20 rules of impeccable kitchen


The perfect kitchen should be comfortable, beautiful and cozy. We tell about simple and universal ways to achieve such a result.

20 rules of impeccable kitchen 11374_1

1 Divide the space on the zone

The kitchen is one of the most "active" rooms of the apartment: there is a lot of processes - from cooking to friendly gatherings. Therefore, so that its space does not look chaotic, it is important to organize it correctly. The first step is to highlight the working areas and the recreation area.


Photo: Beautifulhabitatat.com.

2 Observe the kitchen triangle rule

The main working areas of the kitchen are the cooking area, the sink zone and the storage area. To facilitate the work process, they must be associated with a conditional triangle, whose vertices are a stove, sink and refrigerator. Thanks to this approach, your actions will be as fast as possible and coordinated.


Photo: Beautifulhabitatat.com.

3 Think about what you most often do

Your kitchen should work for you, and not vice versa. To achieve this, analyze what you most often do there and which items use more than others. It is they who should be on an outdoor kitchen space, at a distance of an elongated hand. All the rest should be removed away.


Photo: Roseuniacke.com.

4 Take care of storage locations

One of the most important criteria for good cuisine is a thoughtful storage system. It is possible to organize it in different ways, but most importantly - to ensure enough space. Calculate all stocks, devices and utensils that need to be placed, and laid an additional place in the system - in the future it is accurately useful.


New kitchen "Fabio". Photo: "Stylish kitchens"

The new cuisine "Fabio" from the company "Stylish kitchens" automatically solves all the problems associated with storage. You are free to order the number of components you need, and place all your belongings. An additional advantage is that you can combine open racks with closed cabinets, thus creating not only a practical, but also a beautiful storage system.

5 Use open shelves

Open shelves give space lightness and therefore especially needed in the design of a small kitchen. You only need to observe order on them - and then the reception will accurately work.


Design: J + A Design

You may not be limited to one or two shelves. If the places between, above or under them, boldly place there a new shelf (and not alone!).

6 Enter the ceiling space

If the kitchen is very small, it makes sense to use all the free centimeters, including those that are high enough. There you can accommodate, for example, rarely used kitchenware.


Photo: Thecabinetmakerslovetale.com.

7 Get rid of excess dishes

Admit to honestly: you do not need all 10 sets, which caring relatives gave you along the move. One person, a pair or a small family is quite a small amount of dishes - strategic reserves, if any, just dust and occupy a place in the kitchen. With them it is worth saying about.

Remember: It is always better to buy a few beautiful designer plates than the cheap set of unbearable dishes, which will cause only irritation.


Photo: LittleGreene.eu.

If you have a big family and dishes really need a lot, remove the part in the cabinets. So the space will look less lit.

8 Do not hide dishes

Reverse the previous reception - set all the dishes on the review. It may well perform a decorative function if all the elements are combined with each other, and the composition itself looks harmonious.


Photo by Elisabethheier.no.

9 Use transparent storage tanks

In cans from transparent glass or plastic, spices, tea, coffee, cereals and other similar products can be stored. On the one hand, it is practical: you always see what you have, you can quickly find the desired ingredient and notice in time that it ends. On the other hand, it just looks beautiful.


Photo: marrakechdesign.se.

10 Choose Modern Design Solutions for Registration

No matter how beautiful the kitchen is organized, it will not be impeccable until you take care of its appearance. Starting with the choice of furniture and techniques that meet the latest design ideas.


New kitchen headset "Loft". Photo: "Stylish kitchens"

Excellent choice - models from "stylish kitchens". For example, the new Loft headsets, which perfectly fit into the fashionable industrial interior or makes the neutral space look more modern.

11 Shake to minimalism

Minimalism - synonym for style and high intact. Yes, this interior direction often choose the owners of huge houses and penthouses, but nothing prevents the owners of the more modest apartments to use it in the design. In this case, the kitchen will look more sophisticated.


Photo: marrakechdesign.se.

12 arrange dining space

It is difficult to present the kitchen without dinners with loved ones and friends, so it is important to equip not only working areas, but also a place where people will be gathering. Make it comfortable and comfortable, and then the kitchen will become a true heart of the house.


Photo: marrakechdesign.se.

13 Do not be afraid of monochrome interior

There is a stereotype that the space decorated in one color looks boring. This is not true. Of course, if you paint all four walls in an acidic color, it will be difficult to be in them. But, for example, the dominant white is more than a successful solution. It always refreshes the interior and visually expands the room. For a small kitchen - an excellent option.


Design: J + A Design

Moreover, even a visually heavy black color can be appropriate in the kitchen, if you dilute it with lighter details. By the way, the black interior is one of the last interior trends.


Design: Architecture and Design Studio Int2

14 Experiment with brightness

What is the opposite reception - to use bright colors in the kitchen. If we competently arrange accents, the room will not look like a multicolored madness - on the contrary, the interior will become more stylish and individual.


New kitchen "Fabio". Photo: "Stylish kitchens"

Are you afraid not to cope with a bright palette? Then choose the kitchen "Fabio" from the company "Stylish kitchens". The model is complemented by various colorful and original facades, the design of which is designed by professionals. You can only decide on your favorite color: the choice of yellow, red, carrot and other shades, and the combination of colors in the whole headset are already thought out for you!

15 Do not forget about the decor

Accessories - another way to bring individuality to your kitchen. Choose objects that are harmonized with the common style of space and each other, and the interior immediately acquires character and finished look.


Design: Architecture and Design Studio Int2

16 Add some art

Who said that in the kitchen there is only inexpensive accessories and practical things? You can easily make this space more sophisticated by placing pictures or sculptures in it. Especially appropriate they will look at the dining area.


Photo: Roseuniacke.com.

17 Tell me "yes" bold combinations

Modern interior design is built on bold and unexpected combinations. If you want your kitchen to look beautiful and fresh, without fear, mix different materials and forms.

For example, now in the interior it is appropriate to use different metals at the same time: steel, bronze, copper and others.


Photo: sarahshermansamuel.com

The combination of different materials in the flooring, such as tiles and laminate, is another popular reception.


Photo: SuzannKletzien.com.

18 Add Light

One and even two light bulbs is clearly not enough. Increase the number of luminaires and lamps - and the room will not only work easier and more pleasant to work, but it will also seem more spacious.


Photo: SuzannKletzien.com.

19 Likement Space

Indoor plants and bouquets of living colors revive any interior, kitchen - no exception.


Photo: SuzannKletzien.com.

20 Bring nature to the kitchen in another way

Naturalness is not only a fashion trend. We live surrounded by glass and concrete, sometimes you want something more natural. The most optimal output is to choose furniture from materials imitating natural. On the one hand, it will remind of nature and give calm, on the other - it will cost much cheaper models from natural raw materials.


New kitchen headset "Loft". Photo: "Stylish kitchens"

Finishing new cuisines in the style of Loft from the company "Stylish kitchens" is the perfect imitation of the tree and stone. One look at such a headset raises the mood!

"Stylish kitchens" - immaculate kitchens

And not only the kitchen: the company is engaged in the production of various furniture for home - wardrobes, wardrobe, bedroom furniture, children's, living room and hallway. The quality of all product positions is invariably left at the height!


A novelty from "stylish kitchens" is a soft bed "Florence", which combines a pronounced classic style, convenience and comfort. The model is distinguished by a high bent back, designed with a volumetric weighting. The design includes the kings of the rounded form. The bed can also be made in artificial skin, and the back is decorated with buttons or Swarovski rhinestones. Photo: "Stylish kitchens"

  • Not everyone will risk: 10 truly boldly decorated kitchens

Dream about impeccable kitchen and stylish furniture? Then contact one of the Moscow stylish kitchen sales salons. Soon all the hits and news of the brand will also be available to residents of St. Petersburg - in November, the corporate salon will open at Moscow Prospect, 222.

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