Little Toilet Interior: 15 charming options


Even a small fitting room can be made beautiful and cozy. We share impressive examples of such a design.

Little Toilet Interior: 15 charming options 11360_1

1 in eco-style

Wooden panels, untreated stone, plants and soft light allow you to get lost in the midst of the wild forest (but not to the detriment of comfort). Natural colors and vegetable motifs will ask to taste those who love to relax in nature.

13 charming interiors of small restrooms

Design: Studio "Force"

2 shades of gray

In this interior, the rate is made on gray, and barely catchy nuances create the difference in textures. Here, attention is paid not to color accents, but the shape of the decor: so, the lampshade, without falling out of the overall monochromicity, becomes the center of the composition due to the size.



3 Interior with bookshelves

A good idea is to use time in a reading toilet. The library in the restroom is not only an unusual way to decorate, but also an additional opportunity to save space in the living room or bedroom.

Photo: Leroy Merlin

Photo: Leroy Merlin

4 Vintage Spirit

The small interior of the toilet is filled with motifs from the past: the 50s of the 50s are combined with wooden floors and cute accessories.



5 in pastel colors

Gentle shades, touch of pastels, well-chosen accessories. This interior is as simple as Elegance.

Design: Miami and Ft. LAUDERDALE INTERIOR.

Design: Miami and Ft. LAUDERDALE INTERIOR.

6 Decoration of black color

Black walls to create an intimate setting - for many this solution seems doubtful. But this interior demonstrates the effectiveness of the reception. However, it is not necessary to dive in the dark, the light brown floor compensates for the "gloomy" of the walls and adds light.

Photo: Cromatica Studio

Photo: Cromatica Studio

7 east style

Walls, fully covered with turquoise tiles, combine the space together. This restroom presents an oriental ornament that does not lose its relevance.

Design: Lonny.

Design: Lonny.

8 Eco-minimalism

The tree is always relevant and loved for their warmth and simplicity. In the design of the toilet, you can use both untreated wood and smooth boards, as in this interior.

Design: Douglas Gibb

Design: Douglas Gibb

9 Creative interior

A wall on which you can write with chalk is not only a good way to leave small notes and reminders, but also a very original decor element.

Design: Texier et Soulas

Design: Texier et Soulas

10 Interior in urban style

Newspapers and magazines with their fresh news no longer find themselves places on the coffee table, but move onto the walls. The decision from the past in the new reading becomes relevant today.

Photo: Leroy Merlin

Photo: Leroy Merlin

11 Marble room

Strict marble coldness here compensates for its warm shade and soft warming backlight.

Design: Fabrice Ausset

Design: Fabrice Ausset

12 Snow white interior

Almost sterile white walls and ceiling is shaved by dark gray ceramic tiles on the floor. This interior will accurately like the fans of minimalism.

Design: Studio Klopf Architecture

Design: Studio Klopf Architecture

13 in traditional style

The restroom in traditional style acquires a new sound due to modern plumbing and wallpaper. Toiletries and accessories found a place in a closet over a wash bunch.

Design: Joni Spear

Design: Joni Spear

14 in modern style

In this interior, the focus is made on the graphic print with tropical motifs that does not lose its relevance. One of the walls is made in the form of a partition highlighted from the inside. A pair of bright accents in the form of an intricate chandelier and a photo with a vacation completed the interior in a modern style.

Design: Carolina V. Gentry

Design: Pulp Design Studios

15 in the Spirit of Renaissance

The implementation of a small bathroom, in which everything speaks Italian: ranging from plumbing and wallpapers with the image of the old Italian town and ending with the decor with elements of the era of the Renaissance and the first-class Italian ceramics.

Design: Alia Bengana

Design: Alia Bengana

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