Construction of a wooden house: the most important aspects


We list the main nuances for which you should pay attention to designing and erecting a box of a chopped home.

Construction of a wooden house: the most important aspects 11398_1


Selection of material

The quality of timber varies very much depending on the location of the defense, the birch approach to the sorting of logs, the method of their ham and storage.

Place billets

Karelian and Arkhangelsk pine are quite high density, so it is well resisting rotting and extremely rare. A more affordable material from the Kostroma, Smolensk, Nizhny Novgorod and other regions of the middle strip of Russia requires careful antiseptation immediately after the hammer and then before assembling a log.

Pine preferable fir, as it is less than bitch.

Note that the time of the workpiece, according to the majority of specialists, has no significant importance: the forest, cut in December, may contain more moisture than in the summer, it depends on the meteo conditions in a specific year.

Quality ham

The bark from the trunks can be removed by manual or mechanized way. The first is preferable from the point of view that when it is less damaged by the swamp. In any case, the surface of the timber should be smooth, without fever and deep breaks of fibers, branches must be cut off with a log surface. The best quality is achieved when processing with a breakfast with a subsequent grinding, but such a log is approaching rounded. The dyed log, unless it immediately goes to work, should be stored in a ventilated stack under a canopy.

Carved plants

Carved platbands - the traditional decoration of the Russian hut

By the way, many firms offer a "atmospheric drying" log (no more than 40% humidity) is much cheaper than material dried in the chamber. You can buy such a material, only making sure the conscientiousness of the sellers, and for this you need to purchase a moisture meter or learn to determine the moisture of wood by weight.

The dimensions of the cross section of Breign

If you build a house for year-round accommodation, choose a material with such a calculation so that the width (depth) of interventic seams was at least 170 mm. The optimal version is a log diameter from 300 mm. If the cross section is less, then the house is likely to be additionally insulated or tortured with discomfort and increased heating costs in the frosty months.

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Architectural aspect


Breed in the wall is placed so that the subtle ends alternate with thick. (By the way, the difference in thickness is easy to distinguish the usual log from the rounded)

Porch and extension

Those who independently develop a project of the house often allow a rough mistake, believing that the main thing is to emerge the box of the building, and the porch, the terrace and the garage can be attached later. On problem soils (and they prevail from Central Russia) to make an extension so that it does not glance, it is very difficult. It is much more reasonable to build a house entirely - on a single foundation and firmly linking parts for logs.

  • Porch to the wooden house: Tips for creating and design (35 photos)

Eaves and Fronton Rights Roofs

In a wooden house, they are recommended to be done wide - from 0.5 m (even better - from 0.7 m). Such soles will protect the walls from moisture, the interwethold seal will not rot, and the building will last much longer.

Design of Frontton

If the builders are not too experiencing and the budget of construction is small, it is better to abandon the male (folded from login) frontones in favor of the shield - such a design is reliable, cheaper and does not require the use of sling fasteners.

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Construction of walls

Interventical compounds


Wooden brazening do not interfere with the shrink

The crowns should be connected only by wooden brazers. Nails, metal rods, pieces of fittings are not allowed, as the brica may hang on the mounts, and then the walls will be blown out.

Corner connections

Connections with the residue ("in the bowl", "in the chop", "in the region") will increase the consumption of material by 10-15%, but they are warmer and aesthetic compound without a residue ("in the paw").


Well-performed and proximated angular compounds with the residue are not blocked and not freezed

Strengthening openness

Window and doorways in a wooden house are strengthened by casing boxes, over the upper jumper of which include a gap 40-60 mm for shrinkage compensation. This gap is filled with palauls or a different insulation of vegetable fiber.

Screw compensators shrinkage

They equip all racks and pillars (porch, frame walls, etc.). As the wall shrinks, the jacks will have to regulate.


All racks are equipped with screw shrinkage compensators, otherwise the house will glance

Wall decoration

The chopped house should dry and sit down for a year and a half. During this period, it cannot be missed and it is necessary to ensure intensive ventilation of the premises. If the wood was very wet, additional antiseptation of logs may be required. After the end of the shrinkage is processed.

Capital work

Their cost is quite substantial - say, in the Moscow region it is about 60 thousand rubles. For the log cabin-five-rank 6 × 8 m. Crop the house must be sure to "in a circle", the crown behind the crown, otherwise the walls can glance. If it was planned to polish brica, it needs to be done before caulking.


Some firms are used for meh-sphagnum cavities. It is rather an advertising move focused on the adherents of "environmentally friendly construction". Pacle is also a natural material, while it is more durable, cheaper and easier in work than moss.

Outdoor painting

Today there is no shortage of paint materials for wooden facades, but the composition is needed very carefully. The manufacturer must ensure that the coating will last at least 5 years. At the same time, trials should be made on the wall fragments and after complete drying of the composition to consider the result with different lighting, otherwise there is a risk of mistaken with color.

Interior decoration

For interior decoration, the wooden house uses interior oils and varnishes. Sewing log walls with clapboard inexpedient - to this measure, only if the house needs to be inspired.


When internal finishing, use a sliding inches

In the wet zones, a moving inches is tired (regardless of how much a log house has been standing), and then fasten the sheet material (G CLEV, FSF Phaneur), which serves as the basis for tiles or mosaic.

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