models are equipped with an additional heat-resistant glass in the side wall, and therefore their price is 20-30% higher. Photo: Invicta.

From the point of view of the design, the factory facial complex is not inferior to his masonry analogue, and in something surpasses it. Modules of budget frames are made from painted in the mass to a noble gray or yellowish color of light concrete, as well as from natural sandstone and sewer - environmentally friendly and attractive externally materials. True, they are difficult to care (wash off pollution from the porous surface problematic) and almost do not accumulate heat - for one and a half or two hours a fireplace will completely cool.

Sit at Camelka

Photo: "NII KM"

Sit at Camelka

It is even more expensive than a firebox with convection casing and nozzles for connecting air heating sleeves. Photo: Invicta.

The weight of the facing is 80-150 kg, and the entire firecroof (excluding chimney, the load from which can be transferred to the wall) weighs about 200-250 kg. In the house with modern slaughterhouses, it can be installed without a foundation, but if there are wooden beam overlaps, it will be necessary to reinforce them with reference pillars.

You can collect the design in one day: the cladding consists of only several modules bonded by silicate glue. It is somewhat more complicated to build a decorative casing for a metal pipe of the chimney: its frame is collected from metal galvanized profiles, and the covering is performed from sheet materials on a plaster or cement basis (for example, GVL thickness 12.5 mm).

Chimney seams for furnaces and fireplaces

Sit at Camelka

The furnace with a ceramic finish of Enbra Olimp costs 2-3 times more expensive than ordinary steel models, but it looks more effectively and is also able to accumulate heat and give it within 2-3 hours after the end of the furnace.

It should be morally prepared for the fact that the chimney is likely to cost more than the hearth. Of course, for the budget stove to buy dear ceramic pipes - quite enough steel warmed sandwiches worth from 1800 to 4500 rubles. For 1 p. m, depending on the diameter, the steel grade and the thickness of the insulation.

Sit at Camelka

The furnace-built furnace will cost weekly, from 45 thousand rubles, but it can be saved on the frame. All you need is fire-resistant plasterboard, steel profiles for frame and vintage. Photo: Edilkamin.

It is desirable that the chimney canal is made of stainless steel grades 308, 321 according to the classification of AISI or their Russian analogs, and the thickness of its walls was at least 0.7 mm (alas, the pipes with the walls of 0.5 mm are more common). Without insulation, it is allowed to lay only the first 1-2 M pipes, then it must be insulated with a layer of stone or ceramic wool with a thickness of at least 30 mm (optimally 40-50 mm). Long burning furnace, with a lot of condensate, it is desirable to equip the chimney from the austenitic steels (AISI 430, 439), resistant to the effects of acids.

Methods for connecting a furnace to chimney

Furnaces and fireplaces for giving: how to make the right choice

Nozzle (to the upper nozzle) (a) through a tee (to the rear nozzle) (b). 1 - wooden wall; 2 - furnace; 3 - one-connecting chimney; 4 - condensate collector; 5 - non-combustible thermal insulation (stone or ceramic wool); 6 - thermally insulating mat (ceramic wool + asbestos cardboard); 7 - gypsum fiber leaf; 8 - Heated double-circuit chimney

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