Anti-Client Systems for Scope Roofing


We tell, in what cases in a private house you need to install the electrical heating system of the roof, from which components it consists and how the heating cable can be used behind the city.

Anti-Client Systems for Scope Roofing 11361_1

Means from icicles

Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev

Finding on the roof almost does not harm roofing, but it represents a completely real danger to building structures and inhabitants of the house. Icicles tear away the drainage gutter, when falling can damage the following visors and roofs, finally, cause injuries to people. However, meter icicles grow far from each roof. Why? Now explain.

Means from icicles

Self-regulating heating cables are ideal for laying in gutters and pipes. Photo: Emerson.

Why icicles are formed

The most intense ice is formed on poorly designed or with the errors of the roof. The bottom line is that the "wrong" roof is closer to the skate in winter heated with warm air from the following premises. Snow in this zone melts, water flows to the eaves, where the temperature is lower, and turns into a lot. This happens, let's say if the device has been saved on the insulation and forgot to provide for the attic ventilation.

Another example is the inept fulfillment of the roofing pie of the attic: the builders "forgotten" about the underlining ventilation gap, blocked it with a fence or incorrectly laid a hydraulic protection film, as a result of which a probe and lost its properties of the insulation.

At a competently performed roof, the icicles are formed only as a result of specific meteo conditions - multiple alternation of thaws and frosts, and the scale of "disaster" is much smaller. Here it is quite possible to do without a system of electrical heating, but only if pedestrian tracks are not laid directly under the cornese swells, the platforms for recreation and parking lots are not arranged and glass structures are not erected.

Means from icicles

The resistive cable can be purchased in the bay, and on the object to manufacture the sections of the desired length. Photo: xLayder

Means from icicles

The cable is folded along the cornices. Special clips and self-tapping screws are used for attachment. Photo: CST

How the anti-change system is arranged

The anti-deposit system consists of heating cables that are fixed on the roof, feed and switching wires laid by the building as well as control blocks and sensors responsible for the timely inclusion of heating.

The heaters use two main types of cable - constant power (from 10 to 30 W / m) and self-regulating. In turn, the cables of constant power are two varieties - single-core and dwended. At the first height, the height of the resistive alloy nichrome was enclosed in polymer insulation and metal shielding shell. On the two sides of this cable, the feed ends are derived, which must be connected to the power grid. A more modern two-core cable parallel with the resistive resistance (copper, aluminum) lived parallel to resistance. At the end of the section (segment) of the cable, two conductor connect and waterproof this node with a special coupling. The two-core cable is about 30% more expensive than one-core, but it is easier to install.

Self-regulating cables change heat dissipation depending on the ambient conditions and temperature. It does not give the cable overheat and fail, which provides high security and reliability of the system. Such cables are easily cut by sections of arbitrary length (up to several tens of meters) directly on the object, which makes them comfortable in use. Flat cross section provides good contact with a heated surface, reducing heat loss.

Theoretically, it is possible to control the system manually, including it, when meteo conditions contribute to the formation of the icicles (that is, with circonal temperatures). However, in practice, it is extremely uncomfortable, and not to do without the "smart" electronics - temperature sensors and humidity, precipitation and water, thermostators. In addition, protective devices are an important and necessary component of the system - automata, RCD and Uzip.

Means from icicles

Sensors, such as a humidity sensor help control the system. Photo: CST

How is the system of anti-location

As a rule, the heating cable sections are unfolded along the eaves and in the zone of the snake 50-70 cm wide (depending on the length of the skate); In the drainage grooves and pipes, the cable is plugged linearly, and in addition, they are assembled on snow-sowers. Fastening sections to roofing is carried out using special clips. At the same time, the coverage has to do many additional holes, which may further affect its durability. Therefore, the qualifications of mothers and the quality of the materials used, in particular, roofing sealant are very important.

Approximate cost of installation of an anti-icing system for a roof (taking into account materials)

Non-flag systems roofing

Units. change

Cost per unit. change, rub.

Installation of roofing systems based on resistive constant power cable

rm. M.

from 330.

Installation of roofing systems based on self-regulating cable

rm. M.

from 700.

Maintenance of anti-False systems

house from 10,000

Additional system features

Means from icicles

Photo: CST

Short segments of the resistive cable can be used for local heating of building structures and engineering systems. Let's say, if you pave them inside the box of the steel door, then this will prevent the formation of a land in the rope zone. Specialists of installation firms have been made successful attempts by equipment of electric rolled garage garage doors, and in the line of many firms there are products for defrosting cranes and valves, which will be used to summer houses that skipped freezing and in time not filling water from the individual water supply system on time. Finally, a powerful armored cable can be used in the snowmate systems on the steps of the porch and open areas, where it is fitted into the concrete tile under the tile.

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