Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors


We list the main errors allowed by tiled cladding, and also show how to perform work correctly.

Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_1

The decoration of the bathroom is a complex and expensive enterprise, and it is easy to understand the desire of apartment owners to save, for example on tile facing. Some of the owners themselves are temporarily retracted to the Tilenikov, others find random workers offering their services for a relatively small fee. Alas, in both cases the probability of marriage is very large. And yet it is possible to achieve a satisfactory result, but only if you know typical errors during tile work.

1 Laying tiles on walls of irregular geometry

The geometry of the walls in a multi-storey building may be far from ideal. Especially poor quality of execution in standard santehkabine from monolithic gypsum. Meanwhile, the difference in the width of basic surfaces from the floor and the ceiling will prevent exactly putting the tile: the joints will begin to "walk", will appear visible. Therefore, before starting styling, you need to carefully measure the room, check the level of vertical and horizontal. If the "block" of the walls exceeds 10 mm, it is necessary to align it with a layer of cement plaster for beacons.

  • How to glue tiles: a detailed guide that will not leave questions

2. Laying on uneven walls

Buggers and depressions on the walls make it difficult to laying, as it is required to vary the thickness of the adhesive layer. As a result, some tiles are glued unreliable (only a small amount of solution holds them), and after drying the adhesive due to its uneven shrinkage, ledges may appear between the rows. Orthodox should be previously eliminated by a layer of repair cement mixture reinforced with fibrovolock.

3 Mounting tiles on an unprepared base

Monolithic gypsum, as well as drywall, block, plaster walls must be treated with polymer strengthening primer, otherwise tile glue will quickly give moisture and does not gain project strength.

If the walls were painted with water-level or other paint, it needs to be considered a sharp spatula or wash off with a special composition and only then climb the surface.

4 Using the wrong adhesive solution

Due to the use of overdue adhesive and grout mixtures or improperly preparation of adhesive solution, glue and grout do not gain strength and badly oppose moisture; Grout is washed out of the seams, with time the tile begins to fall off.

5 Start of masonry without "betting" level of the first row

Error in the bottom row, the cause of which can become accidentally caught under the lower edge of one of the tiles pieces of concrete, will affect the following rows and will not allow to install remote cross. If a tile is not very high quality, with significant dimensional tolerances, then before starting work on the walls, you should apply degenerate marking. The easiest way to do it with a laser level.

6 Bad preparation for cutting tiles

Often cutting the tile falls in the process of laying when the glue is already applied to the wall. It is necessary to do it quickly and accurately, and without a good tool and a convenient workplace not to avoid delays leading to the drying of the adhesive composition.

7 Use of tiles from different batches

It is advisable to immediately stock the entire volume of material taking into account (10-15%). The fact is that the tile from different parties can differ significantly in size, and sometimes on a shade.

Tiled facing process

Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_3
Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_4
Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_5
Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_6
Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_7
Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_8

Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_9

When the surfaces are prepared, marking on the wall

Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_10

Tile cutting a good tool takes a few seconds

Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_11

The adhesive composition is evenly distributed over the wall with a toothed spatula

Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_12

Printed tiles

Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_13

The width of the seams is set using remote elements

Wall cladding Tile: 7 typical errors 11401_14

For grouting seams use rubber spatula

  • 9 Errors when repairing the bathroom, which will seriously complicate your life

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