5 simple tricks for registration of a small apartment


These tips will help you visually increase the apartment and find the place where it seemed to be practically no.

5 simple tricks for registration of a small apartment 11366_1

1 Get rid of superfluous

To get an additional space, sometimes you just need to conduct an audit and throw away or sell old furniture and decor elements.


Design: SWAN Architects

This is especially true for young people moving to a new place: it is likely that the old grandmother's sofa and souvenirs purchased in studentship are no longer answered to your new, more adult status. It's time to get rid of them and acquire things that are more suitable for your current lifestyle, and the humble space of the apartment.

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2 Analyze your needs

To make the apartment as functional as possible, you need to place priorities. Think, for example, whether you really need a dining table or there will be enough bar rack. Decide whether a separate work area is required or more importantly create additional storage spaces. The answers to these seems to be simple, but important questions will help the most rational to organize space.


Design: Anna Piwonska

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3 Create a color scheme for each room.

Competent color use helps not only bring individuality to the interior, but also zonate an apartment. For example, in the living room you can afford bright color combinations, and in the bedroom it is better to give preference to muted tones.


Design: Ham Interiors

Also, do not forget that the color can visually expand or, on the contrary, eat the space. Light shades that perform the first function will be most appropriate in a small apartment.

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4 Choose suitable furniture

For a small apartment will not fit the items of large size: they will deal with themselves and emphasize a small metra. However, the abundance of too small furniture can play with the interior of the same evil joke: with tiny chairs, tables and deputies the apartment will be reminding the home of the thimble. The optimal option is to combine medium and small furniture.

But in any case, for harmonious arrangement, you will have to plan everything well and calculate that all important elements there is a place.


Design: Marion Alberge

By the way, one more excellent option for a small apartment is a multifunctional or foldable furniture. It saves precious centimeters, and this is exactly what you need.

5 Use vertical space

A small member is a good reason to look up. Add the shelves, racks, hang pictures not around the perimeter of the room, but in several rows on one wall. Such a simple reception will help you get a new place almost from nothing.


Photo: IKEA

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