How to spectacularly place pictures in the living room: 10 tips and ideas


The placement of paintings on the walls and other surfaces can strongly affect the composition and geometry of the interior. We bring to your attention useful ideas and lifehaki, how to make it most correctly and harmoniously.

How to spectacularly place pictures in the living room: 10 tips and ideas 11296_1

1 Model Location

How to spectacle raising pictures in the living room: 10 original ideas

Interior Design: Intro Inred

If you like some picture in the store, do not hurry with her purchase before you determine suitable place for it. Measure the size of the picture and cut the layout of cardboard or paper. After that, attach this layout in different locations - above the sofa, chest or fireplace. Calculate the height and be prepared even to move the furniture before you find for a picture or compositions from paintings by the most necessary place.

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2 Pick up proportions

How to spectacle raising pictures in the living room: 10 original ideas

Photo: Desenio.

The picture should be proportionally proportionate to the furniture in the living room: it is very important for the overall composition of the interior and visual perception. It should not be lured against the background of furniture or take on all attention.

It is believed that the picture is placed optimally, if its side boundaries are slightly shorter furniture, over which it is located. The same applies to compositions from pictures or photographs. The exception is the option when the designer fills the entire wall with pictures on the gallery principle (now it is a fashionable microtrend), but the rest of the walls should be completely free.

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3 Think about the background

How to spectacularly arrange paintings in the living room: 10 original ideas and tips

Interior Design: Studio ENJOY HOME

If you do not act as the principle of the museum, then near each picture it is necessary to create some "buffer space" to relax the visual perception. This technique will allow the most organically to enter pictures in the interior of the living room.

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4 Make up the plot

Shapely highlight the center of the picture or composition so that the median horizontal line of the pattern coincided with the view focus. The easiest way is to hang a picture or several paintings in the center of the wall. Image and stylist plot pick up the style and concept of the interior: for example, the classic is friendly with symmetry and stricter lines, and modern styles are combined with more bold color gammas and images.

How to spectacularly arrange paintings in the living room: 10 original ideas and tips

Interior Design: Julia Veselova

Avoid the location of pictures near high cabinets and below 60 cm from the plinth: if you want to be low - it is better to simply put the picture by leaving it to the wall. Please note that large vertical images are able to visually increase the volume of the room or wall, and too small pictures will look not very organic on an empty wall.

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5 Large-scale composition

How to spectacularly arrange paintings in the living room: 10 original ideas and tips

Interior Design: Domus Nova

If you have enough space on the wall to accommodate a large number of small pictures or posters, it is better to approach this Hadache with preparation. Do not hurry and assemble the perfect composition of artwork in different styles. Ideally, you need to experiment with the future weighing, laying out the composition on the floor and choosing an asymmetrical script, in which large images are collected around themselves a little formal illustration.

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6 group of paintings in the corner

How to spectacularly arrange paintings in the living room: 10 original ideas and tips

Interior Design: Moodhern

Corners are a weak place in many apartments, but if after the corner there is a small empty simpleness - this is your case. Here there will be their own line of symmetry - the junction between the walls: while the composition will stretch in one direction horizontally, and the other will take place in the simpleness.

7 Pictures on the shelves

How to spectacularly arrange paintings in the living room: 10 original ideas and tips

Interior Design: Esther Hershcovich

One of the simplest schemes that allows you to harmoniously arrange photos in the frames, - organize them on several narrow horizontal shelves. For example, fill in this way niche or distance between the cabinets. You can place the pictures one to another or even a mustache.

How to spectacularly arrange paintings in the living room: 10 original ideas and tips

Interior Design: David Rausch Studio

This museum reception, in which images are attached to the fishing line, are often used in cases where there is no possibility to drill walls in ten places. For an apartment there is a simpler and original reception - pull the line in the space of a large frame, and the paintings hang symmetrically in it.

9 Floor to ceiling

How to spectacularly arrange paintings in the living room: 10 original ideas and tips

Interior Design: Elaine Musiwa

This vertical strategy can also be adopted if you are not frightened by bold experiments. The obvious advantage of this approach - the collection can be complemented and modified by mood, without fearing that the scheme will fall apart if you have any fragment from it.

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10 above the door

How to spectacularly arrange paintings in the living room: 10 original ideas and tips

Interior Design: Adam Butler PhotoRag

Usually, photos and pictures advise placing at eye level so that they were comfortable to look at, but the world of design knows more cunning techniques. For example, too high ceilings in the living room (and it happens!) You can visually omit, if you make images under the ceiling - above the linen of cabinets or doorways.

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